Chapter 13

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Why does Ryan have a gun? When did he get a gun he is usually such a kind person and hates it when guns are user for the wrong reason so why is he using one now? Ryan sets me on the glass counter case and points the gun at Brandon.

"Ryan put the gun down!" Brandon holds his hand up to me.

"It's okay Katie he's not going to shoot. Not if there is the chance that he'll lose you." What is he talking about I don't know this Ryan it's like his possessed or something.

"Really do you think I care what Katie thinks of me. She doesn't know what's good for her, she never has. That's why and I am always here for her she needs me right now not you. You were supposed to come into the picture later, after her birthday." he yells. The gun is steady un moving from Brandon. You think his hand would shack even a little but it doesn't.

Brandon's gaze moves from Ryan to me, a look of worry written on his face. Out of nowhere Ryan is suddenly pulled back sideways as a loud gunshot rings throw the room.


Seeing Jane made me extremely glad to have some back up but that worried sick about what will happen to Katie is this goes wrong. Jane forces Ryan to the left pulling him to face Katie, the gun goes off in her direction as her head falls back onto the glass counter, holding onto her shoulder.

"Katie!" Rushing over to her and looking at her shoulder it just grazed her.

"I'm fine it's okay." She looks over at me and smiles as she pulls herself up right. "At least it just grazed me and I wasn't actually shot. It doesn't really hurt that much either."

"It's more than likely the adrenaline; you'll feel it later when it wears off." I tell her. Looking away from here and over to Jane I see her on the ground and Ryan nowhere to be seen. "Jane?" I kneel in front of her and see that she is holding on to her shoulder. "What's wrong are you okay?" I'm not even mad that Ryan is nowhere to be seen.

"I don't know, all I did was pull that guy away and all of a sudden my shoulder started to hurt." I move her hand and pull down on her shirt too see a dark red line on the top of her shoulder. "What? What's wrong?"

"It's wired, if I didn't know any better I would say that you are hurt in the exact same spot as Katie." I whisper making her Katie is unable to hear me.

"Alpha." Jane's voice comes at but a whisper as she drawls in a deep breath. "I think there is something wrong with me... And I would like to talk to you about it at a later time with less of an audience." Her gaze moves towards Katie, nodding my head I help her onto her feet.

"Are you okay Jane?" Katie looks at her worried. Jane smiles towards her Luna before saying

"Yes, I am fine, how are you feeling?"

"Well I would much rather not go back to the hospital but something tells me that there's no way of getting out of that." A chuckle escapes me as I shake my head and my loving mate. "But maybe this time I can share a room with a new good friend of mine, seeing at she's going to need to see someone as well." Jane's whole face lights up, being consider a friend to her Luna and not just a pack member must be an amazing feeling.

"I would love to have a roommate I hate being in a damn hospital alone."


Leaving Katie with the pack doctor was a bit harder than I expected and I am not taking at me she didn't want Jane to leave it's like they are best friends. But Jane really wants to talk to me about something and I really want to know what it is. We both step outside Katie's and now Jane's room, shutting the door behind us. I am not making the mistake of leaving her alone again.

"So what is this about? Does is have anything to do with Katie?" She shrugs she shoulders before looking down at her hands moving a hand to where the burn is on her shoulder.

"No, maybe, I think... I'm not sure." She is actually really starting to worry me.

"Jane if there is something wrong you can tell me." I would have said have to but I know I can trust her.

"Well, I told you before how I get this feeling like something were wrong." I nod as she continues. "Well I got it again after you left and I just had to get back to Luna and as I started to get this really bad headache and then I saw the image of a gun before I hear a voice telling me to use the back door to the store."

"When I saw that guy holding the exact same gun that I saw in my head It was as if I were already on the room with you two. The second that gun went off I felt something hit me." She looks at me as if she's going to scream out of pure frustration.

"It's as if you have some kind of connection to something." I don't want to just jump right in and say that is connected to my mate in some way but that is exactly what it sounds like.

"I don't know Alpha, the voice that I heard was most defiantly not my wolf and there was no one else around to have said it." Placing my hands on her shoulders she looks up to me, she looks so lost and confused.

"The best thing to do is talk to the elders about this, maybe they will know something that we don't." She looks a bit more hopeful but none the less still worried. "Just go back inside and keep your Luna company, at this rate I don't think I can trust her with anyone else." A small smile forms on her face before she heads back into the room with Katie.

"Well at least we know that she is safe." my wolf says happily.

"Yeah but we still need to deal with finding that Ryan guy, checking in on my grandfather and see how my father is doing. Also get back to the office and catch up on all of the papers that I have been missing and look into what is going on with Jane..."

"Well we have our work cut out for us." He laughs

"You think."

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