chapter 2

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It's a little after 10 and I had just decided to take a brake from all my paper work when my bate, and best friend, Trevor steps into my office.

"Brandon.." He huffs out of breath. Leaning down he places his hands on he's knees breathing deeply. "We.. have.. trouble." He says between breaths.

"What in the world is wrong?" I have never seen him out of breath before so I was a bit concerned.

"We just received a missing persons report."

"And that concerns me how exactly." He looks up from he floor to me still trying to catch a break.

"Its Kate, she was kidnapped on her way to her friends this morning." My eyes go wide and my wolf begins to take over. I though if I left her she would be safe from this damn war going on. I have been able to protect her for the last two years what the hell is so different about now. I wanted to wait till she was 18 to tell her the truth about me, about us. Her birthday is only a two months away. Why the hell does that damn Alpha have to go to this much trouble.

"Where was she last seen?" I ask him as i stand up from my desk making my way towards the door. "Do you know where they might have taken her?" My wolf is about ready to take over.

"The report said that she was taken in a back van with the help of a second one. Not too long ago the van was spotted passing throw our territory."

"Get everyone ready, block off all the roads NOW!" My wolf takes over at the end I understand his anger i feel it to. Those damn wolfs are going to pay for taking my mate. Trevor runs out the door with me hot on his heals. Once i am out side i jump into my black truck turning on my police radio, It pays when you help solve more crime on your own than the whole police force.

"Take the back road, the van is trying to stay hidden but we see it clear as day." Says one of my fighters who is on the police force. I start my truck and drive like a mad man trying to catch up with the others. "Wait this just in, there is a second van driving in on the main road."

"It must be the second van trying to take us off of the other van." But how can we be sure which one has Katie in it. "One group go after the van on the main road i'll go after the one on the back roads with the others." I radio in.

After what seamed like forever I spotted the van, this back road is not made for high speed car chases with all the bends in the road and sharp turns the van could run off the road taking my sweet Katie with it. The van steps on the gas going from 50 mph on a 35 mph to 70 mph.

Screams fill the air, i know it is my sweet Katie, i have head her scream before and i made it my mission to never hear it again. My wolf nearly took over right than and there. He wants to slam the Truck into the van but that will only make things worse. We are getting closer to the road block i had them set up. The van sees it as it slams on the brakes and tries to turn. only there is no where for it to turn to, it hits one of the police cars, the van jumps over the road block and starts flipping. It filips a total of three times before landing on its top.

My hear leaped out of my chest, i don't ever think i but my truck in park before i jumped out of the drives side door. Racing over to the van I rip off the back doors when i am hit with the smell of starberries and mint. Something that i missed so much only now the smell of blood taints it.

When my eyes finally find her i almost died at the sight of her. she looks so hurt. blood covers her face and legs, she lay face first on the top of the van.

"Brandon." she says in but a whisper before her eyes close. I scared, scared that i am going to lose my mate before i can tell her how much she means to me. She doesn't even know it yet but she's my whole world. Running into the van, glass from the windows cut throw the palms on my hands but like i ever notice my mate is dying right before my eyes.

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