Number 20

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So I have no idea what's going down at the moment. Annabeth somehow knows that the last demigod we have to find - Sharon Oaks - is in the hotel which we're standing directly in front of at the moment. Don't ask how, cause I don't know and she's a daughter of Athena and won't tell me anything. Why must you be so Annabethy, Annabeth?

Now I'm reverting back into the old Autumn. I sigh heavily and close my eyes not really wanting to let go of my new self. But hey, "cool" Autumn is so overrated these days. I'll admit it. I miss the old Autumn. I miss myself.

"Okay, should we get a room in here or what?" asks Ty.

Sky, Ty and I all simultaneously look at Annabeth. She just rolls her eyes and looks across the street where there's a motel in even worse repair.

"Oh no, Annabeth. I can't survive another night with all of us in the same room together again," I protest, being the first one to understand where her mind's taking her.

"A motel? Across the street? Really Annabeth?" Sky says.

Annabeth glares at us. It's only her 46% death glare, but it's still possibly the scariest thing in the world. We all take a step back closer to the street and shut up.

She smirks a little and starts walking towards the motel. She's already across the street before the rest of us have the courage to even take a step forwards. When the three of us finally walk into the lobby (which is also the staff kitchen) Annabeth is standing at the front desk tapping her fingers and rolling her eyes. "No wonder they don't have guest, look at their service and look at this place," she mutters.

I snort a little as I take in the faded curtains that only reach halfway down the windows. They probably got cut off because they were mouldering. Ty doesn't seem to share my unconcerned views.

"What happens if we catch something. Betcha there's asbestos in the walls. Asbestos. Ya hear that? We could get cancer! Does this not concern you at all?" Ty rants. Okay, he's got some points, I really don't want cancer. But hey, the city would close this dump down if it was that bad. So I just smile psychotically and shake my head. In spite of his concerns, Ty grins and while shaking his head tells me, "You're impossible, aren't you?"

I ton my grin down a bit. "Pretty much." He lets out a chuckle and after a few silent moment we turn our attention back to Annabeth.

"Two rooms...yes...thank you." Annabeth spins around as quickly as possible and grabs Sky and my wrists to start pulling me up the steep stairwell. "Ty you get your own room this time. Be happy. I know we are." Annabeth hesitates for a second. "Wait that sounded rude. Sorry. Didn't mean it like that."

"I know what you meant Annabeth...are they adjoining?"

"Of course. Now you're starting to sound like Seaweed Brain." Annabeth's voice cracks in the last word.

"Hey. We'll be back before you know it."

She nods and we hurry up the stairs.

***********Timety Skippity Skip***********

"What is this place?" I demand, examining the mattresses which I swear have been stuffed with hay.

"Home until we can go back," answers Ty sticking his head into the room.

Annabeth emerges from the bathroom where she was IMing Percy. She starts to say something and then sees Ty in the room and stops. "I was about to say to go get Ty, but looks like that won't be necessary.

"Anyways, we have things to discuss. We've almost completed our quest. Now we just need to get the monster masker thing back and convince the three of them to go back to camp. And find out why they never came back in the first place. But we also should try and track down Octavian. And kill him. Once and for all." Annabeth pauses and thinks for a couple seconds. "So that was all I had to say. Anyone got anything to add?"

"I'm glad you're on our side?" I say. And truly I am overjoyed we do not have to fight against Annabeth. That be a nightmare come true. All of our forces would be dead before you could say peanut butter, pineapple, ham, sandwich with pickles on top.

That sounds really disgusting...

Back to reality. Annabeth smiles a little, acknowledging my compliment. (Thank the gods, for a second there I thought she was gonna run me through.)

"Okay, the wait continues."

* must know what time it is by now...*

We play a couple rounds of Would You Rather as Annabeth skims through a couple dozen books. Every half hour or so one of us checks the window to see if the roman demigods are here yet. No luck so far.

"What is taking so long?" Sky voices my thoughts aloud.

"No clue," Annabeth grumbles.

"I hate waiting," comment Ty in what sounds like a Spanish accent. (I will dedicate the next chapter to whoever is the first to comment where this reference is from)

I really don't understand anything he says sometimes. So I just shake my head and give him a puzzled look. But Annabeth seems to understand and in spite of everything she chuckles and lays her book on the table. "I'm going to go see if they've check in yet. We might have missed them walking up," she says, leaping up from her chair and quickly marching put the door.

Sky's eyelids start to close even though it's like noon. All the time zones we've been hopping through must have caught up to her. Her back starts to curl as she slumps over. She wrenches herself erect and immediately yells, "Caffeine! Where are you? Come to mommy!"

She immediately sprints out the door, something clanking (loose change maybe?) in her pocket. And then it dawns on me. I dig my hands into my own pockets and realize that my wallet is gone. Dam...she's goode.

Twenty seconds later Annabeth comes screeching into the room. "We missed them. They've been here for a whole hour already. They're going the open air music concert a couple streets away. And they might just bump into a couple...a-hem...old friends."

I grin in understanding. Ty looks slightly confused.

"There are more demigods in New Orleans?"


Okay I'm back. Sorry for the delay. Could not think of what to write. And then I started on that collection of short stories  I published a little while ago. (Please read it and give your honest opinion. I'd love it.) And then school work.

So yeah.

Anyways, hope you're still enjoying the book. I've just read the beginning over again and realized how much this book has grown. I mean, Annabeth and Percy didn't know who Autumn was then and now there all besties - pretty much.

Anywho, vote comment. Don't die. We all must live in order to save this place - and the stupid puny mortals but that's a topic for another day. Goombye. Have a nice life. Hopefully this book will be in it still.
~omgitshappenninng 😜

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