Number 14

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"Hey. Is that Annabeth?" The same voice who told us to come in emerges from the darkness.

"Who are you?," I demand, my guard back up.

"My name's Chloe Raymond. Who are you? And is that Annabeth?" the voice repeats. Holy Hephaestus, she's one of the demigods we had to find! A figure breaks out of the shadows and into the dimness of the room. I see a sword and a couple knives hanging from her belt. A plaid shirt hangs loosely from her shoulders.

"Yes, this is Annabeth. I'm Autumn, Granddaughter of Aphrodite, this is Ty, Son of Apollo and Sky, Daughter of Hermes," I say.

"Daughter of Mars." She nods her head at us, a piece of her black hair coming loose from her ponytail. She reaches over to stuff it back in.

"We were sent on a quest to find you and your friends," says Ty. Chloe just raises her eyebrows.


"Yeah, you've been presumed dead you know," I tell her.

She gasps a little at this. "Okay, how long have I been gone?"

"Two months."

"Shit!" Yep she was definitely a Daughter of Ares - wait no, Daughter of Mars. "What? You loose track of time in an empty apartment," she defends herself when she sees our looks.

I shake my head dismissively. I'm glad Athena never claimed her. "Anyways, do you know where any of you quest mates are at the moment?"

"No clue," she says. But there's something in her tone and in the way she doesn't hold my eyes for longer than a few seconds at a time, that tells me she's not giving me the whole truth. I look at Sky. She notices it too. Oh well, I'll question her tomorrow. Right now I'm way too tired to think through this clearly.

"Hey, mind if we crash here for the night?" I ask.

"Fine but," she narrows her eyes, "I get the bed."

She's never going to be Amity, is she?

********Time Passage********

I can't go to sleep. There have been literally no monster attacks. Why? I mean I'm not complaining, just wondering, a lot. It's been two whole days and not even a hellhound has looked at us.

"Hey, you awake?" Sky whispers in my ear.

"Yeah," I reply, rolling on my side.

She studies my face intently and even in the dark I know she's caught on to my worried-ness.

"What the matter?" she asks quietly.

"Well, we haven't been attacked by a single monster. I mean it's a good's just really, really weird," I respond.

Sky chuckles lightly. Is she making fun of me? I feel my anger boil up. Sky must feel it too cause she shuts up and opens her mouth to explain. "Look, I know why we haven't been attacked by monsters. Here I'll show you." First Sky looks around to make sure everyone's sleeping. Once satisfied she crawls over her blanket to her back pack and pulls something out.

I want to be angry at her so badly for laughing at me. But she's been my best friend since kindergarten. I wage a silent war on my self that seems to last for hours, when really it last under five seconds. My curiosity finally wins out and I sit up from my spot on the floor to see whatever's in Sky's hand. She opens her cupped palms and I lean over to see it.

It, it's...a perfume bottle? I raise my eyebrows at my friend. She smirks and explains, "I produces a smell so strong that it covers our scent." She squirts a pinch of it in the air. I take a deep breath and start coughing some organs out. It smells like a frog ate a couple rotten eggs and scented lip balm, then puked it all out.

"That's why the bus stunk so much, you know, other than the fact it's a public bus. What the hell is in it?" I say, trying at the same time to breathe through my mouth.

Sky doesn't answer me right away. I then realize that she's holding her breath. When the gas finally clears away Sky says, "That, is a better question for Leo."

"Leo gave this to you?"

"Not exactly." I'm about to ask what she means when I remember; Daughter of Hermes ...right.

I breathe out a sigh of relief, glad that this is why there are no monsters and the reason is not more sinister. "Keep using that stuff. But not so much," I add hastily.

She smirks, telling me that she's going to use as much as she wants, and no one is telling her otherwise. I roll my eyes and collapse back on the floor.


I wake up to see Annabeth curled in a ball and whispering something over and over. I guess the sleeping pill's finally wearing off. I look around to see Ty also sitting up. He eyes me weirdly for a few seconds before I blush and turn my back to him. I must have really bad bed head. In front of Ty. Ugh!!!!!

That's when I notice that Chloe's missing. I scramble to a standing position and kick Sky a little to wake her up. "Chloe's not here," I whisper to my friends. They quickly do a quick look around and when they come to my conclusion they turn back to me.

"Where is she?" inquires Ty.

"No clue. But I've got a bad feeling. Come on pack up. We'll worry about Annabeth later. I've got almost everything packed when Sky says hesitantly, "I can't find the - uh - monster deterrent, Autumn."

"The what?" I ask, confused.

"The - um - *cough* bottle I showed you. Last night."

It dawns on what she means. "You lost it?" I practically shout.

"No. Well yes. Kind of? I know I put it back in my bag last night, but I seriously can't find it anymore."

Skylark Ariadne Taylor, I think. WH- My eyes widen as something clicks in my brain. "Chloe is gone."

Sky understands instantly and an expression of dread fills her face. "Oh nooooooo! This can't be happening! No, no, no! Leo's gonna kill me!"

"Am I missing something?" Ty asks in wonder.

"Sky, um, borrowed something monster deterrent from Leo. That's why we haven't been getting attacked by monsters. Anyways, she showed it to me last night when we thought everyone was asleep. But now Chloe's gone and so is the spray. She must have heard us talking," I explain quickly.

Ty just closes his eyes and then springs into action. "Come on. We have to find her."

Oh My Gods! Chloe's gone! Everyone freak out! What will happen???? No one knows...except me! Mwahahaha!!!! Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm a little tired. I have my cousin beside me reading Geronimo Stilton aloud in bizarre voices. And tonight we're having Thanksgiving dinner (I'm Canadian) so I actually have to talk about *gasp* weather! Must. Take. Nap. You guys are pure amazeway. (Yeah I'm running out of synonyms for awesome.)

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