Chapter 27

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"Hey Jane!" I hear Trevor call  me through the mind link.

"What do you want now Trevor?" Always asking me for stuff. 

"The Alpha would like you to talk to Ryan, he doesn't really trust himself to do so nor anyone else for that matter."

"What does he want me to talk to him about?" He actually trust me over his beta?

"We both think the attacks are because of someone on the inside telling the Rouges what's going on in here."

"In all honesty that would make a lot a scenes. Alright, I'll head on down." so much for hanging out with Katie.

I just don't understand the connection I have with Katie and I really want to find out why. I don't know why but I feel like if I were able to spend more time with her I could find out why. Damn why is it such a long walk, I don't need all this extra exercise in my life. I finally make my way to Ryan's room where two men are standing guard.

"The Alpha informed us you are aloud to speak to this guy." The two move out of the way from the door and unlocking it allowing me into the room. They close the door behind me before stepping away from the door and checking on the other prisoners. 

"Oh so they sent you down here to talk to me, I am surprise." Ryan doesn't raise his head to look at me.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He looks up at me, blood dried on his bruised face from where Brandon punch him.

"It's wired how you take more after your father but you have the same nose as your mother." What the!

"How the hell do you know my mother!" 

"I know a lot about you people, you really think I would let Katie be near you things if I didn't." He sounds so cocky with his know it all a** I know there is no way he knows my mother, he's just trying to get under my skin like he did with Ryan.

"Like hell, you think you have all of this control but you don't you can't keep Katie away from us, nor Brandon, so shut the hell up and just tell me what you know about these rouges attacking us."

"Why, how about we just talk about how I know your mother." He is just trying to get to you don't let him.

"How about no."

"Look I don't know much about the rouges I really don't all I do is what I am told and that is to get Katie back home before her birthday that is all." For some reason I feel like he is telling me the truth.

"Fine than, why does Katie have to get back home?" He smirks up at me

"Because her brother told me too, and if she finds out that he brother is waiting for her back home nothing will stop her from getting to him. She really loves her brother and missing him since she hasn't seen him in ten years." What is this guy getting at, he tries to piss me off by bring up my mother and now he's bring up Katie's brother.

"Like I am going to tell her that, for all I know it is just a trick to get what you want." His eyes land on mine from some reason they look almost sad, his entire body language changed but only for a second.

"Look you ugly A** B**** I am just trying to keep my promise to her brother, it was the last thing my best friend asked of me before he left and I intent to keep it, none of you understand anything about Katie you all think you know what is best for her but you are all wrong!" Before I know it my wolf takes control as she adds a few more bruises to his ugly face, but unlike Brandon I know how to control my wolf when she goes off.  

"Never call me that again you stupid piece of S***. I would kill you right now if I could but I know you are hiding something, you know a lot more than you are telling me."

"Isn't that how it always is." Ryan start to cough. "The prisoner always holds something back, it much more fun that way." This mother

"Look I don't give a damn about this little game you are playing, all I care about is the people in this pack and Katie, my future Luna who I already see as a little sister." I hear a soft chuckle before Ryan burst out laughing. "What the hell is so funny?"

"You people know nothing, you act all high and mighty just because you are different but you forget that there are people who are also different and they are just better than you filthy wolfs."

"What would a worthless human like you know about us and the others huh?" He stays silent just looking down at his hands"You know you aren't even worth the trouble, I hope you never get to see the light of day again because as far as I am concerned you are just another human who is trying to fit into a world where he has no business in." A bad feeling start to wash over me as he just sits there still looking at his hands. "Boys let me out!" I hear the door behind me open as I decide it best to leave the room but keep my eyes on him in the process leaving me to only walk out of the room backwards. I only turn my back to him once I am out of the room and the door is shut and locked.

"Hey girl!" I start to walk away and not even bother with him any more. "Hey, I know you can still hear me! Take my advice, ask Katie what her mothers name is." I walk away from Ryan, feeling like a bad A** in the process.

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