The sound of small feet drummed hastily through the corridors of the royal castle in Arendelle, the four royal children running as fast as they could to reach the courtyard. The youngest of them was a boy and, small for his age, he did his best to keep up with his older sister and two older cousins. They took longer steps than him and should have normally outran him, but he was fast for his age and on pure stubbornness he always managed to keep up. Rushing around a corner ,his older sister Helga accidently bumped into Kai, who hadn't changed much in size iver the years though he did have a lot more lines in his face and his hair had grown white now . The old butler nearly dropped the tray he was holding in surprise. "Sorry, Kai!" His sister screamed to the butler, the man sending a scolding look after them as they continued rushing down the corridor, finally seeing the huge doors that led out to courtyard. "Come on!" Helga, his sister, shouted excitedly, all four of them rushing out of the doors that the attentive footmen opened for them. Coming out into the late afternoon sun, the warmth of summer hit them as they all looked out into the vast expanses of the emerald ocean that outlined the castle edges There, in the distance, they could see a dark spot gliding barely a few feet above the water surface, with a fifteen foot long ship sailing behind it, a bit lacking in speed . The three children stood there, clapping in glee as the youngest prince, Briar, Helga's younger brother , caught up with them finally , panting. "I will never understand how you children can get out here so fast, weren't you at your lesson on the other side of the castle?" Anna said as she walked out to join her two children and excited nephew and niece . Briar raised any eyebrow as he looked at his Aunt. Her tummy was huge and his mother had told him it was because his aunt was carrying yet another cousin. Their cousin was late, not that the young boy really knew what that meant, but he really hoped the baby would hurry up. If it didn't he was afraid his aunt soon would blow up, even though his mother had told him he didn't have to worry about that.
"If I recall you were quite fast yourself before you and Kristoff started expanding your family constantly." Another warm voice suddenly said, his mother joining them out on the courtyard as his aunt stuck out her tongue to his mother with a smile on her face.Seeing her, the seven year old rushed over to his mother, reaching out his arms to her. With a warm smile, Elsa returned his gesture and hugged her son tight. "Do you think he has missed us mama?" ,He asked her, resting his head on her stomach as they both looked up towards the black spot in the sky. "Do you think he has missed us mama?" He asked her, resting his head on her shoulder as they both looked up towards the black spot that was gliding ahead of the huge ship that sailed with it.
Unlike his papa, his auntie and everyone else, his mother was always cold. It was a big contrast to his own temperature, but he loved that it was. His mother was special, her cold embrace like a strong shelter that could keep out all the dangers of the word. He loved it, he loved that she was so different and that it was just the way it was. "I know he has , Briar.. He will have missed us as much as we have missed him." She answered, The young prince looked up at his mother instead of the sky. He could see how the part of her that had been so gloom and empty for the last month was coming back to life again. He could see the special light in her eyes come back, the light that only lit up when his father was around. It was always the same when his parents were separated. When they were apart they turned slightly empty and hollow, but he knew it was only because they loved each other so much. He had asked them once and they never lied."Do you think he brought Firefly with him as he promised?" Helga asked their mother, jumping up and down on the spot.
"Have your father ever broken a promise?" She responded, Helga giggling as shook her head with glowing eyes.Looking at her children Elsa only felt an endless, deep love that she had never thought she would be allowed to experience. In her youth she had thought she would spend her life alone, instead she was married with two wonderful children. Briar was the spitting image of his father with the emerald green eyes , freckles and a small build. The only thing that was her was his platinum blonde hair , though it had more of Hiccup's texture to it. Even in personality Briar took after Hiccup. He was a thinker and a watcher. He loved studying the world around him and didn't like being the center of attention. He was already a very good artist and, even though he was only five years old, it was clear he was very intelligent. His teacher often praised him for his good work and for the fact that he was already far ahead others his age. He was also a miracle. After Helga was born and several miscarriages later , Elsa had finally become pregnant again. Everything had been going well and without any complications, at least until she had gone into labor three weeks prematurely. It had been long and complicated, the doctors doing what they could until it had been clear they could do no more. She had nearly lost her life to the blood loss while Briar had been far too little for this world. But by some miracle, they had both survived and managed to push through. Valka and Heather had arrived to Arendelle with Gothi from Berk and, along with the rest of the doctors in Arendelle, they had managed to find ways to keep both of them alive. And during all the difficulties, Hiccup had never left their sides. He had been there always, nurturing them back to health in any way the could. In fact, Elsa was certain neither she nor Briar would've survived if it hadn't been for him. However, after Briar's birth, it had taken a long time for her and Hiccup to find their way back to each other. There hadn't only been the constant fear and worry that their small son wouldn't survive, but Hiccup had been absolutely terrified that, should they ever have more children, he would lose both her and their possible child. Their fears and worries had put a huge strain on their relationship, but they had pulled through and, in the end, it had made them stronger. However, there had never been no more children. Why they didn't know, but then again they had never asked why either. They had been blessed with two children who were growing stronger and healthier each day, so why ask the Gods for more when they had already been so generous?

Snow for the Dragon
FanfictionCan two of the most unlikely people find a home in each other, or will it cause disaster to unfold? A story about finding the one who stays even when it's dark, the one you trust. I also don't take full credit for this story as I borrowed some idea...