Chapter 3

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Judging faces everywhere I went. I was running for some minutes whithout any stops when I felt how I became slower and everything around me started to turn. I knew that I should't keep goin but I was to busy with my thoughts that this wasn't a point. I just needed a place where I was alone and this was out of sight. When I finally realised something is wrong with me it was already to late. I stumbled into an alley between two buildings when I suddenly lost my consciousness. Everything became black in front of my eyes and it felt if something pulled me to the ground. The only thing I could remeber was the view into the sky. A cloudy horizon and a rainbow at the same time.

When I came back to my sense I was shaking at my whole body. I sat up and looked at my wet clothes. It seemed like it was raining during the time I wasn't conscious. I touched my head when I suddenly heard a noise behind my back. I turned around and saw a boy with brown curly hair. He sat on the ground with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. His green beanie matched perfectly to his eyes and it seemed like he sat in the rain for some minutes as well.

"Who are you?" I said suspicious and kept distance to him. I was wondering why he was there and of course who he was.
"What do you want?" I added and was a bit afraid.

He waved his hand and wanted me to stop being so warily. "I saw you lying on the ground for some reasons and wanted to call the ambulance when you suddenly woke up," he said a bit worried. "Are you alright now?"

I was still touching my head when my face expression became relaxed. "I'm okay. The only thing is my head." I did a short break and looked down at my cardigan. "And my wet clothes.'"

I took a deep breath when he suddenly reached out his hand. "Come on," he said, "Sit down first."

I took his hand and leaned against the wall of the house.
"I would give you my shirt but it's also completely wet," he said with a little smile.

I smiled at the ground, bend my legs and put my arms around them. He sat down next to me and we both just starred on the facing wall for some time. Great start of holidays.
"I think it was a sudden feeling of faintness," I said and looked over to him, "The reason why I laid on the ground."

"Do you know why?" he said a bit hesitant and shyly looked on the ground.

"Yes I do," I said restrained and noticed how my eyes felt with tears again.

He turned expectantly toward me while a tear felt on the ground. "Heey please don't cry," he said and gently wiped a tear from my face.

For some reasons I felt comfortable in his presence and that's why I told him what happened. I had to hold back my tears all time I mentioned my father. It took some time when I suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop?" he asked surpisingly.

"I'm sorry I really don't know why I am telling you this. You're a stranger!" I got up and wated to go home but I felt that this wasn't a great idea. My head was spinning and I staggered backwards. Before I bashed my head on the wall he jumped up and rescued me.

"In this state you can't go home alone," he said with me still in his arms.

I was sure that it would be better if he squire me even if I didn't know him. I freed myself from his arms and tried to stand up sraight.

"So, where do you live?" he asked and smirked at me.

"Foley street" I said a bit shyly.

"Okay, let's go!" he said and took my hand.

It was already dark outside and the lights illuminated the streets. No one was out there expept me and the boy. For some minutes we didn't talked to each other so I started to watch him out of my eye. He was a big and muscular guy. It seemed like he had some tattoos on his left arm and on his hand as well. One of them looked like a lettering but I couldn't read it exactly. I was really interested in it but I didn't asked him what it says so I just adverted my gaze. We just walked past the streets around of silence. It was still a bit windy and I hoped that it won't rain again. On the other side of the street a defect street light flickered and produced a strange mood.

"So, do you want to tell me who I am talking to?"  I said and waited for an answer.

Before I could turn around to ask him again he finally answered "Mike! I'm Mike," he said a bit strange. "What's your name?"

"Serena," I said when my head started to hurt again. I made a contrite face but tried to hide it at that moment.

"I like it. Where does your name come from?" he asked, "Not from England, right?"

"No, I think it's a german name. But I'm not sure to be honest," I said laughing.

"Anyway your parents did a great job in the name search,"he said and winked at me.

We just walked along the street and exchanges a few words when I suddenly stopped. "So, we're there." I pointed over to my house and waited for him to say anything but he didn't. "I think I should go now."
I took a short break but he just stood there and looked at me. "Thank you for everything."

"See you!" he shouted when I closed the door behind me.

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