Number 17

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Hadn't Chiron said to IM Percy...? We never got around to that had we? The whole Chloe thing came up and then the monster deterrent thing...yeah, I can see why we haven't IMed him yet. But won't it make Annabeth more depressed that she can't be within if she sees him in a coma state again? Oh well, Chiron knows best.

I should probably tell Annabeth, but how? Should I kind of ease into it or just bluntly order her to call him. Hmm.

But Annabeth makes up my mind for me, by walking over to me and sitting on the Starbucks couch beside me. "What is it?" she questions.

"You need to IM Percy," I spill.

She's already grabbing a drachma from her bag and leaping off the couch. "Wait," I shout, realizing I've made it sound like he's on his death bed. Great job there, Autumn.

"He's not dying or anything. It's just right before we gave you the sleeping pill, Chiron told us to IM Percy for you. I just forgot to tell you..." my voice gets quieter as I trail off. But I don't think Annabeth has heard a word I've said. She's already locked herself in the bathroom and I can hear girly squeals of "Seaweed Brain!" come through the door. My first thought is, Annabeth squeals like that? Second thought is, Percy's must be awake, of course she squeals like that.

I smile and shake my head, wishing I had someone who'd make me squeal whenever I saw them. Maybe Ty... I shake the thought loose. He probably feels responsible for me, like an older brother. I frown. And then smile again as someone squeals once more.

********Time Passage********

"She's never coming out of that place is she?" Ty asks, sitting down beside on the couch I still haven't left.

"Who? Annabeth or Chloe?" I inquire.

"Wait, Annabeth's still in there?" he points back to the bathroom.


"How long ago did she first go in?"

I check my watch. "About three hours ago." Ty just looks at me. "No joke, it's been three hours."

"Should we get her?" Ty looks a little worried.

"Nah, she deserves it. He was in a coma when we left," I remind him. Ty settles back in the couch, but still looks kind of uncomfortable.

"Look, if Chloe ever comes out of that place," I point across the street, "I guarantee Annabeth will be the first one on her tail," I reassure Ty.

He looks marginally better. "Okay." We both sink deeper into the couch and Ty puts his arm around me. Okay, is that a brotherly gesture of protection? Or something more? I wish so much that it's the latter. But knowing Ty, it's got to be the former. I sigh. Why does my grandmother hate me?

Then I feel Ty leap up. "Hole Hera!" (He caught on to the whole demigod swearing thing a lot quicker than the rest of us. "is that Chloe?" Ty's doing this really bizarre stage whisper thing and he's pointing at the apartment across the street.

I follow his finger and sure enough, a girl with straight black hair is emerging from the apartment building across the street. Then behind her is a guy with blond hair and a buff frame.

Ty and I look at each other. "Brent Wilds."

Hey again. Finally. I know, I'm sorry for procrastinating a bit and not updating the last few days. I'll try to be better about it for the rest of the story. Nice and early New Years resolution. Anyways, hope you all got lives of awesomeness. Cause that is rad, and so are you!!!! (Is it just me or did that sound like a very weird version of what someone would put on a Valentines day card?)

Have fun with all your fab lives, demigods!! (Well maybe not so fab, with the monster thing and everything. Good luck.)



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