Chapter 21

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Reading the last document that I have set for work tonight I realize that its only nine PM, I though it was later than that but I guess not. Looking at all the stacks of folders and sea of papers I come to one conclusion... Time to call it in early and check on my mate. Taking some ham and Swiss cheese subs out of my office fridge, a bottle of water and a small milk I make my way down the stairs and head towards my room.

I hear a faint wine as I place my hand on the door handle causing me to freeze. The last thing I want to see is my mate crying, I don't think my wolf and I can handle anymore of her crying, it just kills me and makes me feel useless. Pushing aside my feels I open the door my eyes instantly moving towards my bed. I watch as Katie quickly rubs her face and looks towards me.

"Hi." Her voice cracks as she tries to hid the fact that she was just crying. After the time I spent with her in the hospital its clear that she still wants to try and hid her emotions from me, from everyone. Part of me understands that yet the other part of me hates it. I get that she has been abandoned by nearly everyone in her life, the fact that her last real friend tied to take her from me and tried to kill me has to be eating her alive.

"Hello there love," I hear a soft chuckle leave her. When ever I call her love it reminds me of the first time I called her love. "Are you hungry?" She shakes her head no, and looks down at her hands. Walking into the room and shutting the door behind me I make my way over towards the king size bed. Placing the food and drinks onto the bed I pull out my sliding table that rolls and unfolds that way it reached over the bed.

"Are you sure you aren't hungry?" Again she shakes her head no. I place the ham and swiss sub and milk on the table in front of her. She looks up from her hands and at the food causing her eyes to light up. "Do you see something that you like?" She looks towards me trying her best not to smile when she shakes her head no once again. "Okay than" I open the small bottle of milk and take a small sip and unwrap the sub to take a bite.

"Why?" She whispers so softly that if not for my wolf's hearing I dought I would have heard it. I try my best not to question her as she questions herself. I know the second I say anything she'll shut down and I won't be able to get anything out of her.

"Can...Can I have some..." Katie's big dark brow eyes met mine as she bites on the inside of her lip.

"Love I got this specifically for you, of yes you can have some." I hand her the sub and she quickly takes the smallest bite I have ever seen.

"We should try to take mate's mind off of all that is happening." My wolf tells me, which is a great idea I just need something to take to her about that won't cause her to calm up. I got it.

"Love can I ask you a question?" I watch her body tense up at my question In her mind I am going to ask her about Ryan and everything and anything that has happened. She shrugs her shoulders at me, I'm sure shes worried about my question. "Why do you take such small bites of food when you eat?" The curious look on her face is priceless telling me that was differently not the question she though i was going to ask her.

"Well... It's kind of a stupid reason and you might find me a paranoid person but I am worried that I might choke...." I had to bite my tong to keep myself from laughing not that he reason is funny but its freaking cute as hell. "You can laugh you know.. When ever I told anyone the reason that's what they did."

"Love if I am going to laugh at that it's not because I find it funny its because you are so adorable." I lean forward and place a kiss on her forehead. When I pull back and take at look at her face she's reader than a tomato. "Are you still worried about coking?"

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