Chapter Four

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*Stan's P.O.V.*

Wendy- Honey, are you okay?  Kyle said you went home sick.

Me- Yeah, I'm doing better.  I should be back by tomorrow. 

Wendy- Do you want me to come over and take care of you? (;

Me- Nah, that's okay, my mom is doing a pretty good job at the moment.

Wendy- Why don't I come over and give her a break?

Me- Nah, I don't want to get you sick.

Wendy- Stannnnn, I won't get sick. Let me come over.

Me- Can't, mom said no one can come over while I'm sick.

Wendy- Fine, whatever.

I didn't respond after that text.  I had too much on my mind and it was pretty obvious that she was pissed.  I needed to fix more important problems.  (Y/N), just the thought of her makes me-

I quickly grabbed my vomit bucket.


~Time Skip~

I walked into school, and Wendy quickly tackled me.  She gave me a peck on my lips.

"That's weird," she commented.

"What?" I asked.

"You didn't throw up," she stated.

"Oh, um, yeah my shipment of my stomach medication came in," I lied, since it didn't come in for another week.

She didn't look convince but shrugged it off.

I spotted Kyle, Token, and Kenny down the hall.

"I'm going to talk to Kyle," I told her.

"Okay, see you later," she waved sadly.

I walked over to Kyle, "Hey, dude."

"Hey," he responded.

I nodded to Token and Kenny who responded with the same.

Soon, Nicole came over to see Token with (Y/N) following her, and  my stomach started to turn.

*Your P.O.V.*

I smiled and waved at the guys as Stan pushed pass me holding his mouth and stomach, again.   I looked to Nicole for an answer, but she looked as shocked as me.

"Why does he keep doing that?  Am I that repulsive?" I snapped.

Token looked to Kyle, "Dude, you going to tell her?"

"I can't Stan will kill me," Kyle admitted.

I gave him a sad look, "It's fine, I don't really care anyways."

Kyle had a guilty look on his face, "Fine, I'll tell you , but not here.  I don't want him coming around the hall and hear me."

Kyle grabbed my arm and drug me down the hall.  I wasn't sure how far we were going until he took a sharp turn into the janitor's closet.  Man, did it stink.

"This seems sketchy," I commented.

"Shut up, do you want to know or not?" he questioned in a threatening manner.

I quickly closed my mouth before anymore comments came out.

"Good," he sighed.

You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now