Chapter Eleven

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*Your P.O.V.*

It was 5:30, and I sat in my room deciding what to wear.  Stan would be here in 30 minutes, but I couldn't decide.

We are just going out as friends.  This shouldn't be this hard.  I should be able to just put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.  That's what I normally wear.  Friends shouldn't care what you're dressed in when you just hang out. 

I threw on a t-shirt and sweatpants, looking in the mirror.  I looked like a slob, besides the make-up that I had put on earlier in the day.  I heard a car pull into the driveway.  I rushed to my window to see Stan in jeans, black V-neck with a plaid flannel over it, and his jacked which was unzipped.

Shit, I way under dressed.

I ripped off my sweats and searched my room for a clean pair of jeans.  Once I found a pair, I quickly put them on and threw on the South Park Cows sweatshirt that I recently got.  Just as I finished, I heard the doorbell, which, obviously was Stan waiting for me.  I quickly ran down the stair to the front door.  Once I got there, I waited a couple of seconds so I didn't seem desperate, then opened the door.

"Hey Stan," I greeted.

"Her," he shyly smiled.

I grabbed my coat and followed him out to his pick-up.  He lead me to the passenger door and opened it for me.

"I'm impressed," I commented.

"With?" he asked.

"The fact that you talked to me face to face and didn't throw up in my house," I giggled.

He chuckled, "It's amazing what those pills do for me."

I burst into laughter, "You sound like a pill popper."

"Maybe I am," he said with a serious face before laughing.

We arrived at City Wok, and both of us ordered the City Chicken.  We talked a lot, way more than what I expected.  It turned out that Stan had quiet an entertaining childhood.

"Wait, so your dad bought a Blockbuster's?" I asked in disbelief.

Stan nodded laughing.

"Why?" I questioned.

"He thought it was a good idea.  He was convinced that people were going to rent movies form him," Stan explained.

"He sounds like a very entertaining man.  I'd love to met him sometime," I stated.

After that, neither of us said anything.  We just sat there staring at each other, slowly moving closer together over the table. 

"HEY! We closing.  You two leave," Lu Kim yelled at us.

I let out an awkward laugh as I sat back onto my seat.  I glanced at the clock, which said it was 9:30.

We have been here for three and a half hours!

"Wow, it's already that late?" Stan said as the pink in his cheek slowly started to fade.  "I'd better get you home."

We got back into his pick-up with awkward tension in the air. Neither of us mention the almost kiss.  Stan was acting like it never happened.  We rode the entire way to my house.  Once he pulled into the drive way he got out and opened my door for me.

"I thought this wasn't a date," I commented.

"I'm just trying to be polite," he replied.

I took his hand and hopped out of his white pick-up, but he didn't let go of my hand as we walked to my door.

"Stan, you have a girl-"

I was unexpectedly cut off by Stan's lips smashing into mine.  That kiss made me forget about everything.  It was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me.  I never even realized that I liked this boy that much.  Unfortunately he pulled away.

"I'll break up with her," he smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back at him, "Okay."

He pulled me into a hug, and we stayed like that for a long time until Stan's phone interrupted us.

"Hello?" he answered.  "Oh, is she okay? ..... Okay, yes, I'll be there right away."

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Wendy got into an accident on her way home.  She is at the hospital," he choked, holding back tears.

You Have to Choose: Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now