Chapter 22

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"I'm glad that you ate everything love." This girl loves her ham. Katie smiles at me as she takes the last sip of the bottle of milk. "I know its only 10:30 but I think its time for you to go to bed."

"But I have been asleep nearly all morning." What she says is true but she really needs all the sleep she can get.

"I know Katie but I really think you should get as much sleep as you possible can" I can tell by the look on her face she really doesn't want to go to sleep but I can tell that I am winning.

"Okay, but only because you asked so nicely." I can tell she just making up something as a reason but I think she really does want to sleep. "Where are you going to sleep if I am sleeping in your room?"

"Well I have a couch over on the other side of the room, I also have a pull out couch in my office up stairs I can sleep on." Katie looks almost disappointed.

"Okay... Maybe you could stay in here. I feel bad enough for taking your bed the last think I want to do is force you out of your own room. But I have one request."

"What's that love?"

"Is it alight if we keep the lights on... Like I told you before I just cant sleep in the dark.." I don't like the fact that I have to sleep with the lights on but if it makes my mate happy that I guess I can do it.

"Anything for you love, If sleeping with the lights on will help you sleep than yes we can leave the lights on." Her face lights up and she hugs me once again.

"I know that its a wired request and many people would hate the idea of sleeping with the lights on so I really hope you don't mind." 

"I don't mind at all love. But before I get myself to bed I have do to something." Surprisingly she doesn't question my actions.

"Okay just don't stay up too late. I am kind of hoping you take me on a tour of your house in the morning."

"I will happily take you on yet another tour." And luckily it is in the safety of the house and not outside. "Okay love get some sleep." I kiss her forehead and tuck her into bed reminding myself not to turn of the lights as I make my way out of the room and head towards the the basement. As any pack house holds it has its jail cell where all the criminal wolfs are held and it's exactly where Ryan is.

unlocking the basement door door and pulling it shut behind me I make the long walk down the stairs and throw all the different levels. Because Ryan and his friend are human I cant keep them in level five, which is were the worst criminals are held. Because of this they are on level one with the less dangerous men.   

"Alpha." Collins stands guard at the main entrance of level one. "I am assuming you are here to talk to the humans" I nod my head answering him. "The one that tired to hurt you and take the Luna has been asking for you. He's in cell number 59." After thanking Collins and he unlocks the door handing me the key to cell 59 I head on my way. 

"what the hell took you so long." Ryan yells from the cell as I open the door.

"Shut the hell up, you should be thanking me that you are even still alive." Man this guy pisses me off to no end.

"Do you really think Katie would let you kill me? Even with all the s*it that I have done I know she still cares for me, you would be stupid to kill me." This a** is so cocky that it pisses me off even more.

"Can we please just kill him?" My wolf asks 

"I wish we could but this guy is right. Deep down she cares for this thing. The dream she had proves it."

"Would you please stop talking to your stupid wolf about killing me and get on with asking me all the usual questions?" What the hell, how does he know I am taking to my wolf? How does he even know I am a wolf.


"Do I know you are a wolf easy you look like a typical Alpha. And that being said it makes Katie is your packs Luna." What the actual hell is going on here. "Look to be honest I really don't give a damn that you are an Alpha and have an entire pack behind you. The people I have behind me may not be in the large numbers that you have but mine are for more stronger."

"How the hell are humans stronger than wolfs?"

"Who said anything about humans?" What? "Just because I am a human doesn't mean the people I work for are. And the sad thing is we aren't even your enemy."

"Really, you tired to kill my father, you tired to take my mate, and you tired to kill me! How the hell are you not my enemy." He looks up from the ground finally looking at me.

"The only thing we want is Katie, just till her birthday we need to protect her, Once her birthday is over she'll come right back home to you." Does he really think I am going to trust him.

"You really think I would trust you after all the stunts you pulled? If you are really telling the truth you wouldn't have gone throw all the trouble that you did by trying to kill me. Why the hell would you kill me just to take her for the day and than give her back?"

"I have to admit not my smartest plan, its just the idea of you really pisses me off and I hate the fact that Katie is destine to be with a wolf like you." All the crap that he is saying just makes no scene what so ever. If he really cared about Katie's well being he would just give it a rest and leave Katie with me where she will be safe. "I have a question for you Alpha" I don't say anything leaving him to continue. "You do know that Katie isn't human right?"

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