Chapter 19

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The whole evening I had a headache like I've never had headache before. After I came home I just went straight into my room and disappeared in my bed. Mum was already asleep so I was sure she thought I was still with Sara and she didn't has to worry. All my wet clothes were scattered everywhere on my floor and my mascara was still blurred over my whole face but I had no palate for it at that moment. My head was full of thoughts, questions and necessities. Mike still kept playing on my mind. His crying, the expulsion and his words but the strongest thought was about our farewell. For a boy who just said I would be his girlfriend and how much he cared about me he really kept distance to me somehow. There wasn't even a hug.

The holidays were over and school started a few days ago. Sara and I walked to school together as usual and had our daily conversations. We didn't talk about all the troubles again after we talked on the phone at the same evening everything happened. We both knew, that becoming upset wouldn't help at all.

"So," Sara said and brushed her hair behind her ear, "What can we do after school?"

I really appreciated Sara. She knew what to do when I feel bad, to make me happy again. She was the one I needed the most, even though I was thinking about Mike pretty often, but the fact that he avoided me for about five days in a row, signified me that he left. Left the way, we were supposed to walk together.

"What about going shopping in the mall and having a snack at Harverster?" I asked and entered the school yard."We didn't do it for a while and I definitely need our usual everyday life back!"

"Sounds great! Let's just meet here after biology and geography, alright?" Sara said.

"That's going to be great!" I said and we walked into the school, but everyone trough different etrances.

The corridor was crowed as always and everyone is spinning along trough the aisles. People walking to their locker to get their books, girls who are hugging like they didn't see each other for three years and people like me who are just trying to ignore all the hustle and bustle while just walking to the classroom. It produced the weird atmosphere I didn't miss at all during the holidays.

"Serena!" I heard a voice screaming behind me and I wondered how I could even hear something trough this tumult.

 My view moved over to my friend Pia, who was coming across the corridor.

"So glad to see you!" I said and gave her a big hug. "How was it in Germany?"

"It was just amazing! We visited so many places and met so many nice people. It feels like we just drove to the airport and were about to go to Berlin."

Pia was one of my best friends. I know her since the fifth grade and since then we hang around pretty often. She wasn't that kind of typicall girl. She didn't wear skirts or skinny jeans. She was more the one with a flannel and a cap. She hated shopping or mostly everything what had to do with beauty but that's why I was on very good terms with her. Whenever we met, we didn't do "girl things". We could have a water fight without being carfully of our clothes or just swim in a sea, where we didn't even were allowed to keep a foot onto the property.

"That sounds amazing. I wish I would have been able to come with you!" I said and I really meant it. No lies, no troubles, no pain.

"I missed you too!" Pia said laughing and looked onto her watch, "Ten minutes left. What should we do?"

"Tell me more about your trip," I said, just because I wasn't in the best mood to talk that much.

The time when she went on talking I drifted up. My thoughts just went back to Mike. I just wanted answers. Answers for everything. The distance. The crying. Those big words which left his mouth and then he avoiding me completey. I struggled with myself not to cry at school and tried to concentrate on Pia's words when I suddenly met someones eyes passing by. Big blue eyes which didn't stop starring at me. When it wasn't already unconfortable enough they boy I didn't even know winked at me.

"Earth to Serena? Are you listening to me?"

"What?" I asked bewildered and shaked my head like it would actually help to concentrate, "Yes, of course I am."

"Well, I asked if you just noticed that Damon Rush is staring at you as if he never saw a girl before?" Pia asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Who?" I asked because I never heard that name before.

"He is one grade above us and like I heard all the chicks talking, he has to be the most hottest boy with the best six pack ever!" Pia said in a mocking way, prentending to be one of these girls who didn't wear clothes at all.

"For sure!" I said laughing and pulled her into the classroom while pointing back to a bunch of girls with pink clothes, I used to call the Cindys.

"We all know how much you would like to be part of these ones."

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