Chp 3: "...started to write away"

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Brads POV

So it has been a few weeks of school and as the days pass by the more I fell in love with tris. I just don't know why and how he does it but he makes me so happy and warm when I'm around him. He doesn't even have to try.

So yea, I've basically confirmed to myself that I'm really crushing on Tristan Evans but now I gotta confirm it to my best friends. It probably won't be a complete surprise since they asked me about it on the second day of school. I shouldn't really think about this now because I'm in the middle of science and I should continue listening because I really want that 100% on my test.
Science period was finally over and I can finally talk to con about this tris thing since we sit on the opposite sides of the class and I don't wanna get in trouble. I'm such a damn goody goody.

"Hey con.. Can I talk to you and James briefly in history alone?"

"Yea of course but what is it about?"

"You'll find out."

We met up with Tris and James down the hallway and walked to history class together. We were in there 5 mins early so tris decided to go to the bathroom.

"Ok guys, so u know about the tris thing.."

"..yea we know. You like him." Con said with a giggle.

I was surprised myself, "wait u knew?"

"Brad, we knew since day 2!" James smirked

"Was it really that..."

I was cut off by tris.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh nothing, we were talking about how our class went!" James glanced at me.

The teacher walked in and class was about to begin.
We did a lot of note taking for an exam next week.

"Hey brad, can I borrow your notes please? I wasn't really paying attention, I daydreamed haha!"

"Haha I could tell that you weren't paying attention. Of course you can borrow my notes but give it back to me tomorrow. I also need them too!!"

"How could you tell? It looked like I was paying attention. Were you staring at me?!"

"Ermm no, yes, not really."

" am I really that handsome brad?! Just joking haha!!"

I could tell that my cheeks are as red as Santa Claus' cheeks.I gave him a smile in embarrassment and looked in James and con's direction. They gave me a nod and look that meant that I just embarrassed myself. I gave tris my notes and carried on the day like nothing embarrassing happened.

I wanted school to end so I can go home and relax without thinking of what tris is thinking about for my response earlier. What if he doesn't care?! That'll be better right? What if he has no clue that I like him and that he will never fall for a guy because he isn't gay? But once again, I have feelings for him that I can't explain.

*after school*

Since I didn't have homework today, I decided to write a song and just let all my emotions run through it. So I got out a note pad, pencil, my guitar and started to write away.
Hours have passed and I'm actually really proud of my original song. I decided to name it "High Hopes" because, well, you can already see who this song is about.

"High hopes, for me and you." was the first lyric I made up and carried it on from there. I based off every single lyric on Tristan. I meant everything.

ok so yea another boring, crappy chapter but this is basically a "filler" chapter I guess. as the story progresses, it'll be more interesting I promise!! And again, I'm sorry for skipping time because hey, I'm like the least most creative person so... anyways I'll post the lyrics to High Hopes (you probs already know the song but oh well)

Also send me any suggestions because I'm open to them :)

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