The whole kingdom was abuzz and excited. People were running here and there, unable to contain their excitedness and joy. Princess Anna was about to get married in less than an hour now. The palace was in total chaos. Elsa was busy tending to Anna and Kai had his hands full was well . There was no one to calm down and control the ensuing chaos as the sun began to slowly sink into the ocean, signalling that night was fast approaching. Even the clueless Olaf knew something was up as he was wearing a funny looking bowtie Elsa had made for him made out of a thin layer of translucent ice. But nobody was more nervous or excited than the bride-to-be."Are you sure I look fine?"Anna asked, her hands shaking. This was the first time anyone had seen the bubbly princess so nervous. Who could blame her" She was about to get married."Anna you look stunning; no one will be able to take their eyes off ofyou." Elsa said, taking her sisters hands in her own so Anna would stop twirling them around nervously. "You are not getting cold feet are you?"Elsa muttered with a cheeky glint in her eyes.Any other day, Anna would have just laughed this off louder than anyone else. But the pre-wedding jitters had caught her too and she couldn't control her moods. "No, no I am not. I love Kristoff and I want to spend the rest of my life with him! It's just that I'm nervous that I will make a fool of myself. What if I fall walking down the aisle or say something wrong?" Anna answered in a stressed voice."You know what? Stop it! You will not fall walking down the aisle and all you have to do is repeat after the bishop." Elsa said sternly, pushing back a small hair that had fallen down in Anna's face."Besides, I will be there the whole time looking out for you." Elsa said, Anna's eyes filling with tears as she gave Elsa a warm hug. "I will always look out for you Anna, you know that right?" Elsa whispered to her sister, Anna nodding her head as Elsa felt how tears began to form in her eyes and she took a step back to break the hug so she could collect herself.As she did so, Elsa silently stared at her little sister. She had grown so much. Before her stood a beautiful red-headed young woman, bursting with positive energy that simply infected everyone else. Her puffy white dress sparkled in the small ray of blood red sunlight that managed to escape through the barrier of the curtains .
Seeing the tears in Anna's eyes as well, Elsa chuckled as she took out her handkerchief and dried them away."Now are you ready to go?" Elsa asked, Anna nodding her head in response as Elsa gave her her wedding bouquet filled with lilies, pink roses and lilies of the valley before Anna took a hold of her arm, and together they walked out into the courtyard.
As soon as they came out in red sunlight , the huge crowd that had gathered in the courtyard started cheering loudly. The two sisters walked together down the stairs and into a carriage that took them to the old church where the wedding would take place, the people of Arendelle crowding the streets all the way, waving with flags and shouting words of luck.Reaching the church, Elsa and Anna walked inside to the cheers of the people who had gathered there as well and, as they did, Elsa did her best to ignore Anna's hard grip on her arm, knowing that her sister was simply nervous.Elsa had to admit that she was a little nervous as well.Inside the church, they were greeted by the two flower girls, both looking adorable in their pink gowns, and the young brunette boy, with his hair combed from the middle, who was the carrying the rings.All three of the children bowed and beamed at Elsa and Anna.Elsa smiled back when she realized that Anna was too busy trying to compose herself and did not smile back at the kids."Are you ready?" She asked them with a smile, the two little girls nodding their heads and the boy ,who was staring at Elsa, blushed and nodded quickly.Elsa gave them both an encouraging smile as the music began to play in the church, telling Elsa it was her cue to enter.Elsa felt Anna's grip on her arm tighten into a deathgrip when they entered the hall to see all the guests standing up, smiling expectantly at them.At the very end of the church, stood the bishop, dressed in white, with a book in his hand and a solemn look on his face. And next to him, was a man who bore an uncanny resemblance to Kristoff. If Elsa had not seen him getting dressed up by their royal seamstress earlier that day, she would never have believed that the handsome blonde standing there was her future brother-in-law. He had his usually shaggy hair all sleek and combed up and puffed up over his head. He was wearing a jet black suit with pointy shoulder ridges that made his already broad shoulder appear even more broader . Elsa smiled slightly when she saw him look as pale and nervous as Anna was, pulling the collar of the suit nervously.Elsa noticed that her sister was still tense and this was where her role as her big sister came into play. "Just remember that you and Kristoff are meant to be together.If we do not get moving you will be late for your own wedding, and you don't want that do you?" Elsa said as she gave Anna a small tug to walk forward with a smile.Anna smiled lovingly at Elsa and before they took any steps forward, she pulled Elsa into a tight hug ad whispered "I love you, Sis.". Elsa felt a warm fuzzy sensation in her heart as Anna looked around and smiled at all the guests.

Snow for the Dragon
FanfictionCan two of the most unlikely people find a home in each other, or will it cause disaster to unfold? A story about finding the one who stays even when it's dark, the one you trust. I also don't take full credit for this story as I borrowed some idea...