Chapter 14

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I wonder how Mr. Aiden is doing? I hope he is feeling better. I feel really bad for him getting beat trying to protect me. At least he is now able to get some rest and some help. Jane walks back into what is now our room but with no Brandon.

"Where's Brandon?" I asks. She walks over taking a seat in her bed and taking off her knee high, four inch heal booths.

"He had some work to do and he want to see how his family is doing." she lays down on the bed yet leave her legs hanging over the edge and sighs.

"That's sweet if him. What kind of work does he have?" I watch roll over onto her side facing me.

"Well he is like the head man around here. He has a crap ton of paper work and he goes to many meeting dealing with problems and stuff." She answer.

"Why is everyone here so friendly? Like everyone I have meet already knows my name and they are really kind, acting like they have known me for years."

"It's just how people are here everyone knows everyone and we don't get too many new people. So when we do words gets around." This place is so big how would everyone know everybody. She sighs once again, I am starting to think it's like a cry for help with this girl.

"Are okay?" Jane looks at me, her eyes locked on mine as if she is trying to look right throw me. "I just get this feeling like there is something on your mind. I know that we just meet and all but you can talk to me about anything." She raises an eye brow at me.

"Really it's nothing for you to worry about. I just have a lot on my mind." I know that it is none of my business but I really wish she would tell me nevertheless I understand why she doesn't. It's not like she knows me.

"Well I hope whatever it is you are able to confront it and stop worrying about it. Stress is not a good thing to have in life." She cracks a smile and nods. I get the feeling that she wants to tell me but she can't find it in herself to do so. "So what is life like around here?" A change in subject should be good for the both of us.

"Well pretty busy, there is a lot to do. Many of us have family business and others billion airs. I fall into the middle I guess, it's just me I am an only child, I lost my father in a fire and when I was 12 and my mother disappeared when I was only one." She talks in a calm voice but I can tell it hurts to talk about them.

"I can relate to the mother side, my mother left me when I was 6, my brother left me when I was 13." It's nice having someone to relate to when it comes to family.

"What about you father is he still around?" A pain wells inside of me at the thought of my dad. I hadn't really thought about him this last past few days. How furious he is going to be at me, just thinking about how badly he'll beat me for this...

"Well yes and no. My real father, the one that raised me and loved me died years ago I don't know who that man is now. He just isn't the same anymore, not since my mom left." Jane sends me a soft smile telling me that it's alright and I don't need to tell her. Yet I feel as if I have known her my whole life I know she won't blame me like everyone else in my life did. "Once my mother just up and left my father took it out of me, saying that it was my fault that she left him because they had me and I was different she needed to leave. My brother always told me that he would come back for me. He couldn't take it anymore living in that house. But he never came back." I guess it was Jane's turn to change the subject as she asks

"Let's talk about something happy like how did you and Brandon meet? I want all the details. Jane is like the best friend/sister that I always wanted.

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