"So he challenged Hiccup for glory?" Snotlout inquired, Queen Elsa nodding her head in response. "Vikings are considered around here to be toughest warriors to beat and it's a warrior's dream to challenge one. Boromir just had it way over his head and thought he could beat the King of the Vikings .I apologize on his behalf.". Hiccup gave her a warm smile. Eugene chuckled. "Remind me not to get on your wrong side, Hic." . Hiccup chuckled with Eugene.As they kept on walking, Hiccup noticed how the forest started to thicken and that the air was slowly becoming lighter and colder."Where exactly are you taking us Queen Elsa?" He asked."Rapunzel told me that Vikings have a great fascination for trolls, and since they are now technically a part of my own family, I thought that you would like an opportunity to meet them. Also, I think there was a problem with left socks that you wanted to solve?" At the last part, she looked at them all with slight confusion as they smiled back at her."That is correct your majesty, it's something that have bothered our people a long time." Hiccup answered."I see." The Queen said, but Hiccup could see that she still found the problem to be an utterly strange one."What about the meeting today?" Hiccup asked ."Well, while you were all surrounded by your newest fans I got a handful of messages that begged me to postpone the meeting one day because of previous appointments. I hope that was okay with you?" She asked, Hiccup not having the chance to answer as Astrid looked at her with huge eyes."We have the opportunity to see the most elusive creatures that has ever existed, that have been in almost every tale we have ever heard and ask them questions about all their mysteries and their life, I take it upon me to say that we are not complaining." she answered excitedly."I'm happy that I made the right decision then." Queen Elsa replied with an easy smile, though Hiccup knew it could not be the whole truth, for he knew that had the Queen demanded that the meeting would have taken place that day every single man on her council would have shown up. "So how far up into the mountains is this place?" Snotlout suddenly asked, the impatience clear in his voice. Queen Elsa turned to him."It's not too far up, but it will take some time. Princess Anna, Kristoff and my cousin will be coming with horses shortly."Well, you can tell them that it is completely unnecessary to bring horses for us." Astrid said with a smirk."Lady, if you're suggesting we walk all the way, count me out.". Eugene complained. Astrid snickered as she caught snotlout's eyes. Hiccup knew they were all thinking the same thing and he wasn't very approving of such a thought."We aren't going to walk." Astrid replied with a grin before she each gave a howling war cry.Elsa noticed Toothless's face brighten up as he looked around eagerly."Are we waiting for something?" Eugene finally spoke up."You'll see." Astrid said, still with a smile on her face as the sound of beating wings could be heard above, Stormfly and Hookfang approaching them before landing on the ground as they skillfully avoided the trees."Hi girl." Astrid greeted her dragon as she ran over to Stormfly and threw her arms around her dragon while Snotlout greeted his dragon with similar words , but with a bit more shoving and punching. Elsa guessed that this was normal with them. Astrid's dragon was blue in color and looked rather like a giant parrot. It had a spiky tail that swung around precariously as it peered at Elsa with one yellow curious eye. The other dragon, hookfang, was the pictoral representation of what everyone's picture of a dragon would look like. With a long neck that stretched over three feet, it's auburn scaly skin shone brightly in the sparkling sunlight. It was too busy shoving Snotlout like a brother to noticed Elsa and Eugene, who had a wonderstruck expression on his face."I suppose dragons will do instead of horses, you will simply have to keep track of us on the ground." Queen Elsa said."Didn't you hear what I said? I said "we". You two are travelling with us." Astrid said a smug, challenging look in her eyes and when he saw it, Hiccup knew she still hadn't fully accepted the Queen just yet, the fact actually making the world seem a bit more normal again.Queen Elsa on the other hand was looking at them with disbelief, her eyes darting between Hiccup , Snotlout and Astrid as if to see if they were joking."I am sorry, what?" She finally said, which caused the Vikings to chuckle a little, having never really seen the Queen speechless before."You didn't think dragons could carry only one person did you?" Hiccup asked her and the Queen looked at Toothless, the dragon looking a little smug as he looked back at her."I don't know; I mean..." She said, trailing off before her disbelief began to be replaced with excitement. "But I have no way to contact Princess Anna that they will not have to bring the extra horses." . Eugene looked at her with a pout on his face. "Oh come on Queenie! How many chances will you get in a lifetime to ride on the back of a dragon?". Elsa gave in and dropped her royal posture as excitement and anticipation consumed her."So, how do we do this?" She asked excitingly. Hiccup looked at Elsa and then to Eugene , with his hand on his chin thoughtfully. "I think Prince Eugene can ride with me and you can ride with Astrid. I'm sorry Snotlout, we need someone to tell Princess Anna, Princess Rapunzel and Prince Kristoff where we are. Just go find the. But don't get Hookfang any closer than a thirty foot radius. The horses may sense the dragon." hiccup said with an apologetic look as Snotlout whined. "Why should i take orders from you?". Astrid glared at him. "Because he is our Chief, Knucklehead.". After Astrid relentless persuasion, Snotlout finally gave in.As he turned to hand Eugene the safety strap, Hiccup noticed Toothless bouding forward. "Toothless....?". Toothless had left his place next to Hiccup and walked over to the Queen, sitting down next to her as he pushed his head under her hand so it rested on his neck, sending Hiccup a look that clearly stated that he thought the Queen should ride with them."Uhm... well... I guess it's an option to listen to my apparently mental dragon as well." Hiccup added, glaring at Toothless who actually glared back and Hiccup for once actually questioned his dragon's sanity.Looking at the culture here in Arendelle, Hiccup had not even considered the possibility that Queen Elsa should fly with him. Sure it would have been the most natural decision considering she had hit off so well with Toothless, but they were not on Berk and here in Arendelle the simple suggestion could've easily given the Queen the impression that he had some ulterior motives towards her, when he really hadn't.Elsa on the hand, ignored the awkward feeling as she looked down at Toothless who was looking up at her with his huge green, kind eyes. To be honest, she knew that there shouldn't even be anything to think about. That she was even considering flying with the Chief instead of a woman was pretty much a scandal in its own, but that didn't change the fact that Elsa didn't fully trust Astrid yet and the Chief... well she had to admit that she had actually begun to trust him.Also there had never been the slightest inkling that he had wanted anything more than there to be a mutual friendship between them, last night proving that if anything. Also, she had started to fall in love with the cute Night Fury who was so full of character he put some humans to shame. So if Toothless was willing to take her of his own will, she really saw no reason to doubt his decision. Plus, the black dragon kind of reminded her of Anna and her enthusiasm."I think I will have to trust the dragon on this one." She therefore said, Toothless looking very pleased with her decision while Eugene displayed his notorious smoulder at her, which clearly didn't have any effect on her. "Get on....". She sighed with a cheeky smile as she threw the safety sling at him."Well. i guess the Queen will be riding with me. " Elsa chuckled at him. "Try anything funny and i will freeze your metal leg to the ground. ". Hiccup, noticing her humor tone, chose to laugh it off. "Are you saying that i will not behave, your majesty?". Elsa couldn't help to feel a small rush of excitement when she looked into his shining green eyes that smiled down at her. The feeling surprised her and she quickly pushed it down, thinking it had to do with the fact that she soon would be flying on a dragon, not the fact that something about the way Chief Haddock had said the words forced her push down some very unwelcome thoughts of what could happen if he didn't."Well if you and your dragon doesn't, I will not hesitate to give you both frostbite." She said instead, trying to clear her thoughts."I promise we will be on our best behavior." Hiccup chuckled, as he helped Elsa tie the safety strap around her shoulders and waist."So how do we do this?" She asked."Well, once we are in the air, it won't be much of a problem for you to hold your balance, it's the take off and the landing that can be a bit tricky. So, since this is your first time flying, you will be sitting behind me so you can... you know... hold on." He answered a little awkwardly, moving his hand through his hair."I see." Elsa simply said, the excitement of flying suddenly mixing with the new feeling of nerves she had just managed to push down . Hiccup clambered onto Toothless's back and held out an arm to help Elsa up. He strapped her into the saddle and sighed. "Everyone ready to go?" He asked the rest of their group, missing the smug smile Astrid gave him as Eugene buckled himself into Stormfly's saddle. "I think we are, let's go!" Astrid answered as Stormfly lifted from the ground. Hiccup looked at Snotlout who had flown backwards toward Rapunzel and the other two.He sighed as his cousin's figure dissapeared from view. "Just remember to hold on as we take off." He reminded her and Elsa put her arms around his waist loosely, only to hold on for dear life as Toothless lifted from the ground and she saw how it quickly became smaller and smaller underneath her.
"Oh my God!" She exclaimed, feeling that she couldn't take in the fact that she was actually in the air... flying... on a dragon. "This is unbelievable." She laughed and she could both hear and feel how Hiccup chuckled. Realizing she was still holding on to him tightly, she let go with one arm and held it out into the air, feeling the wind caress it as they soared in a calm pace over the sky. high above the treetops, Elsa had never felt more free or more alive, it was as if she had left all of her duties, all expectations, on the ground and she felt weightless up in the air. "This is amazing! Why do you ever get down from up here?" She exclaimed in awe, Hiccup sending her an amused look over his shoulder just as she lost her balance slightly in the excitement and she increased her hold on him with both arms once more. "Maybe you should hold on securely Queen Elsa. I really don't want your entire kingdom wrath if you fall.". He chuckled ."This is amazing! " Elsa yelled at the top her Lungs, for no one would he able to hear her besides Hiccup and Toothless. At her side, she saw Eugene sitting on Stormfly behind Astrid as he sent her a mischievous smile. She shrugged it off. She knew what he was thinking. Elsa was togjlty hugging Hiccup around his waist.It didn't matter. After all, it would be foolish of her to let him go based simply in the fact that she didn't want to be thought of in that way with him. He was the only thing that kept her from losing her balance and falling.

Snow for the Dragon
FanfictionCan two of the most unlikely people find a home in each other, or will it cause disaster to unfold? A story about finding the one who stays even when it's dark, the one you trust. I also don't take full credit for this story as I borrowed some idea...