" Awww c ' mon bud.... It's just two weeks and I'll be back before you know it." Hiccup reassured toothless as he he boarded the ship . "And I promise I'll bring back any new species of fishes if I find them." The big black dragon whined questioningly. "Awww don't you pout big baby boo.. ...." hiccup playfully crooned as he scratched toothlesse's chin. "ALL ABOARD!!" bellowed the captain thorr as he surveyed the crowd that had come to see of their chieftain and his company as they set sail for Arendelle.
Slowly. Going. Going. Gone. Now all hiccup could see of Berk through the mist was a tiny speck that was engulfed by the navy blue waters. " Hast thou forsaken mind of thee or hast thou has second thoughts about his desicion now? " Astrid chimed in mockingly. " not now Astrid. " hiccup sighed. This was the first time he would be apart from toothless. And he was on an ' adventure' too. He didn't appreciate the idea of his best friend missing out. Noticing how sullen hiccup looked. Astrid placed a hand on his shoulder and reassured him that toothless would understand the formality of his visit. " and let's not forget you did promise him red mackerels as a present ,did you not?" she finished. " yeah...." hiccup replied feeling slightly less sorrowful now.
Their journey seemed eventless for the most part, except for snotlout's daily dose of puking due to sea sickness. On their last day of their travel the whole crew aboard received a jolted shock as they heard a sounding crash on their deck .. and rushing out in the stormy weather found toothless unconcious from, what Valka suspected was 6 days of unrelentless flying. Hiccup, still shocked noticed that toothlesse's tail fin was locked into gliding mode, which explained as to how the dragon had flown without a rider. Stubborn reptile he thought , laughing with relief at the same time as he ordered the captain's men to provide shelter for toothless in the docking area on the ship which was usually reserved for animal cargo.
The next day the captain announces to the crew that they had now docked at the Arendelle sea port and that he would request permission to take a day off to visit the kingdom themselves. Hiccup obliged. As he visited toothless before getting off the shop, he found the dragon sleeping soundly and so he requested the stable mast, a kind balding man with a wispy beard to assure the dragon , if he wakes , that hiccup is safe and would return to visit him tomorrow Morning. As he stepped out onto the pavement and squinted his eyes he noticed that he wasn't the only 'royal' there, so to speak. "To your left,kind sir" guided a voice that intrigued hiccup . He traced it back to the owner to find a plump balding man with a round , prominent nose , wearing a suit that was evidently a bight too figure hugging as he extended his left hand , guiding hiccup towards the steps. Pulling onto his collar, he walked forward , feeling slightly stupid in the outfit that his mother had chosen for him to wear. Valka, astrid and snotlout had already left for the castle earlier as hiccup stayed behind a little longer to check up on toothless. No doubt astrid would be criticising the area. He noticed that most of the visiting royals seemed to be wearing suits similar to his and wondered as to how his mother knew what to wear, even though he was pretty sure Stoick would've resisted getting into these tight linens . "Halt , kind sir. We would request you to list your name. Queen's orders." A burly guard demanded. "Uhhh. Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III " stammered hiccup as he was taken aback by the sudden rough up he received. After a quick scan through a scroll he was holding, the guard's eyes widened as he apologised. Stupid formalities , hiccup thought to himself. " As one of the few actual royal attendees for the ceremony, you are requested to stay in one of the castle guesthouses for the ceremony. Do you highness have any objections?" Inquired the guard. " Uhhh no. Please. Thanks. ". " Good show your highness . Your guestroom is on the east wing , overlooking the azure sea . It is on the same floor as the queen and princesses' quarters. I hope this is of no consequence you majesty?" " No. Not at all." Hiccup replied . He felt awkward being referee to as - your highness . " Good . Now if you will follow me. I shall lead you to the castle doors. " and with that the guard spun around and opened the door and held it open for hiccup as he entered the palace slightly feeling awkward at this show of respect . As his eyes flitted forward, he stood there bank, awestruck.

Snow for the Dragon
FanfictionCan two of the most unlikely people find a home in each other, or will it cause disaster to unfold? A story about finding the one who stays even when it's dark, the one you trust. I also don't take full credit for this story as I borrowed some idea...