Chp 18: BOOM

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Since I've come on home,
Well my body's been a mess
And I've missed your ginger hair
And the way you like to dress
Won't you come on over
Stop making a fool out of me
Why don't you come on over, Valerie?
~Valerie - Amy Winehouse

Con's POV

Brad texted James and I through a group chat.

Hey guys! Meet me at Nando's in 15!! Thanks xx

I got dressed and tried, keyword 'tried' to look presentable.

James picked me up and we both drove to NANDOS together.

"Ahhh Nando's... One of my favourite places!!" James said as we parked.

Without hesitation I opened the car door of James's car and ran to the entrance of the Mexican/Portuguese restaurant. Brad waved at me and I gestured back. Wait what the... Tris?

James caught up, "damn Connor you're pumped! Oh look Brad and....Oh no, con simmer down!!"

No. I can't control my anger! I sped walk up to Tristan, who had his arms up and ready for a hug.


My knuckles made contact with his cheek bone. Take that bitch.

"CON STOP!" Brad pleaded as he placed injured Tristan behind him. James was holding me back.

"What?! All of a sudden you're defending your stupid, cheating boyfriend of yours?!" I yelled, trying not to make a scene.

Luckily, it wasn't a busy day so no one saw, especially the employees.

"Connor please! Let me explain, let TRIS explain... That's why we brought you two here so we can sort things out. I forgave him and I was hurt mostly, so you guys should shut up and listen!"

I looked at James and we both nodded. So we sat, waiting for an explanation. Brad and tris also sat down.

Tris inhaled, "I'm deeply sorry guys, I didn't mean to hurt Brad and ruin our friendship. So this is basically what happen...."

James and I sat there listening, feeling guilty about all the things we said/did to tris.

".....and I understand if you want time to think about it and stuff." Tristan looked down at his hands.

"First off, I sincerely apologize for hitting you in the face. Secondly, we believe you and we shouldn't have turned our back on you. We should've given you a chance first. Lastly..."

James and I stood up

"...come give Jonnor a hug!!"

He gladly accepted it and gave James and I a warm hug.

"We love you man and we mean it!" James exclaimed

"I love you guys more" tris whispered

We broke away and looked at Brad, who was smiling ear to ear.

" shall we eat?!?!" He teased

I was the first one to answer, "YES. OH MY GOLLY YES. OF COURSE."

*after @ Brad's house*

Brad's POV

"We did it Trissy! "

"Yea I'm glad that we're officially back together and that everything is all sorted out!"

I pulled a pack of frozen pack of peas out of the freezer for tris's bruised cheek.

"OH MY GOD YES. I LOVE THIS SONG! I yelled as one of my idol's song, Amy Winehouse's song came on. VALERIE.

"Since I've come on home,
Well my body's been a mess
And I've missed your ginger hair
And the way you like to dress
Won't you come on over
Stop making a fool out of me
Why don't you come on over, Valerie?"

I sang along, my boyfriend just grooving along to the upbeat tempo and smiling at me.

I danced closer to tris. He removed the bag of frozen peas and placed his arms on top of my shoulders and neck. My hands found his waist.

"I love you my little munchkin!" He blushed

"Even though I dance like a dying donkey?"

"Even though you dance like a dancing donkey."

I pressed my lips onto Tristan's warm mouth.

"I love you skyscraper!!"

"We have so many nicknames for each other!!"

"Haha I know! But still, triscuts is still my fav!!" I chuckled.

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