Chapter 7

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This bleached blond guy is crazy if he really thinks that I am going to let him take Katie away from me. He looks like he is going to try and kill us to get Katie back.

"In the end." He looks from Anna to me, "It's up to Katie if she stays here or leaves not you not me. Yes the Doctors but other than them it's up to her."

"It's true that she can speak her own mind but in this case she doesn't know what best for her. She'll chose to stay here because of you, she wouldn't be thinking clearly. So I'll just have to get her father down here since he is her father he choose all her medical decisions." He thinks he is so smart.

"I am sorry but you do realizes that she is her own person and can make her own decisions herself."

"Look I know that you have what you think is best for her in mind," What I think, dumb-ass what I know. "But she needs to be at home trust me when I say this but she needs to be there."

"And like I said it is up to her. We're done here you can go and get a hotel room for the night. We don't allow non-family member to stay past visiting hours." I walk out the room before he or anyone else could say anything. I really don't have time for all this crap. I have a mate to protect.



"I missed you so much." Wait I know that voice, it sounds like my mother. "You have grown up so much. Why do you have to turn 18? Why can't you stay my little girl forever?" I remember this conversation. I was the day before my sixth birthday, she started to cry after that talk we had. She had been gone for the weekend and she missed an important meeting to make sure that she was here for my birthday. "I love you my little princess."

"Mom!" my body flies up straight, my eyes open wide to the darkness of my room. Why is it dark? I hate to be in the dark indoors. I realize that my mother's voice was just in my head, like she would be here with me now.

My eyes quickly take to the dark room, I notice all the flowers and cards are gone. I am glad because the last thing I needed to see are burned cards. Looking all around trying to find Brandon only he's not here with me. My heart sinks to the bottom of my chest. Why isn't he here?

Something moves from the corner of the room to behind a small tree. Pulling the covers over my head I recite a little poem I guess you could call it, that my mother made.

"Hiding from the shadows of the night, holding on to the light, nothing to fear here alone, and the light destroys the unknown." Like every time I say it I feel as if the shadow is now gone. Only I decided to stay under the covers where I feel safe. Footsteps echo down the hall, quickly laying down in the bed I pretend to be asleep. The door creaks open as someone walks in. The side of my bed dips in and the covers slowly get pulled off of my head.

"I am so sorry." Brandon, oh thank god it's just you, but wait what, why are you sorry? "If only I had taken you away from that place two years ago you wouldn't be like this now. My mother was right it is my fault." He runs his hand throw my hair, stroking my head as if I am a cat.

"I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me but you aren't ready for that. You need to take your time, I need time. But we don't have time your friend Ryan wants to take you away from me." Wait Ryan is here, that's great he knows that I am okay. "I can't lose you, you mean so much to me and you don't even know it." I don't want him to know that I am hearing what he is saying so I start to move as if I am just starting to wake up. I make sure to open my eyes really slowly and to look around before I look to Brandon.

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