Chapter 19

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My mother is the best! It didn't take long before we got Katie ready to leave and set her up in my room at the pack house. I know I should have giving her, her own room but I want her close to me. I decided to get a crap ton of food together in my fridge in my office, which is a floor above my bed room, that way if Katie wants something small to eat I don't have to go all the way down to the bottom floor to get it for her.

Sadly right now I am in the middle of a shit ton of paper work, I really need to get some help with keeping it clean. As it is papers are scattered all over the floor and my desk. I have a week and a half's worth of paper work to catch up on since I spent all that time with Katie in the hospital and not here. Which I am not complaining it was a great brake from work but now I have so much to catch up on.

I pick throw the papers trying to find which ones are more important when I come across a file, which is strange since all of the files are in my second office due to the lack of room in here.

"Trevor" I mind link my Bate

"Yes Alpha." he answers back quickly.

"What is with this file on my desk?"

"Oh that its a long story I'll be right up in a minute." I decided not to say anything else and just wait for him to come up and talk to me. No longer than a minute later he knocks on my office door before entering.

"So about this file?"

"Have you gotten the chance to read it?" He asks quickly before stand at the front of my desk trying his best to avoid the sea of papers. "You really need to get someone in here to clean this place."

"Yeah I know and no I haven't even opened it yet." He moves some papers out of one of the chairs before talking a seat.

"Well you need to its kind of crazy and it's actually something that my family has been investigating for generations now." He tells me looking a little worried.

"Why has the Bate line been looking into something?" I open the file a see a long list of names, they are all girls.

"Well in that file are a list of names of humans that have had gone missing." He tells me.

"And this concerns us why?"

"Because all of the young women have had a wolf mate that's why they are all missing." That makes some scene

"But why has your family been looking into it?" I ask him.

"Well because all of the wolfs that took their mate have also gone missing. It happened to one of my ancestors a long time ago and that's why my family has been trying to keep track of every human/wolf mates. I decided to tell you about it because now that you have a human mate the last thing we need is for you two to go missing." he answers

"But I didn't kidnap Katie I saved her for being kidnaped."

"I know but there is something else that I find strange about all of this. Every human girl that was taken was on her 18th birthday, they had brown hair and eyes." That sounds like Katie. "There have been plenty of wolfs that have human mates but why are only these girls going missing?"

"What ever happened to the girls?" He runs his hand throw his hair a tell that he does when I am not going to like his answer. "Well?"

"Well all the girls and their mates end up reappearing exactly a year later and-"

"So then they aren't missing any more."

"Let me finish man." I glare at him for only a moment before he continues. "Yes they aren't missing any more but they aren't the same. They act like zombies of their former self's they all say the exact same thing. "we weren't the right ones." what ever that means."

"Than who are the right ones?" I ask him.

"My family had been asking the same question for years." He tells me.

"What ever happen to your ancestor?"

"Well he and his mate were lucky in a way. They regained themselves for most of them have committed suiside. They fought what ever evil the endured and they told the story of what happed."

"And what happed?"

"They told us that these people put them throw test after test and when they came to the conclusion that they weren't the soul mates they water looking for they made them mate, get pregnant, and once the female had the baby they took it from them and let them go." He looks at the ground probly wondering what I  thinking about all of this and how his family have kept this a secret from mine for so long.

"Look I completely understand why your family kept this a secret they knew that alphas had other important things to deal with than missing people and I am more than greatful that you told me this now because with all that has happened to my mate so far I need to know anything to keep her safe." I can tell that my words releaded the weight off from his sholders and I completly understand why he would feel so worried about telling me.

"Now all we have to do is worry about some other people comming after my mate. I swear if just one more person comes after he I am going to lock her up somewhere where no one will ever find her."

"You do realize that will make her hate you in the end right?" Trevor tells me.

"I know but I would rather her hate me and be safe than love me and end up dead."

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