Chapter 12

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"That's exactly what I wanted to happen," he said laughing after he noticed nothing came out of my mouth.

"I am speechless," I said and I really was. "How can you even know such a beautiful place which is out in the sticks when you just moved here," I said and made a wondering gesture.

"Well," he said and opened a blanket,
"I like to walk around when I'm bored. That's how I found it."

A short moment of silence was around when he came closer to me.

"Come on"  he said and put the blanked over my shoulders, "sit down."

I smiled. "For some reasons you're different."

I noticed him looking at me from the side because he was waiting for me to finish my sentence.

"I mean, you're actually a really, really nice guy but..," I made a break because I didn't know how to finish.

"Why?" he asked really serious.

I knew why I think he was different. The way he acts and the way he talks. It seems like he lived with so many experiences which influenced his life but in a sort of way I couldn't tell him.

"Doesn't matter now. We will leave it at the point that you're a really nice guy," I said laughing and hoped he wouldn't chase it up again.

It was already pretty late but I felt so comfortbable around him and I just didn't want to go home.

"Aren't you cold?" I said after some time because I noticed he was just wearing a sheer top.

"No, no. Everything is alright," he said and I knew this wasn't true.

"I'm sorry but you're actually really bad at lying," I said and shared my blanket with him.

"That's what everyone says," he said laughing and approached."Thank you."

For a while we just sat there starring into the sky until I saw a shooting star flying by.

"Did you see that?" he asked me when he noticed me changing my position.

"Yes!" I said excited. "It was my first shooting star I'ver ever seen."

I was so happy at the moment like a little kid. It reminded me of a camping trip with my dad. I remebered every little detail of it. We were having a lot fun together like fishing, swimming and barbecue. One evening we were sitting at the campfire when my dad suddenly saw a shooting star. I was so sad and upset that I didn't see one that I started to cry. Because of the fact that my dad didn't like me to be sad he made me a little present when we came back home. A little keychain in the shape of a shooting stare which I still carried with me.

"The first one?" he said amazed,"Well, at least I hope you made a wish!"

"I did. What about you?", I said and smirked on the floor.

"Sure"' he said and put his arm around my waist.

Out of the angle I could see how he smiled. My heart was beating but in a positive way. I felt so warm and at ease being around him, that's why I leaned my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt his big hand on my body which seemed to be there to keep our body contact. The fresh fragrance of his clothes and a nice perfume made me feel for him more and more. He just felt so cuddly that I nearly fell asleep when my phone suddenly vibrated. I could curse my mum for sending me a message at this time. At the wrong time.

"It's my mum," I said when I straightened up.

"Alright. I will walk you home," he said and took the blanket.

I climbed down the ladder and waited for him. He jumped off the last step and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Alright, lets go," he said, put his arm with the blanket around me and we both walked down the dark street arm in arm.

The moon was already at the horizont and filled the surroundings with a gentle light.

"Well, there we are," I said and didn't know what do say next.

"I really enjoyed being together with you today," he said and took my hands.

His smile was so cute and I was so happy at the moment but there was one thing I needed to get rid.

"Me too," I said smiling and and got serious again. "But I just need to apologize for the last times. I was an idiot and I caused so many problems. I'm sorry for that."

"No," he said and brushed away my hair. "We had a great time today without any problems. I saw you being happy and I saw you laughing. It is the past, so we shouldn't talk about that."

I looked into these beautiful eyes with a mix of green and blue when he came closer to me. I could feel his breath on my skin and I could hear our heartbeats when we suddenly heard a noice behind us. We both removed from each other and looked into the surprising face of my mum who stood in the doorstop.

"Oh,I didn't know-," she said and couldn't continue, "I'll wait inside."

The door closed. Wrong moment again mum.

"Allow me to introduce, my mum," I said and we both started to laugh and tried to get out of this embrassing moment. "I think you should go now. It's pretty late and it seems like we're getting watched,"I said and smiled onto the groound.

"Yes, I already noticed your mum at the window," he said laughing.

"At least we haven't got any other stalkers around here", I said and tried to look over to Saras window unobtrusively because I knew my mum wasn't the only one.

"Alright then, have a good night."

"Get home safely," I said when he moved.

Left alone in the silence.

I walked over to the door and couldn't stop smiling. I took a deep breath and wanted to open the door when someone suddenly catched me. He pressed his lips on mine while keeping my head between his hands.

"I couldn't go without doing it," he whispered and slowly moved apart.

Left alone in the silence again, but this time slack-jawed.

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