Chapter 6

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At the next corner we turned left and came up to a small building. I was wondering that there wasn't a big line in front of it like it's usal when the sun is shining. An advantage for us.

"Would you like to get something special or should I surprise you?" he asked laughing when he stopped me.

"I let myself be surprised," I anwered laughing, with my hands in the pockets of my top.

"Great. Don't run away. I'll keep an eye on you," he said poting on me. "Not only one."

I smiled and let me warm from the sun rays when he walked over to the counter. When I turned around shortly after, I met his eyes in the line and noticed that he was watching me. I tried to turn away my face from him because I didn't want him to think I'm watching him too, so I just looked on the ground.He seemed to be a nice guy and I really need to find something to make up for his great behaviour yesterday.

When I suddenly saw a shadow in front of me I looked upwards and looked into the face of Cindy. "You? You still dare to go outside?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and her evil smile. "You little crybaby should maybe run to your mother. That's all you can go to."

I felt how I was feething. Why did she has to come right now. It was definitely the wrong moment so I just tried to ignore her in the hope she will stop to annoy me. But this was impossible. She hurted me with every single word which came out of her mouth. When I heard Mike in the background it was already to late to calm down.

Before I ran away I gave her a last deprecating stare and whispered "I just hate you."

For the next minutes I was just running in one direction and I felt how the headwind dried my tears. I was so bussy with myself when I just crossed a street without noticing that a car is coming from the right. It seemed like that the driver didn't see me too because the car didn't stop. There were just a few centimetres between me and the car when somone suddenly pulled me back. I closed my eyes frightened and hold on to the person. When I noticed that the person stroked my head I slowely opened my eyes.

"Did you follow me the whole way?" I said a bit wondering and freed myself.

"Imagine I had not," Mike said worried.

"I'm sorry. I litteraly mess up everything. You're a really nice guy and now I'm destroying it," I burst out and I wished I was dead. "I think I should go now."

I wanted to turn around when he suddenly grapped my wrist. "You don't destroy anything," he said.

His eyes sparkled when he looked at me. For some reasons I felt really comfortable in his presence so I just hugged him. He put his arms around me and didn't let me esacpe for some minutes. His pullover was soft and felt good on my skin. After some time his hands clasped my waist and pulled me closer to his body.

"Come on, I will walk you home," he whispered and wiped away my tears.

It felt like an endlessly long way until we were almost there. All the way home I realized, that he was watching me from the side to check if I am okay. He was such a nice guy and I acted like an impudent child the whole time. I wished I could be in a closed room now, where no one can reach me. Without a door or any windows. Just me and my bad ego. I didn't feel like talking to someone at that moment but when we nearly reached my house I realized that I can't just hole up. When we suddenly stopped in front of it I felt that I wasn't able to say anything. My head was spinning and I couldn't think straight. All the things which happened at this day overhelmed me. Cindy's words, that I was nearly run over and then this guy.

I didn't want to make this moment even more emberassing so I just stammerd out some words. "I don't want to make it more worse than it already is, so I think I should just go now."

The sky slowly turned red and a fresh breeth made me tremble. The fact that he didn't say anything made me feel even more bad. I turned around, walked over to the door and took out the key of my pockets. I was already very close to tears and I had problems to find the right one. When I finally opened the door I tried to close it as far as possible behind me. The tears start to run over my face and I let the key fell on the floor. My mum who was in the kitchen came over to the door and stopped when she realized that I was crying. She didn't say anything or wanted to know what happened but rather openend her arms and came into my direction. It felt so good when she put her arms around me and brushed my head. I freed myself when I realzied that her top is already completey wet because of my tears. She took my hand and we both sat down on the stairs.

"Would you like to talk about?" she asked and brushed away my hair out of my face.

I took a deep breath and started to tell everything. Everthing exept Mike. The conversation between me and my mum built up the hate even more towards Cindy and she had to calm me down some times.

"This girl doesn't deserve your attention. She's a little something which doesn't know what she is saying. You know you had a great time with dad. And I know it was hard for you to let him go but I'm sure deep in your heart he's always there and takes care of you," mum said and gave me a little smile while holding my hands. "When he is seeing you right now, I'm sure he wouldn't like to see you crying because of this little immature child. Try to make him proud and be strong. Don't be intimidated. Show her that you don't care about this piece of shit."

I laughed and tried to stop crying. I really needed these kind words and the affection from my mum. This was one of the moments I'm glad to call her my mum.

"And now wash your face. Its completely full of mascara," she sad and I saw how a small tear ran over her face.
I knew that my dad is still a big topic for her. Since the day my dad died, she didn't has a new real relationship or was in love with someone. She was still attached to him and I was sure that she thought I am not able to accept a new man by her side. But that's what I wanted. To see her happy. I used my sleeve to wipe away her tear and kissed her forhead.

"I love you mum," I whispered when I got up and went upwards. 

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