Hiccup was tired. Not only that, he also had a headache and wanted nothing more than for someone else to deal with his extremely stressed out friend who was screaming at everyone to get the decorations perfect. OYII! SVEN! Don't hang those posters there! I need the hairy mermaid painting on the top stairwell! And where are the STUFFED SINGING SHEEP DOLLS SHE WANTED! ? Hiccup! Do something!!" . Hiccup felt pity for the overly stressed out Fishlegs. He glared at Tuffnut , who was snickering , standing near the great hall doors. Seeing the chief glare, Tuffnut immediately stopped and pretended to be suddenly engrossed in the picture of a very womanly rendition of Fishlegs that Snotlout had got as a wedding gift. Hiccup sighed. He had seen the twins scheming on how to get Fishlegs stressed out on such an impulsive day. Sure, Ruffnut may love him now, but that didn't stop her from pulling pranks on him with her brother. "Fishlegs. Calm down. I'm sure everything looks great. I ordered the boat men to be here tomorrow for the dance thing... you wanted." Hiccup said , placing his hand on Fishlegs's shoulder to grab his attention. Fishlegs, however, under the immense stress, yelled back at his friend, "NO, HICCUP! IT WON'T BE! I NEED TO MAKE THIS PERFECT FOR HER!". Hiccup groaned and ran his hand through his hair, walking in another direction , deciding to leave his friend alone for a while. The only good thing about this was that it didn't give him much to reflect upon Elsa's arrival. While he had finally given up his bad attempts at trying to deny his feelings for her, he could not allow himself to think about how it would be to see her again since he was afraid he would wish to see something in her that was no longer there. It was a constant fear that mixed with the excitement he had felt ever since he knew she would come.
Giving in to the fact that his feelings for Elsa would not go away had been a long and arduous process.Hiccup spotted Tuffnut snickering in the bar and began walking over to him, glaring and ready to tell him off for laughing at another person's misery. He saw Hiccup approaching and began to make up excuses. "Oh. Friskets. It wasn't me. It was the yak with the braided hair...wait...or was it the chicken with the braided yak...hmm mm what do you think, chief?". Hiccup groaned and opened his mouth to give him a piece of his mind. But his voice was drowned in a loud and resounding sound that echoed over the din of the anxious vikings present. It was the horn that indicated that the first invitee had arrived. And it seemed to be coming from the northern dockyard. So it had to be either Rapunzel or Elsa. He found himself excitedly hoping that it was Elsa . It wasn't just him who as excited about her arrival though, the news spread like wildfire that the snow queen was coming to the wedding and soon the Vikings, who only the before had complained about everything that needed to be done, were all hurrying down to the docks to hopefully get a glimpse of the Snow Queen. Following them, Hiccup felt how his stomach turned into a painful knot of nervousness and excitement for every step he took. It wasn't only from the fact that he would soon meet Elsa, it was also because he was a little worried about what she would think of Berk. He had told her much about his home, but he knew still knew it would differ a lot from the world she was used to.He saw two dragons on the ship deck as it approached. And he recognised the Arendelle crest on the ship hem. There was no doubt now. This was Elsa. Hiccup stopped and watched everyone clamoring near the docks , chattering excitedly . "It's almost more commotion here now than during the annual regatta ,don't you think so, Chief?" Eret asked, walking up next to him as they made their way to the crowd . "I suppose they are eager to see the snow queen." Hiccup replied causally, knowing that in reality the Vikings were mostly curious to see if everything Snotlout had bragged about was true. "At least the mental breakdown from this morning is forgotten." He added, nodding towards Fishlegs , remembering how one of the older Vikings had nearly jumped on Fishlegs to choke him earlier that day. "If you hadn't interfered when you did Chief, I actually think old Hoark would've beaten a few of Fishlegs's willies out!" Eret laughed as Toothless landed next to them while Valka and Gobber walked up next to them. Sitting down on the ground next to Hiccup, Toothless was shivering with anticipation at the prospect of meeting Elsa again.The dragon had grown very fond of her, strangely enough. Thankfully, even though he did share his dragon's enthusiasm, Hiccup wasn't shaking. At least he hoped he didn't. "This wedding can't come soon enough." Gobber muttered with a sour expression when he and Valka joined them as well. "Just last night Ruffnut tried to get me to make a pair of iron skivvies as a wedding present.". Eret patted Gobber's shoulder sympathetically.
"Don't you worry, soon you'll sight one most beautiful of women if we've been rightly informed by Snotlout." Eret said. "Not sure that'll cheer me up much, but I do think watching all of ye might." Gobber answered with a grin, Hiccup and his mother exchanging an amused look when they saw Eret's confused expression. They didn't get a chance to explain though since Fishlegs came sprinting down the docks with Ruffnut , who was trying to wriggle from his grip. Tuffnut walked up to Hiccup. " Aw man. Can't wait for this snow lady. Wonder what snow thing I should make her do?". He said, rattling his head for an idea. Hiccup stopped his chain of thought then and there itself "Hold. ..it right there, tuff. It's snoggletalk here right now and the last thing we need is more....snow.. and she is the queen, which is basically saying she is the chief of her place. So ... would you please not... be yourself for today?". He turned and grinned at Eret as Tuffnut tried to make sense of what he said.

Snow for the Dragon
FanfictionCan two of the most unlikely people find a home in each other, or will it cause disaster to unfold? A story about finding the one who stays even when it's dark, the one you trust. I also don't take full credit for this story as I borrowed some idea...