Number 13

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For the second time in a row I wake up leaning on Ty's shoulder with his arms around me. This time I don't leap up though. Instead I snuggle in further and pull the blanket up again. I stay curled against his chest do a few more minutes, and then I feel him move. I immediately leap up and busy myself by checking in our bags for nonexistent food. I pull out an energy bar from Ty's bag. Okay, maybe not so nonexistent. I break it in half and hand one half to Ty and stuff the other in my mouth. When Sky and Annabeth wake up we'll probably end up at some McDonald's anyway.

I sit back on the couch beside him. Now that we're both awake and it's sunny and bright in the room, the two of us are feeling a little out of sorts at the moment. Well, I am at least. Don't know bout him. I hear grunts from the bed and turn to see Annabeth and Sky emerging.

"How's life?"

"I think you know," responds Sky, messaging her wicked bed head.

**********Time Passage***********

We are finally in Ottawa. It took a train, a hijacked car, a couple bikes and a lot of walking, but we made it. All in one piece too. It's weird. We haven't encountered a single monster on our quest yet. I look over my shoulder quickly trying to spot one. But it's all completely normal. Man and woman going to work. Children skipping off to school. Nothing unusual. Annabeth looks uneasy too. I can tell immediately she's thinking about the monsters too.

"So, now that we're here, what do we do?" asks Sky.

"I don't honestly know Sky. We're looking for someone named either Brent Wilds, Sharon Oaks or Chloe Raymond. I don't really know how to locate them. And Camp Jupiter's already sent out search parties to comb this city apart looking for them. I don't know!" Annabeth screams in frustration and collapses.

"Annabeth! Oh My Gods! Annabeth?" I scream. I pick her up by her shoulders and shake her. "Annabeth?" I can't stop myself from screaming. Soon I'm going to go in hysterics. Except now Annabeth is screaming. "Percy! No, don't! Please, don't kill him!" She starts sobbing. Her body collapses in my arms and her weight makes me shut up. Meanwhile she continues to scream about Percy and killing and Tartarus.

I look around desperately. I spot a fountain which for some reason is on even though it's March. Whatever. I pull a golden drachma from my pocket and flick it into the rainbow like mist of the water saying, "O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Chiron, Camp Half-Blood."

The screen wavers slightly, and then Chiron's there. "Chiron!" I practically shout. "Annabeth has collapsed and now she screaming about Tartarus." I take a look behind me at her. Then I notice a man calling 9-1-1. Uh oh. "And someone's calling 9-1-1. Chiron! What do I do?"

"First of all, get Annabeth somewhere private. Then Iris Message Percy. He'll be able to quiet her. Just make sure your not here when the ambulance comes." He pauses and mulls something over. "Good luck." Then he swipes through the rainbow.

"Chiron, wait! How would messa-" But he's gone. "-ging Percy help?" I finish. Isn't he still in a coma? Oh well, Chiron knows what he's doing.

I sprint back to my friends and order Ty to pick Annabeth up. He looks at me weirdly but does. I check in my bag for any sleeping pills. Sky must be a mind reader because she pulls one out of a bottle and hands it to me without a word. I pop it in Annabeth's mouth and force her to swallow. A couple seconds later the street's quiet. Then sirens come in the distance. Schist.

Ty shoulders Annabeth and we start to run. We don't make it too far before someone opens a door and "Psst, in here."

I don't even question the words, I just do.

It's so annoying. Spell check keeps telling me that Annabeth's name is wrong. But I'm too lazy to turn it off. Cause lazy people are awesome people. Anyways, moving on. This'll probably be my last update for a couple days. If you've been wondering why I've been bombarding you with updates the last couple days, it's because I'm going to a place where there's no wifi. So I will not be able to update. I might be able to squeeze in another update today, but probably not. Sorry about the cliffhanger. Actually no, something's got to keep you hooked over the weekend *evil cackle*. No but seriously, I'm sorry in advance for not updating. You guys are my faves!!!!! Farewell demigods.

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