Number 16

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It's amazing. The hellhound just teleported - sorry, shadow traveled - over a border and across the country and landed us on one of the most touristy streets in the world. The Hollywood walk of fame.

Okay, the hellhound's not so bad anymore.

"I know you want to see it all, Autumn, but we seriously need to start moving. Monsters will be on us any second now," warns Annabeth and we break into a run.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask.

Annabeth looks at me weirdly over her shoulder before saying, "The bus stop of course."

Right. Knew that.

We arrive at the bus stop hot and sweaty. We already had to fight off an empousa. Annabeth made short work of it, while muttering a lot about someone named Kelly. Don't really know what that's about.

We stop in front of the entrance huffing and puffing our lungs out.

"'ll...end...up?" asks Sky.

"She doesn't have the money, I'm assuming, to buy a plane ticket and there's no train to get in here. Plus she was on a bus headed for Toronto. Man, you guys really need to get in shape," Annabeth comments.

"Not all of us have spent the last 10 years at a demigod camp, Annabeth," I retort, finally catching my breath. She shrugs like it's not her fault and punches me in the arm — hard — while saying, "It's no excuse, you still need to get in shape."

The rest of us all roll our eyes and then laugh because we all did that at the exact same time.

"What if she rented a car or something?" Sky asks.

"She looks 14, and I doubt she's got a drivers licence on her," Annabeth replies. "Okay, we need to set up camp." Annabeth points to a kind of ritzy motel about a block away, "That is now officially head quarters."


*********Time Passage*********

"So when exactly will she arrive?" inquires Ty.

"I don't know. It depends on how many different buses she takes," Annabeth responds.

"So she could come in a couple hours, or a couple days," I confirm.


"Well then." I dive onto the couch. "Dibs on the couch!"

Everyone else just chuckles and crashes around me. "Who feels like taking first watch?" I ask.

My only response is a chorus of snores.

"Guess that means me," I mumble.

*********The Next Day (cause I'm really lazy and Bob says so)*********

Ty comes sprinting into the motel room. "Guys! She's here!" Ty has been watching the bus station entrance all morning. Guess it finally paid off. We all turn our heads and grab our pre-packed backpacks and race outside. Annabeth staying behind to check out.

"Come on, we have to follow her," demands Sky as we sprint down the block in the direction Ty saw Chloe head off in. We all agreed to IM Annabeth later and tell her our exact spot so she could meet us.

After looking down a couple streets I finally spot her. She's wearing exactly what she was wearing when we first met her. Jeans, combat boots and the plaid shirt. Thank the gods.

"I see her," I stage whisper pulling my friends back. We watch her walk down the block a bit before following her at a steady pace, making sure there are plenty of people between us. After about five minutes of this, Chloe Raymond walks calmly up a bunch of steps and knocks on a door. The three of us all cross the street to a do it yourself car wash where we immediately IM Annabeth our location. She's here within two minutes, and not puffing and huffing like the rest of us usually are.

I don't even bother to ask anymore.

"We saw her go into that building," Ty says, pointing to it. "What do we do?"

"Again, we wait."

Dam it.

Hey, I'm back again. There is literally no Percabeth anymore. This is sort of depressing now. In the next chapters I'm adding as many Percabeth moments as the plot allows me...which aren't going to be that many😥😭. Sadness. On a different note, you guys are totally ama-Zhang for reading this!!!! (I know, it's way overdone, but you think I care?) Vote/Comment

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