As the birds chirped next morning, Hiccup was busy walking through the forest he had spotted the day before with toothless, Snotlout , Astrid and Arnold, who had been assigned by the queen to keep the Chief company and guide him through the kingdom throughout the day.The boy had been smiling inquisitively at Hiccup throughout the walk. Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Alright. What is it? Spit it out, Arnie.", Hiccup had taken to call he boy Arnold, just to make the boy comfortable around them. "Nothing, Hiccup. It's just... i don't know if you know... but you have a lot of female following in our castle. Both from the visiting Princesses and among the ...dare i say it... staff.". Hiccup rolled his eyes. "They are all just intrigued because we're vikings.". Astrid chuckled. " No, Hiccup. They are only after your charm. Thankfully, not after me.". As she said this, Arnold blushed red and looked ahead. Hiccup had known that the boy had developed a crush on Astrid but he chose not to let her know about it. "And. They don't knwo what real Viking machoness is like.These people... no offense kid... only settle for a sorry excuse of a viking. ", Snotlout snorted. Arnold looked at him, shocked that he spoke about their king in such a manner. Hiccup ruffled his hair. "Don't think about it too much, kid. He's my cousin. He's always treated me like that. He all tough and a bore on the outside but deep down... he a bore and a nutcase.". Astrid chortled as Arnold didn't know whether it would be disrespectful to laugh or not.Hiccup shook his head, grinning at Snotlout, who sent him a death glare.As he walked ahead, his mind wandered to last night. He hadn't told anyone about his dance lesson with the Queen.Thinking back to last night, Hiccup once again couldn't help to feel some wonder at how extremely easy it turned out to be to interact with the Queen as soon as she allowed him in. It was clear that she was highly intelligent, her mind quick and calculating, and Hiccup had gotten the feeling that she had enjoyed their battle of wits just as much as he had. For Hiccup, it had been a very welcome change that anyone, for once, had not only been able to follow his train of thought, but come with new comebacks easily as well.On Berk, most of his people had a tendency of either not understanding him or taking things far too literally. Queen Elsa on the other hand had no problem at all to keep up with him and she challenged him in a new way he found both very entertaining and very intriguing.It also pleased him that the Queen had chosen to let him in, even if it had been just a little bit. If it had anything to do with the conversation they had shared when he had introduced her to Toothless,he didn't know, but he felt a little privileged that she had chosen to let him when it came to her powers.One other thing that had surprised him as well had been her offer to give him a dance lesson. At first, he really had thought she was just trying to trick him, but when she had insisted that she wasn't joking he had soon found out that he liked the more playful side of her, for he had not believed there was one.In the end she had been a very good, very professional teacher and Hiccup had to admit that he was a little happy that he had accepted the challenge since it had been quite entertaining for both of them. The memory of her cold skin though, was still lingering in his mind for her strange temperature clashed with his own in a way that sent cold tingles into his skin. It had been the same the first time he had shook her hand, but then he hadn't thought much about it, thinking she had just been cold that day."Alright! Exploration over. Can we go back now? The sun's already up and i'm in love with those round fluffy cakes from heaven with chocolate sauce.". Snolout complained, bringing his mind to the present. "Pancakes?" Arnold inquired and Astrid chuckled and nodded.The group headed back to the castle with rumbling stomachs.

Snow for the Dragon
FanfictionCan two of the most unlikely people find a home in each other, or will it cause disaster to unfold? A story about finding the one who stays even when it's dark, the one you trust. I also don't take full credit for this story as I borrowed some idea...