Chapter Five

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"Stan isn't normal," Kyle admitted.  "When he sees a girl he is attracted to, he gets these urges."

I started to blush, "I am not having this conversation with you."

"Wait, I worded that weird.  He gets nervous around girls he likes.  He tends to throw up, just ask his girlfriend- wait no, don't ask Wendy.  That is drama waiting to happen."

"That's a real turn on," I mumbled sarcastically.  "If he has a girlfriend, then why is he crushing on me?" I asked.

"You see that's the problem.  Stan has gotten so much better about this throwing up thing, and you show up and put him right back at the beginning.  He cant help it.  That's why I need you to stay away from him.  Wendy and him have been together for a long time-"

"How long is a long time?" I interrupted.

Kyle answered, "Elementary school."

I felt an evil smirk form, but I quickly hid it.

"What if I like Stan?" I asked.

That's easy, just don't," Kyle bluntly answered.

What do I get for not liking him?" I teased.

"Well, Wendy won't kill you," he laughed.

"She doesn't scare me," I responded.

"And, you don't want to be a boyfriend stealing whore," he added.

I laughed, probably louder than I should've, "If you ask Bebe, I already am."

He gave me a pleading look.

I sighed, "if it means that much to you."

He gave me a smile, "You won't regret it."

Or will I?

We left the closet in hopes that we weren't seen, but boy, were we wrong.

You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now