"So....How was it?" Rapunzel asked with a wide grin on her face as she sat on Elsa's bed, sipping on her own mug of coffee as Elsa sipped hers, sitting in a chair across from her."How...was what?" Elsa asked with an eyebrow raised. "Oh, you know what I mean! What did you guys do on your way back yesterday?". Rapunzel asked, unable to contain her excitement. Elsa chuckled. "We didn't do anything. We just caught up with each other. And he told me the story about those ice pillars you see around the place." Elsa said, as Rapunzel looked a bit disappointed. Just then, there was a knock on the door and Shani, Elsa's head maid walked in, carrying hair grooming supplies with her, walked in. "Ma'am. You requested your hair groomed today?". Elsa nodded as Rapunzel chugged down the last of her coffee and d stood up and stretched. "Well... I guess I'll see you at the wedding. Eret , the son of Eret said he's gonna being taking me and Eugene around the place on and did tour . On dragon back!" She squealed at her last sentence in excitement. The two cousins hugged and Rapunzel departed down the stairs and a moment later, they heard the door shut behind her.
"Hiccup! You called for me?" Astrid asked as Hiccup dodged another swing at him from Freya , who was sparring with him. Hiccup, with one final swing, brought his opponent down by knocking her down with his leg. He helped Freya up and then turned to Astrid. Wiping the sweat with a towel, he began . "Astrid. Yeah. I'm gonna be a bit busy this afternoon and I don't think I can spare enough time. But. ..If you're free after your helped with dressing up Ruffnut , could you please tell Queen Elsa all our traditions for weddings here so that she may get used to it. Some of our traditions may appear ....weird..to her. ". He watched as her face , which had greeted him with a smile, suddenly scowl slightly and turned grumpy in an instant. What was that about? Is it something I said? Hiccup thought to himself. Astrid sighed and nodded with a small smile on her face. As she turned away, he thought he saw a small smirk playing on her mouth. Mabye he was just seeing things. He brushed it off and proceeded to the showers to bathe before heading out again.
"They sure are different people these Vikings, so much less refined then the people at home. Really I feel a bit like an outsider. I was so glad to be escorted by Kai and captian Asoka this morning when I went to get your majesty's breakfast or I don't know if I would've dared to enter the Great Hall this morning.", Shani gossiped as she began to tie Elsa's hair into a braid.She waited for a response but when none came, the young Maid just kept on rambling. In truth Elsa was far away in her thoughts, thinking about the night before. She had barely slept all night since her thoughts and emotions had kept her awake, constantly reminding her about Hiccup's warm presence and that he had missed her as well. A knock on the door downstairs caused Shani to stop braiding Elsa's hair as she frowned slightly while it brought Elsa out of her thoughts. "Who on earth comes here this early in the morning?" Shani thought out aloud before telling Elsa she would soon be back. The moment her maid left the room however, Elsa quickly finished the braid herself, chose to dress up in her more agile clothing that Hiccup had made for her back in Arendelle to blend in and threw on a purple cloak over her before she rushed down the stairs to the lower floor of the house, hoping that it was Hiccup who had come to call on her."I'll tell her that you're here, Chief Haddock." Elsa heard Shani say as she walked down the stairs. Elsa saw that it indeed was Hiccup who was standing in front of Shani outside the doorway . Feeling her heart beat a little faster Elsa composed herself, hiding her excitement, as she walked up to them. "That won't be needed Shani , but thank you." Elsa told her maid when she reached them, Shani looking a little surprised to see her down so quickly but she said nothing about it. She gave Hiccup one last bow of respect and then walked back up the stairs. "So, what brings the Chief himself here so early in the morning?" Elsa asked Hiccup , after making sure that Shani was out of earshot. Hiccup crossed his arms at her. "If you're going back to using my title I'll just send someone else to show you around the place ." He answered smugly , Elsa smiling at him. "Oh,The horror! I will just have to do as you say then, Chief Haddock." She replied, Hiccup glaring slightly at her as she chuckled. "I just have to see if Kai wants to come with..." Elsa began, but she was interrupted when Toothless, who had been standing next to Hiccup, leaned forward and grabbed a hold of the hem of her cloak, looking up at her with big doe eyes as he pulled at it slightly. "Toothless wants to show you the dragon's nest as well, and I thought you should know since I don't think Kai will appreciate that part of the tour very much." Hiccup explained to her , remembering how much Elsa's butler was fearful of Hookfang back in Arendelle. Elsa looked at him skeptically but knew he was saying the truth. Her butler may be kind and understanding. But the one thing he didn't take well to was dragons. "I don't think so either, it would only bring him distress which is very unnecessary." Elsa therefore answered, making her decision as she closed the door and followed Hiccup and Toothless into the village, Toothless walking between them.
During their, walk, Hiccup told her about how the main part of Berk was this village but Berk had expanded and had claimed many isles and islands over the years and had outposts almost up to the northern isles. As he elaborated, Elsa came to understand that Berk was not as tiny a place as her first impression had told her. Managing so many islands and outposts would certainly qualify Hiccup to be more adept at ruling a place larger than Arendelle than Elsa had previously thought. While Hiccup showed her around Berk, they fell into their usual easy conversation as he told her about the Village and its history while showing her everything from the arena to the blacksmith where they met Gobber ,who was completing the last of Snotlout's new axe. Walking around Mainland Berk though, Elsa couldn't help to notice how extremely different it was from Arendelle. The houses were all built out of wood and, while they at first glance looked simple, they were all decorated with runes and small sculptures of dragons that should keep evil forces away. It was also clear that life here was simpler for, even though the wedding was about to start in only a few hours, children were running around freely while a couple of mothers helped each other to keep an eye on them. As they walked around, the Vikings they met were never afraid to approach them. Often they greeted Hiccup by name while he did the same, and there was a familiarity between them that she didn't have with her own people. But, while the Vikings were relaxed around Hiccup, it was very clear she made them very nervous. The Vikings all greeted her when they approached them, but while some of them shook her hand, others bowed to her many times while they stammered out a greeting. Hiccup however handled it all very well, watching their first attempts with humor before he broke in with a joke or a pat on the back that eased the tension and caused his people to relax. In each man, or woman, who came up and talked to them, Elsa could clearly see the deep respect and loyalty they felt towards their Chief. They trusted him and she felt that he was even more of a leader than had ever been to her own people. The Vikings had chosen him, that was very clear, but it also made her wonder if they therefore could ever accept another by his side? Especially if she was not from this world and would refuse to give up her life elsewhere?
Elsa no longer held any doubt that Hiccup could fit into, and rule, both of their worlds. What she had started to doubt though was if she could do the same when she so clearly made the Vikings uncomfortable?

Snow for the Dragon
FanfictionCan two of the most unlikely people find a home in each other, or will it cause disaster to unfold? A story about finding the one who stays even when it's dark, the one you trust. I also don't take full credit for this story as I borrowed some idea...