Number 10

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I wake up and all I see are thick pieces of fuchsia coloured fabric. What the...?

Someone rips the fabric apart. Ty steps through the gap. Oh, right...

"Morning," he says and last night's events come back to me like a breaking dam.

"How's Percy?" is all I can think to say.

"Still in a coma."

"How's Annabeth?"

"Hasn't moved. Like, at all. I knew they loved each other, but I'm beginning to think their soul mates," he says like it's some big confession our something.

"Uh, yeah. Of course their soul mates." Am I the only one who saw the obviousness of that?

"You knew?"

"I thought everyone did," I confess.

"No. You know, you should start your own column in the newspaper or something. Call it Dr. Cupid or something cheesy like that. You'd be great at giving people relationship advice."

I laugh a little and say, "Maybe so. But Grandma will kill me before the first letter comes in." As if to prove my point, the air fills with a sickly rose smell of waaaaay to much perfume. "Gah." I swipe at my nose to get rid of the oder. "Why does she keep doing that?"

"I don't know, Autumn. I don't know."

***********Time Passage***********

I'm released just after lunch and I spend the rest of the afternoon skipping from one activity to the next with my cabin. Finally we get to archery class. I haven't had it yet as it's only offered to us on the weekend.

Chiron's there. I guess that a good thing when I see some of the people in my cabin grab a fistful of string and pull back, twisting the bow. I wince. That really can't be good for the bow.

Chiron hands me a compact bow. When he says "Fire!" I pull back on the taunt string and let her rip. It hits the outer edge of the red circle. Hey, maybe I'm not a daughter of Apollo, but I've got a decent shot.

A few more tries and I claim a bull's-eye. Chiron trots over to me. "I think someone is going to need a new weapon."

I grin in understanding.

******Time Passage to the Camp Fire******

The flames didn't reach too high tonight. No one is really in a celebratory mood now that Percy in a coma and about a fifth of the camp has gone rogue. Even the Apollo kids aren't getting into it.

Frankly - trust me, I never thought I'd ever say this - but the camp fire's getting boring. I know, shocker, right. It's usually so much fun with everyone shouting about different pieces of armour and making stupid hand gestures. And then almost everyone's off tune, which makes it so much cooler.

Chiron's starting to stand up when Rachel suddenly bursts out, "Prophecy!" and collapses in a chair that is oh so conveniently situated there. Everyone looks at her in expectantly as she opens her mouth and starts spewing green smoke. Well that's bizarre. But no, it gets weirder. She starts to talk, and her voice is raspy and hoarse as if she just sang Chandelier a couple times through.

Four shall leave and follow the trail
Of three unlucky demigods and prevail
They shall find them hidden in spots
North, West, South, are the lots
Be careful you demigods
For there are many odds
That you will have to overcome
To succeed in this sum

When she finishes she stands up and walks over to me. She gives me a blank pink index card. And then walks across the room to where Annabeth is and hands her a grey index card. Then she walks a little farther and hands Ty a white index card. And then slowly zombie walks her way to Sky and gives her an orange index card. And then announces,

The demigods have already been chosen for the quest.

Rachel then smiles creepily and falls off her chair.

Yeah...this chapter is a little weird. But hey! Quest time!!!! Cause you know, what's a story involving Percabeth if it doesn't have a quest? Please excuse the horrible prophecy. I can't rhyme. At all. I was using the Internet so much for that one little thing. Anyways, 2 updates in a day!...Wait, no. Its past midnight. Meaning it's tomorrow. Well really, today...Schist this is so complicated. And to think, I was so impressed with my updating skills for a moment. Ah, whateves. Love y'all!!!!!

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