Chapter 20

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It was half past one when I was able to avoid all the classrooms with dirty blackboards and tables which seemed to be created before the second world war. Within a few seconds, the aisles were completely deserted and looked like a hurrican was up to mischief. Paper and empty cans and bottles everywhere, and even a few valuables laid on the corridor which walked over to the caretaker.

I was glad that school was finally over and that I could spend some time with Sara. I really missed her the last time and it was rare that we didn't see each other for even two days. I could already see Sara waiting at the corner when I left the school building. When I just wanted to walk over to her, my mood suddenly darkened when Cindy came towards me. It was the first time I saw her since I spied her and Mike and I had no idea how she would react towards me.

I told myself to ignore her but when I suddenly had eye contact with her I couldn't believe my eyes. Did Cindy actually just smiled at me? My face needed a few seconds to turn normal for not to look like I'd need glasses.

"Serena? Everything okay with you?" Sara said confused and snapped her fingers in front of my face.

I actually was. The first time for years Cindy just let me go without any rude comments and if that didn't was a reason to celebrate I didn't know what was.

"Yes I am alright, I just saw Cindy and-," were the only words I was able to say when a voice from behind interrupted me.

"Hi," a solid boy with brown hair said, "I am Damon."

I turned around and looked into two familiar brown eyes.

"Hi," I said quietly and was still a bit woozy.

"'I saw you in school a few times already," he said shyly what didn't realy fit to his apperance, "Well, I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me some time?"

The boy rubbed his neck with his hand and gave me a little smile, what made him really sypathetic.

"If you don't like to it is totally okay I was just wondering because you actually seem to be really nice and-"

"No, no! I mean yes, I would-," I said and again I couldn't finish my sentence because Sara tapped onto my shoulder.

When I turned towards her, I already could see someone behind her and nearly got a heartattack. His brown curles looked even more perfect than usual just as the rest of him. He didn't looked into my eyes at all but when he just moved his head up, it gave me a cold shiver. His eyes where darker then never before and were filled with sadness and anxiety. I gulped and it feeled like someone tied up my throat. Now I was standind there in between two boys and my best friend and didn't know what to say.

"Can we talk?" Mike asked and I felt how my anger rised.

I suddenly wasn't happy to see him or sad like he seemed to be, suddenly I was angry, angry about him and I didn't want him to mess up my day with Sara.

"Talk? You want to talk now?" I said and fake laughed. "You had a bunch of time to talk to me but you rather like to kick me out. You missed the boat Mike."

 I lowered my voice when I noticed Damons face.

"I better go," he said while his eyes moved from me to Mike. That's it. Goodbye happiness. I breathed out loud and shored my head. No when I just thought eveything will get better, the fate wasn't my friend and I watched Damon moving apart.

"I swear I wanted to explain everything, but it wasn't possible," Mike said after a short time.

Sara was still standing next to me and I was sure she didn't feel really good to be in this situation.

"Well, maybe," I said and tried to calm down and gave Sara a little smile, "But today I don't want to have any troubles and I just wan to spend some time with my best friend."

When I looked into Mikes face I could see that he didn't feel good. His face reminded me of the situation in his house. He crying, because of me. I just wanted to apologize for my outburst but Sara preempted me.

"But you can come with us."

With a suprised face I looked at her and I new that she planned something.

"'What?" I said, even though I understood every word.

"Like Serena said, no troubles today and I think we could actually enjoy our time togther, right?" Sara turned towards me and gave me a "Do it" look.

"Sure," I said and sounded not really believable.

"I don't think that is a good idea," Mike said to her but starred at me.

This was excactly what I thought but Sara didn't even gave me the chance to reveal my thoughts and I felt how she slightly hit my arm.

"No, it's totaly okay. We will survive it," I said and tried to smile.

A smile, that won't last long. 

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