Chapter Sixteen

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*Your P.O.V.*

"So how does the Gallows sound?" Craig asked.

"Scary," I gulped.

"You are going to be the biggest baby about this, aren't you?" he chuckled.

"Scary movies freak me out," I whined.

"You do realize that's the point of them, right?" he laughed.

I playfully punched him in the arm, "Shut up."

I took a seat next to Craig on the couch.  The lights were already off, and all that was left to do was to push play.

"Oh no, I am NOT watching this," I announced as I looked at the Main Menu.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," he reassured as he wrapped his arm around me.

Just as Craig pushed play my phone went off.

S: You know, if you weren't into me, you should have said so, because I'm not wasting my time on a who would rather hang out with scum like Craig.  I almost gave up my relationship on a lying bitch like you.

After I finished reading the message, I over to see Craig reading the message over my shoulder.

Shit, how am I supposed to explain this?

"Marsh really sounds pissed off.  What did you do?" he asked.


"He called me scum, did you two have a thing?" he questioned.

"We kissed," I blurted.

Craig's eyes widened, "You what?"

"Nothing," I laughed nervously.

"No you don't get to do that.  You can't just blurt something and not finish the story.  I need to know what happened before I kick Stan's ass-"

"Why are you going to that?" I asked.

"He shouldn't have the right to talk to you like that,"  Craig answered.

I felt my heart flutter.

"Okay, so last week, Stan started texting me," I started.

Secrets have to come out at some point.

"Then he asked me to hangout.  I asked if he was implying a date, and he answered no because he was dating Wendy, which I was totally cool with.  I wasn't going to hangout with him if he wanted it to be a date.  So then, we went to City Wok, and after he took me home, he kissed me.  After we pulled away he promised that he'd break up with Wendy, but she got hurt.  Then, Stan felt bad but wanted to continue to sneak behind her back, but I joined the cheerleaders and felt awful about the entire situation.  Then, Stan asked to hang out tonight, but I refused until he broke up with Wendy.  Now, I'm here with you, because I thought why not since Stan and I aren't dating.  So, now, Stan knows, and I think he is pretty pissed."

Craig spent a long time staring at me before saying, "I think you should leave."

"Thank you for understanding- wait what?" I asked.

"Get out," he repeated.

"Wait, no, this is the part where you are totally okay with everything and stand up for me," I panicked.

"Don't make me say it again," he threatened.

"But, what about the movie?" I asked, desperate.

"You didn't want to watch it anyways," he simply replied.

I got up, not wanting to show any tears, but they spilled out anyways.

Now, nobody wants me.



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