Number 12

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We're leaving for Ottawa in the morning. Really not too sure on how we're going to get there. Annabeth said she had it all figured out though, so I'm not too worried. Up until lights out, Piper - my cabin leader - has been warning me about how dangerous quests are recounting stories of her quests.

I really hope Annabeth isn't going to get a huge bronze dragon for us to ride. I don't think my stomach could handle it.

********Time Passage********

We say goodbye to everyone. I think everyone can tell that Annabeth's miserable. But she's awesome about it and puts on a half hearted smile, cause everyone knows that she's the leader of the quest. When Argus drops us off somewhere in Manhattan, Annabeth produces a wad of cash, "To the buses!"


*********Time Passage*********

"Eww, it stinks in here," I complain as we climb on to the seats. I'm becoming more Aphrodite-ish by the second. I groan with annoyance.

"Whoa, it's not groan worthy," Ty says beside me.

"Sorry. Groan wasn't for the bus. Groan was because I sound like Drew." Ty looks at me weirdly. "My aunt," I clarify.

"Ohhhh..." A look of understanding comes over his face. "Duh." He face palms.

I smirk and settle back down in my seat. We just made the last bus of the day going to Toronto. From there it was just a 5 hour drive. Annabeth totally has a plan.

I hope.

Anyways, we had to split up, so Annabeth and Sky had grabbed seats near the back, while me and Ty found some in the middle.

"How long is the ride again?" I ask after having nothing to do. I wish I'd been smart and packed a book or something like Annabeth surely had.

"Roughly 12 and a half hours."


**********12 Hours Later**********

I wake to a buzzer. "Ugh," I complain and snuggle deeper into... Wait what?!?!? My head shoots up and I realize I fell asleep in Ty shoulder. Oh My Gods. My cheeks flush red. He is my best friend - well one of them - it isn't like that. At least for him. Me, I'm a different story... I shake my head sternly to wipe out all the Aphrodite instincts.

I looked at my watch. It is nearly 9 o'clock. We must be here. I shake Ty awake since he's literally deaf when he's asleep. "Ty! We're in freaking Canada!"

"Say what?" he mumbles, still asleep.

I glare at his limp, sleeping form. "Grrrrrrr."

**********Tine Passage**********

We end up in a seedy motel room. Like with one bed. Together. All four of us. Annabeth said we need to save our money for transportation. I believe her. But it still feels weird.

"Dibs on the couch!" I pounce on the springy sofa.

Ty nods at Annabeth and Sky. "You guys take the bed. I've got the floor." Sky and Annabeth climb in quickly after almost no protest. I think we're all pretty tired even after our naps on the bus.

"Go to sleep, Autumn. I've got watch duty," Ty demands me.

"But..." I trail of, sleeping claiming me first.

*********Time Passage*********

When I wake up it's still dark out. I tap on my watch and it lights up. 3:26 am. I moan. For the next half hour I just lie there. Then I realize that this is getting me nowhere and get up to stretch a little. I hear a clatter behind me and spin around.

"Oh, it's just you, Autumn," comes Ty's voice, muffled by the darkness.

With nothing else to say, I ask, "Can't sleep?" even though why else would he be getting a glass of water at 4 am?

He nods, then adds, "Plus someone's got to watch over you lovely ladies."

I smile and roll my eyes forgetting he can't see me in the darkness.


"Been awake for like forever." He chuckles at my statement and slowly makes his way over to me. He sits down on the couch and I sit beside him.



"Would you rather poop unicorns or slugs?" Ty finally asks. Would you rather is a me and Ty thing. It's really all that we do whenever Sky's not around. I know, I should get a life. But it's fun! Except when it starts giving me terrible nightmares like this ones gonna.

"That's disgusting, Ty. How'd you come up with it?"

"Read it in a book," he replies.

"A book?" First I'm shocked that they have would you rather books (must get one) but then my attention turns to an even more surprising matter. "You read a whole book?"

Even in the darkness I can feel his glare. "Just answer the question."

"Fine," I give in as he starts to poke me. "Slugs."


"Well yeah. I mean unicorns are awesome and all, but slugs would be much easier - size wise - to...uh...get out."

Ty bursts out laughing and slings his arms around me. "You make a solid argument. I'll have to agree." I laugh and lean into him. He puts his head on top of mine. We stay like that for awhile, shooting back different would you rather-s at each other. I wonder what Ty's thinking. Does hugging me mean he likes me? I don't know. He hugs me a lot. And it definitely didn't feel like he liked me in a different way than a sister back than. It's times like these that I really wish I could read minds. Oh well, usually I can hardly read my own. Eventually I give up trying to analyze the situation and just focus on the question. Soon we descend into silence and I just snuggle deeper in to his chest. His arms wrap around me and pull me into his lap.

"Goodnight," he whispers into my hair.

"Night," I mutter and fall willingly asleep.

So that didn't really have Percabeth in it. Sorry bout that. I just needed to ship my main character with Ty cause it's amazing. I'm trying to decide on a ship name for them. But they all kind of suck. I mean what kind of ship name is Tytumn or Autler? I should really make characters with more shippable names. That made sense...right? Anyways you guys are amaze! Farewell for now my fellow demigods!

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