Number 1

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I remember the day they first turned up. It was the first day of our senior year and we were all pretty excited. Prom was the only thing mentioned in any single one of the many conversations I was in even though it was still a year away. That was until Percabeth showed up. Then of course the only thing anyone talked about was how hot the guy was and how gorgeous the girl was and all the many different ways to potentially break them up before prom. I think I was the only one who noticed that day that Percabeth was going to be forever.

And how smart I am. Now, in February, half the school claims that Percabeth has been their OTP from the start. Even though I know countless members of the football team, soccer team, basketball team... really any sport you can think of - have tried, and failed, to break them up. Really, the attempts got hilarious after a while.

Percy's become swim team captain. I think he surprised everyone - except Annabeth who I noticed smirking the entire time - by beating Eric Sanders (the swim team captain since middle school) by six whole seconds. Even Coach C looked stunned. But then he became very, very happy and I started smirking too.

Annabeth on the other hand is intelligence herself. She's definitely without question the smartest person in the school, including teachers. She's captain of the mathletes, debaters... really every club you can imagine that an extremely popular girl like her would never be caught dead with.

All in all, Percy and Annabeth seem like the coolest and nicest people I've ever met. Except I haven't exactly "met" them yet. They seem so incredibly nice, but my stupid shyness is getting in the way of introducing myself. I know they wouldn't shun me. I mean come on, look how many people have thrown themselves at either one of them and yet they both manage to be perfectly civil to all of them.

Today is going to be different though, second term is starting and I've done a complete personality makeover. I'll be outgoing, not shy; bold, not meek; enthusiastic, not nervous. No, this term is introducing a completely different Autumn James. I'll be the girl who I always am around my friends, except I'll be that way with everyone.

I take a deep breath, open the car door and step out to embrace my new reality. My back is straight in confidence and there's a slight smile on my face which I'm hoping gives me a kind of "I know all" air. I stride over to the bench where Skylark and Tyler are sitting. On the way over I pause to smile and say "hi" to everyone.

"Hey guys," I say, plopping down next to them on the bench. "How's life?" My trademark line causes them to grin. And Ty responds with his usual, "Nothing worst than normal" reply.

"So, what do you guys all have?" Impatient as always, Sky's the first one to ask the annoying question.

"Ugh," I say, pulling out my schedule. "I've got algebra this term. And advanced French. And advanced English. How many AP classes did I sign up for this year?" Actually I didn't mind the last one, in fact it is seems very promising. "Oh, and wood working as an elective." I'd forgotten that Mom'd finally okayed the subject.

Ty raises his eyebrows, "Good luck."

"Thanks, I'll definitely need it."

The warning bell rings, so I say a quick "bye" to both my friends and we all sprint inside the building and then in different directions.

It's then that I bump into the one and only Annabeth Chase.

Hey there, hope you enjoyed my fanfic. There were literally no Percabth moments and I'm sorry. But you got to set a story up somewhere right? Please comment and vote.

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