Number 11

267 8 3

Dedication to Percabeth_4eves__ for commentating and voting so much and really just making my day.

When Rachel falls over, everyone just turns and looks at the four of us ignoring the sputtering red head on the ground.

Chiron "hmmmm"s and flicks his tail. "You'll be needing that bow sooner than I thought, Autumn." He looks at me.

"Yeah, guess so," is all I can even think. I'm not even sure if I said it out loud. But Chiron turns, so I must have muttered it at least partially coherent.

**********Time Passage**********

"Annabeth, I know you do not wish to leave him. But you must." Chiron's voice is like a soft tinkle of ivory in the Big house. Let me explain why I'm eavesdropping. I didn't mean too. I was just going to get some extra bandages for the quest and heard voices. So I thought, hey, why not.

"Chiron, please - I mean I don't doubt you - but please take good care of him." Annabeth's voice is filled with desperation which makes my heart rip a little. I start to tear up. Oh Percabeth...!

Then I jerk upright and realize I'm not being myself. Grandmother!!!!! Then I remember where I am and stop short of yelling. I tip toe quietly back down the hall, out the entrance, across the porch, down the steps and sprint all the way to the top of Half Blood hill and scream at my grandmother a bit.

Then I realize that I'm standing next to Thalia's old tree (even I've heard that story by now). And in the tree is the Golden Fleece. (Heard that one too.) And guarding the fleece, is a dragon. (Heard it.) And I've just screamed my head off in the near proximity. Schist!

I turn slowly to find the scaly thing huffing steam out of his nostrils. I back up slowly, afraid to run. Then, because I'm so focused on the massive thing that might kill me before I even leave for the quest, I trip and start somersaulting down the hill feeling kind of like Buttercup. But this time my true love isn't at the bottom. No, at the bottom is a huge patch of thistles and I roll right into them.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" I cry, delicately stepping out of the patch. When I finally do, I notice Sky and Ty standing in front of me eyeing me curiously.

"Don't ask," I tell them.

"Wasn't gonna," they say in unison. I look at them funny. "Didn't plan it." Again in unison. "Stop talking like me! No you stop! Whoa! Can I read your mind. Wait, can you read my mind? Okay, this is cool now. What am I think of? Potatoes! Sponge Bob! ACDC!"

It probably went on and on. I wouldn't know though. When they mentioned ACDC, I left.

***********Time Passage***********

"So you need a bow and quiver, right?" Annabeth asks as we open the door to the weapons shack.

"Yep." I pop the 'p'.

"Funny, wouldn't have pegged you as an archer. I wonder if your other parent's godly parent is Apollo," she says and walks over to the wall where all the bows hang.

"Ever tried a crossbow?" she inquires, hefting one on her shoulder.

"Yes, and I don't plan to ever again," I confide.

"Well, that crosses those off the list." I'm pretty sure she meant no pun intended, but I smirk at the groan worthy one anyways.

"Compact or reeker?" is her next question.

"Compact, please," I announce. I really need the one that aims better.

She looks at me weirdly. "No one except the Apollo kids ever know anything about bows...or any weapon for that matter." Her tone makes everything seem like a question.

"I've gone to a summer camp where you can do archery for the past couple of years," I reply and shrug.

She's not even listening anymore. "How's this?" She hands me a sleek brown compact bow and a quiver of arrows. I sling the quiver over my arm and test the weight of the bow. It feels fine, but... "Can I test it out on the shooting range?"

Annabeth doesn't seem too surprised. "Yeah, follow me." She leads me down a path cutting through the forest. Within a couple minutes we've arrived at the shooting range. It's empty. Annabeth says, "Fire at will."

I take an arrow from my quiver and sling it in my bow. I raise my thumb to my lips and aim. Breathe in. Breathe out. Release. The arrow makes a thwacking noise as it meet the wood. I've hit dead centre of the target.

"Yeah, this yours."

******Time Passage To The Big House******

"Who exactly are these demigods we have to find?" Sky asks. For a daughter of Hermes, she's really responsible. Weird...

"Well, I didn't tell you before, but Camp Jupiter is missing three demigods. They went on a quest 2 months ago and have been presumed dead. They're all from the second cohort," Chiron tells us.

We're sitting in the living room of the big house discussing the quest. By we, I mean Annabeth, Sky, Ty, Chiron and myself.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" asks Annabeth angrily.

"It hasn't seemed important. They were just half-bloods who failed their quest. I thought nothing more of it really," Chiron states.

"And now we have to find them," Ty says.

Chiron nods his head gravely. "They were last heard of in Ottawa. In Canada," he clarifies, seeing my look. I've never been to hot with geography.

"So that takes care of the whole North part. But what about West and South? Any ideas there?" Sky asks.

"No, I'm sorry my dear. this is all I know."

I'm back! As you hopefully noticed, I'm doing dedications. I won't do them every chapter, but if you vote/comment or generally make my day on Wattpad I'll dedicate a chapter to you. Sorry for making Chiron act a little weird and kind of cold hearted at some points, but I needed it for the plot. You guys are all fantastically, awesomely, amazing!

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