Chapter 34

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I have no clue how long I fell asleep for but when I woke up it was much quieter. I noticed that there were much less people than before.

"Linda?" My voice cracks as I call out to her I watch as a few heads turn in my direction but none of them move to approach me. What on earth is going on, why does everything looks so different. Looking down at myself I notice that I am no long chained to the wall but my hands tired behind my back. What the hell happened to me?

"You have seen my Mate." I black haired man makes his way over to me, he holds himself high yet I can see from the dark circles under his eyes he is not in the best condition. As he gets closer I can see some busies along his arms.

"I was just with her a few moments ago." I replay, well it felt like a few moments ago. I do not recall being unchained nor remember the faces of the men around me. Wait they are all men where did the children go?

"They brought you in here a few hours ago, they told us not to speak to you but I do not listen to these people." He leans over me talking my arms in his hand. "Damn even if I untie you I can't do anything about the sliver handcuffs."

"That's right you people are wolfs." The man glances at me with one eye brow raised.

"So you know about wolfs than I guess that's to be expected you wouldn't be here other wise. Yet why they moved you in here with us I will never understand. You said my mates name, is she okay."

"See looks okay, she didn't look hurt or anything. The last thing I remember was seeing her taking care of some of the older people in the room with us." I tell him in hopes that it makes him feel some what better. He kneels onto the ground in front of me which I approached for it was hard looking up at him. 

"I am glad to hear that I knew that she would help the others no matter what happened. Did she talk to you about anything?"  I can see by the look in his brow eyes that he is beyond worried about her.

"Just that everyone here are wolfs and that they may have taken me because of Brandon. She said something about him being the Alpha of the... I can't really recall what it was she called them, this is all still kind of new to me." He nods his head before speaking,

"Brandon is indeed the Alpha of a pack called the sliver wolf, one of the oldest packs around, legend has it that his pack was one of the firsts and it is because of his ancestor that we are able to be human. Like anything in live we all try to come up with ideas of how something came to be. It is said that the pack leader fell in love with a human and the moon goddess granted him and his pack the ability to transform from wolf to man." The story that Brandon's mother told me plays through my head the more I think about it the more I realize that she was telling me the story because they are Wolfs.

"His mother told me that story when I first arrived here and was in the hospital I guess it was her way of telling me what they were without actually telling me." I remember some part about the sparks, I felt them the day I met Brandon and every time he ever touched me if the story is real does that mean-"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, I don't see why not." I cant help but smile at him.

"Can one of you, I mean a wolf, can you have a human for a mate?" Once again he looks at me with a raised eye brow. 

"Yes, there have been many times when a male wolf finds his mate to be a human. Why do you ask?" I can tell by the look on his face that he knows why I am asking. I don't understand why but I feel safe around him, just like I did with Brandon when we first met.

"Well when Brandon's mother told me the story it was because I asked him why I felt sparks when ever he touched me, she said that in the story when a wolf found their mate they would feel sparks when ever they touched."

"That is correct, that is how I know Linda was my mate when I went to visit her family in Brandon's pack. I was 18 at the time and was getting ready to become the Alpha of my own pack, we bumped into one another when I was visiting Brandon's father, he was one of my best and only friends outside of my pack." He tells me. "Well you being Brandon's mate explains why they took you but not why you are here with us."

"Who are these people?" I have been wondering that for awhile now yet it's like no one knows.

"All I know is that  these people are part of a large group of rouges that attack every pack they can." I wish someone knew more. "They are keeping the strongest men in my pack, along with myself, serpent from our families to use them as leverage for us to do what they want. They have used some of my fighters to attack near by packs, luckily they have not killed anyone, just help trap them down here. Yet what else are they to do, allow their mates and pups to die."

What he is saying is more than right, it is horrible for them to help these people but what are they to do. If they say no their family get hurt or worse and when they do help they are just taking other people and putting them in the same situation that they are in already. The cycle will just continue until something or someone stops they and saves them.

"Than why am I here?" He raise his shoulders in a shrug. "It's not like I have any family here nor can I do anything to help them with taking over so why did they move me?"

"I do not know the answer to that. I just realized that I do not know you name dear." This actually reminds me of the conversation I had with his mate Linda.

"It is Katie, but most people call me Kate." 

"Well Kate my name is Eric, I am sorry to be meeting like this but it is nice to finally met you." Now it is my turn to give him a raise eye brow. "Brandon has talked about you to me before, but it was only once and it was the day that the two of you met. He said it was the best day of his life." I like to say the same, I will never forget how much that day means to me, I am so glad to have met Brandon and I wouldn't want to change that for the world.

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