Chapter 26

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I only wish I could tell her the main reason I feel the way I do, but what all that's going on I can risk that. The last thing we both need is for her to become scared of me and want to run off, not with all the people out there who would leap at the change to use her agents me.

"Love, I hate to leave you but I really need to get to work. I wanted to end the tour here for the day that way you had something to do while I was away."

"I understand, you are a busy man and I cant always keep you to myself." I would love nothing more than to be with you and no one else, the last thing I want to do is leave and do paper work.

"If you need anything there is a phone over there, just hit the office button and that will connect you directly to my office." I feel fine leaving her in the library since it is actually one of the safest rooms in the entire pack house, not because no one comes in here but because of all the security it has. This room contains more than just books, it holds all the history about the my pack, files on the past pack members and even old prison logs. It also in the way into one of the safe house. 

"Oh right speaking of phones." Reaching in to my pocket I pull out Katie's small red  flip phone and handed it to her. "It is fully charged and I put my number in it so I anything happens you have my number."

"Thank you so much Brandon!" The bright smile that brought to her face made my day just that much better. "And thank you for this morning Brandon, and for showing me this room, I love it."

"Anything for you love." I close the door behind me as I leave her to her reading. I have learned that when Katie is in the mood for reading its only best to leave her alone and not try and disturber her. I kind of feel horrible for leaving her, when ever I leave her alone something always happens to her, but its not going to this time.

Sadly I don't wast anytime getting to my office, for the sooner I get to my office the sooner I can get my work done and get back to Katie. The last past few days I have been leaving Trevor to do as much work as he can to help keep up with everything but I can't keep doing that it him.

"Alpha," speak of the devil. "it's nice to see you stop by your office." He puts emphasis on your as he speaks.

"Hey, an Alpha's has to do what he has to do."

"What this Alpha can do is sit there and do his own paper work." He follows after me into my office huffing and buffing with ever step like as if he is a little pup not not getting his way. "I do have to tell you something wired is going on."

"And what my that be?" I take my seat at my desk as Trevor sits on top of my desk.

"There hasn't been any rouges attacks in a day and a half. I have a bad feeling about it."

"We all know what that means, they must have found some kind of weak spot and are getting ready for a bigger attack than the small ones they have been up too. But what could they have found, ever part of the border is covered as well as all of the town and housing areas." 

"You never know, they may not have a way in but know someone who does." My head snaps to Trevor in horror could someone in my pack really be helping them?

"You think that's possible?" He nods his head

"Isn't anything possible, they could just be forcing them or they could have switched sides that being if there really is anyone helping them."


"Dude he has been locked up under watch 24/7 there is no way he could be helping them." 

"That may be true, but they doesn't mean some people can't talk to him or if he brought someone else along with him." Damn, I just want to kill that guy, all he is going to do is ruin what I have with Katie right now, the last thing I need is to worry about her finding out about me about the pack. "Have Jane talk to him, at least I don't think she will kill him."

Trevor walks out of my office, shutting the door as he leaves. I just need to come up with a plan for the rouge attacks, take care of Ryan, and find away the best way and time to tell Katie about me and the others. I know I'll have to tell her sooner or later but I just don't know when will be a good time.

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