"And then he grabbed hold off my arm and...", Gobber was enthusiastically telling the visitors when he was interrupted . "And the dragon tore it off and had a look that said he thought you were tasty ,yeah, yeah we know!" Ruffnut and Tuffnut groaned in chorus as Gobber glared at them. "It wasn't ye two I was tellin the story to. ", Gobber snorted, gesturing towards Elsa, Rapunzel, Eugene and some of the visiting guests. They were all seated in the great hall, for the big feast . The hall was completely revamped for the night. Three long, sturdy oaken tables were placed in the room. Decorations and paintings hung over the ceilings and walls as the hall was brightly lit with festive lights and flaming torches lined up along the cold stone walls . Hiccup was seated on the table in the middle. He sat on a long beatifully crafted sturdy mahogany chair that Elsa guessed was like a throne of some sort. He was wearing a big brown colored fur cape that made him look very different to the Hiccup Elsa had known from back in Arendelle. She guessed that this must be his royal attire. She saw that he had put on a mask, similar to what Elsa did, when he had to assume the role of the chieftain. She watched him intently until Rapunzel snapped her out of her stupor. "These tables are reaallly big and sturdy , right Elsa?... Elsa?" She noticed that Elsa had a lost expression on her face and Rapunzel guessed what the matter was. "Don't worry I'm sure Mr Chief will give you his attention once his royal duties are done." . Elsa blushed and glared at her. "That is not...no. your got it all....Rapunzel! I wasn't thinking about him! ". Rapunzel giggled . "Sure. I believe you. ". Elsa groaned at her cousin. It was very similar to having Anna with you if you had Rapunzel. Rapunzel prodded her. "What!?" Elsa snapped. Rapunzel nodded to the frizzy haired red headed princess who was sitting a few seat down from them, gobbing down on a chicken leg. "You know... I heard people talking that she is really good at archery . D'you think you could take her on in a sparring session? You have been practicing self defense, right? ". Elsa rolled her eyes. "Rapunzel. I don't intend to go around fighting Hiccup's invitees. Besides. I'm leaning to protect myself. Not to contest.".Rapunzel dropped the matter and and poked her food in in a bored fashion.
Hiccup noticed that not all his guests seemed to be having a great time. Especially two of them. Eugene was busy striking up a conversation with Eret while Elsa and Rapunzel seemed bored , sitting amongst people in a culture they didn't fully understand. Hiccup excused himself from a conversation with the Chief of Dingwall and signalled to the people who had voulenteered to cook for the occasion. He had Trader Johann import chocolate powder from his travels when he had come by a week ago. He knew that certain guests would love the dessert. As they brought out the chocolate liquid they had so tirelessly made, Hiccup knew he had made the right decision when he saw the delighted looks on Rapunzel and Elsa's face. Some people were asking why he was forcing them to eat this mud , until they actually tasted it, that is. He could see the guests chugging it down greedily . Elsa and Rapunzel were a bit more slower, choosing to drink it slower, whereas Eugene, chose to join the others and chug down the hot chocolate. The rest of the evening was spent in plesentaries and chatter among everyone.
After the feast, the berkians returned to their homes while Hiccup, Valka and Gobber stayed back with the other visiting leaders and they all sat around a large circle around a bonfire , exchanging stories. Upon Elsa, Rapunzel and Eugene's questioning looks as to why this was done, Heather explained ,"This is a tradition done to strengthen our bonds. To make us feel at home while we are away. Hiccup' s dad, Stoick, came up with this when he was chief.". After they all took their seats, each chief began telling stories they wanted to share. Soon, Fishlegs, who was sitting next to Hiccup until now, got up and said his goodnights and left for his house, yawning. Some of the chiefs also followed suit and returned to their guesthouses. Gobber soon began telling his story of how he first met the trolls who stole his socks. When he began, Elsa caught Hiccup eyes , who was sitting across the fire watching everyone with a small smile and when he met her ice-blue, Hiccup sent her an apologetic look which she answered with an amused smile before she turned her full attention back to Gobber. "I like her." , Heather said as she sat down next to Hiccup, having watched the whole silent exchange between her brother and the Queen with a smile on her face.
"And you've decided that after simply a few hours in her company?" Hiccup asked, taking his eyes of the Queen to look at his adopted sister with skeptical expression that caused Heather to laugh a little. "I do. Valka trusts her and likes her too. Besides, the dragons like her and I trust their judgement." Heather answered, both she and Hiccup looking over at Toothless who was laying next to Elsa, with his tail behind her in a protective manner, while he listened to Gobber's story as well. "They do." Hiccup agreed with a small smile at scene. "Though I think her control over ice and snow might partly be the reason why they trust her so quickly... and the only other thing they know that does that is the bewildebeast. ". "That's not impossible, though not even a natural born alpha can gain trust through his power alone. If the alpha isn't trusted, they can only rule through pure force to control the dragons around them. That means that despite their natural advantage, they still have to gain trust to reach full power." Valka said, sitting down next to Heather. She had a small smile on her face as she looked at her son and adopted daughter.Valka noticed the dark shade that crossed his eyes. "No that's true." He answered shortly, his voice sharp and harsh, as he looked away from her to hide his sad expresson and so he could shut himself away and hide his remorse. Without a doubt,Valka knew that his reaction came from the fact that her words had reminded him about Stoick's death and she felt how the hopelessness and sorrow spread within. Suddenly she had feeling that they were being watched, and Valka looked across the fire to notice that Queen Elsa was silently studying them with a small frown on her face. For a second their eyes met and, while Valka didn't try to hide anything, the Queen's open expression was instantly replaced with a kind smile and unreadable eyes.Heather,noticing Elsa staring at them, smirked and got up and sat down next to Eret, leaving a free space next to Hiccup. At first, Valka thought she had read the situation wrong and that the Elsa had no intention at all to join them, but then the Queen suddenly excused herself, rose and walked over to them with a her face as unreadable as ever.
In fact, it had surprised Valka greatly how extremely masterful the Queen had turned out to be at hiding her emotions. It was almost a little uncanny how the other could completely turn into a perfect mask no one could see through, but she had not been able to hide everything since Valka had known what to look for. She had, since her visit to Arendelle, noticed a deeper connection between her son and Elsa. Watching them closely as Queen Elsa sat down next to Hiccup, Toothless marched over and lay down next to Heather this time as Heather chuckled and scratched his head and caught Rapunzel's eyes and they both giggled silently. Valka could see the exact moment Hiccup and Elsa's eyes met for they both seemed to relax while a genuine warmth entered the Queen's eyes, one that she only seemed unable to hide when she looked at Hiccup."I just wanted to thank you for inviting me tonight, it was a very grand feast your people put up. And I especially lived the hot chocolate you served us.". She told them, Valka seeing how the darkness in Hiccup's eyes faded away at her words as he smiled at her. In a way, it made Valka sad to see that what she had been struggling so hard to achieve for over three years, this other woman was doing with just a look and a few words. But then again, love was a mysterious emotion and there was a deep connection between the two that reminded her if her connection to Stoick. Elsa smiled to Valka and turned to Hiccup. Soon, the two began chuckling and smiling at each other. Looking at the couple, Valka felt quite astonished at how she could literally she both of them come out of their shells the more they spoke to each other. Hiccup's eyes, that had been gloomy and burdened for so long, was slowly filling with life and they seemed even more alive since they reflected the light from the fire as he gave Queen Elsa his full attention. It was like watching a small flame slowly grow into a fire. Elsa on the other hand, became more and more relaxed and, while her eyes were still piercing, there was a softness and affection in them that made them glow with warmth instead of shining with cold. Valka never saw her like that in Arendelle with any other man her age. The warmth also seemed to slowly spread through her, her regal air still present but more approachable, like the walls around her slowly started to disappear.
However, this wasn't the only way they contrasted strongly to each other. While the Queen seemed to reflect the moonlight, her white blond hair and light dress glowing with its cold light, Hiccup, with his dark hair and darker cloths, seemed to blend into the night. Only the flames from the fire lit him up slightly while they almost seemed be repeld by the Queen. Also, when they spoke to each other, Elsa sat straight with her hands resting in her lap while Hiccup gestured lightly with his hands and leaned forward at times to rest his arms against his legs. But they were also similar. They were both young souls, tied down by their duties, worn by the weight of their responsibilities on their shoulders. It was extremely fascinating to watch, but also touching, to start to see the woman underneath the hard façade that she had built up and Valka felt more and more certain why the dragons, and Toothless in particular, so easily accepted the Queen. Just like her son, Queen Elsa appeared to have an old soul and a strong heart. "I think I will head back, it has been a long day and it's starting to take its toll." Queen Elsa suddenly said, bringing Valka back into the conversation . Snotlout eagerly got up . "Ooh can I Escort the queen back?". Heather snorted and tripped him down. She turned and smiled sweetly at Elsa. "I'm sorry. He will have to refuse you in that aspect, my queen. He suffers from slight delusions.". Elsa raised an eyebrow at her , slightly ticked off. "Should I get Elsa's butler? " Astrid perked up eagerly. Valka noticed that she seemed to be very eager to get Hiccup away from Elsa ever since the queen got here.Valka shook her head and smiled softly. "I see no reason for that,Astrid, besides, Prince Eugene seems to be very interested in telling you the story of how he almost died. Hiccup can take the Queen back, right Hiccup?" Valka asked quickly, sending her son a mischievous look as he glared at her slightly. "of course. If it's okay with the queen. ". Elsa smiled. "A gentleman offering to Escort me back. It would be impolite to refuse. ". At her response Hiccup chuckled as he rose and offered her his hand that Queen Elsa, to Valka's slight surprise, took without a second thought. Sure the moment she stood next to him they both let go off each other immediately, but it was the normalcy of the action that spoke so much more than words."Thank you once again for inviting me, it was very nice talking to you again, Valka." Queen Elsa said polity to her, Valka smiling up at the pair who stood close to each other without even noticing. Valka smiled and nodded. Elsa then turned to Heather. "It was nice to meet you too, Heather. And goodnight everyone " . Heather nodded and everybody else who remained by the fire bowed to her lightly . The two then turned and began walking away until they were out of sight. Watching them go, Valka caught Heather and Rapunzel giggling as Astrid groaned. They all knew the truth. The two of them were clearly in love with each other, even if they hadn't clearly shown it yet.

Snow for the Dragon
FanfictionCan two of the most unlikely people find a home in each other, or will it cause disaster to unfold? A story about finding the one who stays even when it's dark, the one you trust. I also don't take full credit for this story as I borrowed some idea...