Number 4

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Annabeth's PoV

I'm getting excited. Percy and I have most likely found two half bloods. We have to get them to camp. The thing is, I have no clue about what to do with Autumn. She's really nice and it feels so strange to think of just taking her two most dearest friends in the world (possibly her only ones) and telling her she's probably never going to see them again.

I stare blankly into space and proceed to worry. I must have done it for a long time, because before I know it the bell rings and arms wrap around me.

"Hey, Wise Girl," he whispers in my ear. Then Percy pecks me on the cheek.

"Hey Seaweed Brain." I lean back in my chair to look at. He's outrageously hot. He's muscular and has gorgeous eyes the colour of the ocean and he's lean and huggable and kissable and...

"Annabeth?" He looks at me funny.


"You've been staring at me for a couple minutes." My eyes widen in embarrassment and I peel them away.

"But I love it." I look at him again and grin.

He kisses me on the lips than pulls away slightly and says, "Shall we?" He picks up the history book I had brought to study.

"We shall," I reply and grab his free hand. He lets go of my hand and instead wraps his arm around me. I snake both my arms around him and lean my head on his chest. Then we walk out of the library.

*********Time Passage*********

While driving home Percy turns to me in the car. "I was thinking we could pick up Sky and Ty today and bring them to camp early."

"Eyes on the road!" I remind him. He whips his head back. "How?"

"How what?"

"How would we pick them up?" I elaborate.

"Oh they go to the park after school on Friday to do their homework," he explains. I grin at him. Maybe I'm not in love with a complete seaweed brain. Then he pulls over on the side of the road and takes his phone out.

"Why is my clock upside down?" he asks, looking horrified.

I turn the phone right side up.

"Thanks." He pecks me on the cheek.

Okay, I am definitely in love with a complete seaweed brain. My grin quickly grows with affection.

***********At the Park**********

I don't see them. I'm about to tell Percy when he says,"Look over there," as he points to a massive willow. Sure enough there are three figures crouched underneath. Two of them I identify as Sky and Ty. I can't really make out the third.

As we come closer, I notice that it's a girl with red hair in a bob. Autumn. Oh no, what are we going to do about her? "Percy. Autumn's here too."

"So?" he questions, not getting it.

"Autumn's not a -"

Screams cut me off. I whip around. A big ball of fur is pacing in circles around the three friends. Dang it, a hellhound. I pull out a dagger I picked up at camp awhile ago from my bag moments before Riptide appears in Percy's hand. We don't even have to look at each other to know the plan. I grab my Yankees cap from my pocket (Mom gave the invisibility powers back last summer) and pull it on.

Percy looks over quickly at the space where I am to make sure I'm invisible. Then he yells at the top of his lungs and runs over to the hellhound to distract it.

Meanwhile I'm sneaking up behind the monster. I scramble around it. (Percy's making it jump everywhere, I'm just trying really hard not to get squashed.) Finally I manage to get in a good position and stab the thing in its back. It howls and soon multicoloured powder covers the grass.

"Annabeth?" Percy's arms are out like a blind person's. I start to laugh and then realize I've got the Yankees cap on still. "Annabeth?" he yells again. I sprint behind him and tackle him to ground, letting my cap fall off. He rolls over and kisses me for awhile.

"Nice job, Wise Girl."

"Not so bad yourself, Seaweed Brain." We both grin. Then someone clears their throat.

I look up. It's Autumn.

"Who are you?"

Thanks so much for reading this stuff guys, you're the best!!!! So I changed it up a bit and put this chapter in Annabeth's PoV. I will be doing one in Percy's PoV soon. Hope you liked it! Please vote/comment.

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