Chapter 2

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I closed the door behind me and went down the street. It seemed to be a great day. Lately it was raining all the time but now the sun was shining and it was also pretty warm for this season. I bite into my apple and turned the corner when suddenly someone touched my shoulder. I hastily turned around and looked into Sara's face.

"Good morning! How are you?" she said and brushed her hair out of her face.

Sara is my best friend since we were 2 years old. She and her family moved to the house next us and our mums became really good friends. For this reason we often saw each other and became real friends too.

"Hi Sara!" I said and hugged her. " Well, I'm fine exept that I'll take two exams today. How about you?"

"I'm pretty good. I took all exams last week. In which subject do you have to take them?" she asked with a look of inquiry. "Wasn't it biology and maths?"

"Yes exactly. Subjects which I really love," I said with a touch of irony in my voice.

She laughed and pointed over to a boy on the other side of the street. "Isn't he in your Maths course? He looks smarter than you maybe you should sit next to him."

She begang to laugh and I gave her a little kick. "Hey! I'm not silly!" I said and I couldn't help laughing too.

After some time we turned right and went straight up to the school building. I greeted some friends who stood in front of the bike racks and looked on my mobile phone.

"Oh it's nearly 8 o' clock. I think I should go over to the class room now before my teacher send someone to search for me."

"Okay! After school at the corner?" she asked and took off her jacket.

I nodded and went over to the entrance.
"And good luck for you exams!"she shouted before I left in school.

"Thank you!" I whispered and winked over to her.

The coridor was full of people which are coming from every directions. I pushed my way through the crowd to get to my classroom when the school bell sounded in my ears. I hastened not to be late when I finally reached the classroom. I opened the door and looked into the not surprising face of my teacher.

"Good morning!" he said in a comical tone because I was late again.
"Good morning Mr. Brown," I said quiet and tried to go to my seat as fast as possible. He shaked his head, smiled at me and started with the lesson.

The time flies and school was over really quick. I took my back and put my folders in it. When I wanted to get up, someone suddenly pushed me back. A short sound came from my mouth because I hurted my arm somehow.

"Hi girl," someone said behind my back.

I turned around and saw three girls from my next class. The front one was Cindy. I knew her since the kindergarten but we weren't friends at all. She often insulted me for some reasons and after someone told her my dad died she didn't stop anymore. I always tried to find the real reason why she hated me and why she had to make me feel sad all the time but I never did.

"How are you love?" she asked while the girls in the back started to giggle.

I rolled my eyes and got up. "What do you want from me?"

Surprised she turned around and talked to her friends. "What's wrong with her?"
She started to laugh and came over to me. "I just want to let you know I am always there for you whenever you need me," she stopped for a moment.

Probably she was thinking about some ironic words for me to make me feel even more down.
After some seconds she turned her back to me and said "Or should I say, whenever you need someone who have to play the role of your father."

She looked at me over her shoulder and tried to look concerned about my situation. I wanted to go when she finally added "I mean you'll never have the chance to celebrate your birthday with him again or the Father's day. Isn't it such a shame?"
 I felt how my rage to her bacame bigger and bigger. I clenched my fist and noticed how my eyes filled with tears. The theme of the death of my father was always very tricky and I know that she just wanted me to feel sad. I tried to retained my control but when they broke out in a big laughter I couldn't stay calm. I took my jacket from the chair and ran out of the room while my teacher came towards me. From the corner of my eyes I could see how they gave each other a high five because they finally got want they wanted. Me crying. I ran out of the building while the tears ran down my face. I ran as fast as I could but in the complitely wrong direction I came from. Everything around me bacame obscure and I even didn't realize the voice of Sara in the back who waited at the corner. The only thing in my head was the constantly resounding sentence Cindy said.

,,You'll never have the chance to celebrate your birthday with him again."

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