Chapter 5

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I felt a slighty voice next to me when somone suddenly touched my shoulder.

"Good morning!" Sara said laughing, "It seems like we fell asleep last night during our conversation."

I rubbed my eyes and looked on to the clock over my door. 1 pm. "And we both slept very long!" I said laughing.

"Your mum called my mum already last night. Nothing gets over a weekend sleepover," Sara said and stretched herself.

It was a really nice day. The sun was shining and many people went for a walk. "We shouldn't stay at home today!'" I said and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"No, we should definitely enjoy the nice weather,"Sara said very convincingly, "Maybe we should go for a walk with Balu. What do you think?"

Balu was Sara's dog. He belongs to her side since she was 7. That's also how long I knew this little guy.

"Great idea!" I jumped of my bed and danced trough my room.

Sara and me both started to laugh about my madness and the fact that it had to look very idiotically how I was dancing. We both agreed on a time where we will met before my house and Sara went home. 30 minutes. Enough time for me. I started to take off my clothes I fell asleep with and threw them away into right corner of my room. A dark blue jeans, a grey hoodie and white converse. That's all I wore at this day. My hair was made up to a messy bun like always. 15 minutes left. Still enought time. I walked over to the bathroom cleaned my face and brushed my teeth. When I was finshed I looked into the mirror and gave myself a little smile. Happy mood. Away from all the bad. When I came into the kitchen, no one was there, so I just grapped an apple and took a bite. After some minutes I finally found my mum in her bedroom where she put fresh lines on the bed.

"Good afternoon honey," she said laughing. "How are you today?"

I took a deep breath and smelled the smell of fresh bedding. I waited for my answer jumped on the bed my mum stood before and gave her a huge smile. "I'm great!"

"Oh honey! I just cleaned it up," she said a bit angry when her facial expression went over to a little smile.

"I'll go for a walk with Sara. I will be there later, okay?" I answered and I was sure she is happy about the fact that I will go outside.

"Yes, you're allowed when you'll leave the bed now as fast as possible before I will tickle you!" she said when she spread her fingers.

I suddenly jumped out of the bed and made a pleading gesture. "No, please. I will go now, I love you mum!" I said laughing and left the room.

When I opened the front door a fresh breeze came into my face and I felt that I really needed the good weather. I walked over the paved way before our house and enjoyed the pleasent sun rays on my face.I noticed that I was a bit early when I looked on my phone, so I decided to wait for Sara at the tree which splits up our plots. The bark felt soft when I leaned against it and the rustle of leaves calmed me down. It took some time when I opened my eyes because of a noise around me. I was sure it was Sara with Balu but I was very surprised when I looked into the face of the boy from yesterday.

"Oh hey there! What a coincidence! I was just walking around and saw you." His eyes looked even more intense in the light when he smiled at me.

"Hi! Yes, it's a pretty nice day ," I said a bit shy and nearly lost the balance for some reason.

"Are you alright today?" he asked me with a worried voice.

"I'm great," I said and tried to keep it that way.

"I'm glad to hear that," he said smiling.

I gave him a little smile when he bite his lip and looked on the ground. "I'm wonderng if you would maybe like to go for a walk with me?" he said softly, "Only if you would like to!"

I would really like to but I had plans with Sara and I didn't want her to be sad if I'd cancel them. But before I had the chance to tell him that I'm waiting for my friend I saw Sara coming from the right.

"I'm sorry Jana, my mum really needs me in the kitchen. We can meet later! I'm sure you will find something else to do."

I knew Sara for a long time and I was hundred per cent sure, that her mum didn't need her help. It often felt like she was my soul mate because she always knew what I want or what I feel. Her blink at the end when she turned around proved everything.

"Yes, I'm sure I will," I said while I smirked on the ground.

"Are you going to say yes?" Mike said and put his head sideways.

"Sure, why not," I said when we both walked down the road.

"So, what would you like to do?" he answerd after a few metres.

The first thing what came into my mind was to get to know him. The fact that I walked around with a stranger I poured out my heart made me feel a bit uneasy.

"I don't know," I answerd because I really had no idea.

He mused for a time while he turned around for some reason. "Would you like to go to the ice cream parlour?" he said, hopefully smiling at me.

I was thinking for a moment of I had some money with me when I answered "Yes of course, but then we have to cross the street now." I pointed over to street and we crossed over.

"It seems like you don't live here for a while. Is it right?" The trafficlight went red when we stopped at the next crossing. "I mean, I didn't see you before around here."

"My family and I just moved from a little city near London because of my dads work and now we're here for about 3 weeks," he answered really fast like he was waiting for this question. 

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