Chapter 23

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"You do know Katie's isn't human right?" My mind goes back to that girl living in Katie's mind. The one that looks so much like her but is completely different. "Have you met her yet? I'm only asking because from the look on your face you have."

"What does that matter, I'm not human either." Ryan chuckles,

"But you are a stupid wolf, you have no idea what Katie is." I really just want to rip this guys head off.

"No I don't know what she is but I do know this, she is my mate, I love her, and she is MINE. No one is going to take her away from me No-" 

"Have you told her that you're a wolf?" He cuts me off calmly as if nothing I just said got throw to him. "Did you tell her that you know she's not human? Are you two even a couple yet?" A  growl leaves me as my wolf take full control by taking Ryan by the neck and slamming him into the cement wall. "Oh come now boy." He chokes out "Calm down or you won't get a treat."

My wolf pulls Ryan away from the wall only to slam him back into it again. I watch as his previous cuts start to reopen causing blood to poor down his face.

"Alpha!" I can hear one of my pack members calling me but with my wolf in full control there is nothing I can do about it. Someone rips Ryan from my wolf's hold as multiple arms wrap around me trying to hold me down.

"Brandon calm down!"  I hear Jane yelling at me but I can barely hear her. "You need to stop." I am thrown out of the cell while the door is locked and the keys taken away from me. "Zane, Give Brandon back control!" I haven't told many people my wolfs name but my mother and Jane were the exception. My wolf reluctantly gives in handing me back control.

"Thanks Jane," She smiles at me before nodding. "Now go upstairs with your mate, we'll handle this." I don't want to leave this guy just yet, I really want to keep questioning him but I know Jane is right I should be upstairs with Katie not down here collecting more blood on my hands. 

Making the long journey up all the stairs and heading into my bed room where Katie is sleeping. Opening the door with the light shining brightly my eyes land on Katie as she sleep soundly in my bed. After the day that we have had the last thing I want to do is sleep on the couch but I wouldn't be imposing on Katie. 

Taking a few pillows and a blanket out of my trunk and making my bed on the couch I lay out on my make shift bed. I try closing my eyes but the light is just killing me causing me to toss and turn trying my best to block out the light with nothing working. How the hell does this girl sleep with all these lights on. 

I sit up on the couch and look around my lite room, every light I have is on. I wouldn't be surprises if you could see my room from space. Getting up off of the couch and making my way over to Katie. She looks fine to me, so I should be fine to turn off some of the lights.

"I don't think that's a good Idea." My wolf tells me.

"And why do you say that?" I ask as I turn off the main light and heading to the night stands lamps.

"Because Katie asked to leave them on for her for a reason, she didn't ask to annoy you." I sigh at his words, he loves to fight me on any of my ideas.

"I get that but I can not sleep with all of these lights on. She's not alone I am here she'll be fine." I hope. My wolf leaves me alone knowing that the only way to stop me by trying to take over but we are both too exhausted to do so. All I did was turn off a few lights its not like its going to kill her.

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