Chapter 1: Failed Experiment.

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Disclaimer: I do not own KHR, All rights go to Amano Akira-Sensei (hope I spelled her name right.)



"Reborn-san I have come up with an amazing idea."

"What is it Gianini?"

"Ahem, you know how the Ten-Year bazooka's affects last for five minutes." Reborn nodded, "What if we can change that, and extend the amount of time."

".... It could be useful...."

Gianini interrupted Reborn, "Yes, I agree. So I have ma...."

"But, if you make it, it'll be useless. So no."

"Ummmm...." Gianini started to fidget at Reborn's staring.

Reborn continued to stare at Gianini making him slightly move back.

"Ummm... It's a little to late for that. I've made it already."

Reborn glared at Gianini, but before Reborn could finish pulling Leon off his hat Gianini quickly added, "it works. I've already tested it."

"How did you test it?"

"On Spanner. It really worked. But it still needs a little bit of work, he was only able to stay for seven minutes though."

Reborn smirked, "I guess you aren't useless." Gianini smiled, "much though. Don't get to confident about this."

"Reborn-san what should do with this?"

"I have a little bit of experimenting of my own to do with that. Give me the bazooka."

"But I don't have it with me, Reborn-san." Reborn glared at him, "But I can get it here immediately."

Gianini ran as fast as he could until he came back with the bazooka. Reborn walked off once he had the bazooka.

~Time skip (Next Day)~

Reborn watched from a tree as Students quickly walked to the school. Once his gaze landed on a certain group he smirked, and followed.

As they walked to school Tsuna was rubbing his head closing his eyes for a moment.

"Juudaime are you alright?"

Tsuna looked up at his friend Gokudera, "Yeah, I just have a small head ache."

"You don't look very good though Tsuna. You should go to the infirmary."

"No, it's okay Yamamoto. It'll go away soon, but..." Tsuna drifted off into silence.

"What's wrong Juudaime?"

"It doesn't really feel like a head ache though."

"What do you mean Juudiame?"

"It feels like something is going to happen, it's making me feel really uncomfortable...."

Before Tsuna could finish talking something hit him in the back and fell over.

"You still have a lot to learn Dame-Tsuna. You should know by now, after all your fights with Byakuran, Shimon, Daemon, and during the representative battle of the arcobalenos."

"That hurt! I know. I know what it is, but it feels different than what it usually feels like."

"No matter how much different it feels it's still your hyper intuition Dame-Tsuna. Well anyways I want you to gather all of your guardians, Chrome and Enma included to come over after school." With that said Reborn left.

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