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James POV

Ugh, I'm so bored you have no idea. It's a Sunday and there's school the next day so I wanna do something fun before tomorrow to feel pumped and more motivated you know? My parents and my sister, Sophie, went out to the cinema or something and while they're having a blast, I'm here alone.

I'll just ask the guys to come hang and eat lunch together.

Group chat with Brad, Con, & Tristan:

James: hey boys!! Do u guys wanna go out for lunch with moi??

I waited 2 min for a reply but there was none. My cat Mickey is sitting right next to me, so I guess I'll just play with him for now. Animals are the cutest thing ever! If I could, I would get like 5 more cats to be completely honest. *buuzzzz* I picked up my phone to see all of them reply almost in unison, what a coincidence!

Brad: sure! But where?

Con: omg can we pls go to Nando's


James: sounds like a plan then ;) be ready in 20, I'll pick u guys up!!

Brad: ok can't wait! x

I got dressed, did my hair, brushed my teeth and all that other stuff. "Bye Mickey!!" I called before closing the door behind me. I hopped in my car and turned on the engine. I picked up con first since he was closer then Brad and tris.

*@ Nando's*

We took our seats, Brad across tris, and me across from Con. We ordered our food and during the meantime, we're having a formal chit chat. After about 20 mins of talking, we finally got the food we ordered and tris had his jaw dropped as they were placing the food infront of us.

"Let's eat!!" Con said while cutting a piece of chicken. I got some salad, rice, and lemon chicken.

"Oh my God this is so good!!!" Con was eating so fast it shocked me. But tris had ginormous portions of everything.

"Tris, calm down.. It's like you haven't eaten in months." I suggested. I made eye contact with Brad and he smiled.

"Well I haven't been to Nando's in forever so..." Tris said with his mouth so full, everything in there can explode out of his mouth.

The food is amazing and everyone is having a great time, some having to much fun. And by some, I mean Brad and tris. I mean look at them.. They've basically been having their own conversation ever since I told Tris to chill.

"Um excuse me miss, can him and I please have another table while these two have their alone time?!" Con asked

The waitress giggled, " of course!"

We sat two tables away from them and con and I were just talking about how Brad and tris almost ignored everything con and I had said because they were so focused on each other.

Con's POV

I swear.. Brad and Tris are dating. There's no proof yet but just by the way they're talking to each other and stuff,, I find it sorta cute in my opinion.

"They're adorable!" James said while taking glances towards there direction.

"Yes they are!" I faintly pointed to Brad, " the kid is blushing like crazy!!"

"Well he is talking to the "man of his dreams" so just let him be."

"I have nothing against them two but once again, what if Tristan isn't gay?"

James nodded then we changed the topic, not wanting to talk about the negative effects it'll have on both of them, if one of them isn't homo.
"I'm so full." I moaned while wiping my mouth clean.

"Me too mate,, should we wait for their infinite convo to end or..??"

"I think we should probably end it haha!!"

James and I got up from our table and went over to the "Chatty Cathys". I wonder what they were talking about this whole time?

"You two lads ready to go?"

"Yea" Tristan nodded.

We entered James's car while he went and paid. Oh my God,, there still talking. The queue was pretty long so we will take a while. I decided to just go to the bathroom.

I came back to see Brad passed out on Tristan's shoulder and Tristan using Brad's resting head as a pillow. Aw, they're so cute!! Now this can be used as evidence for their relationship, I thought to myself which made me smile. I'm such a loser. After about 20min, I put my finger over my mouth to tell James to be quiet as the two were sleeping.
"RISE AND SHINE!!!!" I yelled which made both Brad and Tris wake up.

"Thanks again guys, I had fun!! See you guys tomorrow" Tristan said while closing the car door.

"Bye guys!!!" Brad doing the same thing. James and I waved them a goodbye.

"Connor, oh my Connor, I think you're right."

" they haven't confirmed to us yet so it's not official." We both laughed.

"I'll ask Brad tomorrow" James offered and I smiled.
We were at the front of my house and before I shut the door of the car, I mentioned,

"If they are dating, they'd be perfect!"

"They sure are" James said with a chuckle.

"Alright,, see you tomorrow"

"Bye Mr. Ball.. And say hi to Rex for me?!"

I nodded and shut the door. What a day.


What's ur fav song(s) out of the new EP?? Mine will definitely have to be Wake up (ofc) and Burn.

Thanks for reading x

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