Chapter 2: Dimension Earth

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Serenity, Steve, and Zeke all landed in some unknown area in Phoenix, Arizona. They forgot who they were, where they came from, and where they belonged.

Serenity: Ugh, My head hurts, why don't I remember anything.(Herself)
Steve: Ouch! What the heck?(Himself)
Zeke: Who am I, and how did I get here. And why does my head hurt.(Himself)

They were talking to each other to see if they had any answers for their questions that they asked themselves. The after they were talking for a long time.

Zeke: Hey, did you guys cause me to forget what happened the past hours. Cause if you did I am gonna do something I ain't gonna regret.(Both)
Steve: Oh yeah, well maybe you must've caused this thing to happened, and you're just trying to save your own butt.(Zeke)
Zeke: You wanna fight, because I ain't afraid of you. You metallic freak.(Steve)
Steve: I'm not afraid of you either, I can exterminate you before you can touch the ground.(Zeke)

Serenity had an idea, she was telling them what to do, and how they should fix their problem. Zeke did not listen to Serenity, because he, and Steve never made her the leader. While they were talking a mysterious character was watching them. But they didn't know it.

Serenity: Ooh, I have an idea, how about we work together and find out what really happened. I want to find answers too. So how about it lets work together. I know you guys didn't cause all this mess.(Both)
Zeke: OK, so who made you in charge, and why would I want to work with this freak. You can count me out.(Serenity)
Steve: Yeah me too, there is no way I'll work with him either.(Serenity)
Zeke: I'm outta here!(Both)
Steve: So am I!(Both)

So they all went their separate ways. Later that day, Serenity was walking by herself, and these guys came up to her, and said some stuff to her.

Thugs: Hey, you're a pretty fine lady to be walking in this neighborhood by yourself.(Serenity)
Serenity: Who are you guys, and why do you look so ugly.(Guys)
Thugs: You're gonna wish you hadn't said that you stupid girl.(Serenity)

Then when they were about to beat her up she did some big wave, that blew all the bullies to the wall. They fainted. She ran away because she didn't do that on purpose.

Serenity: Aahh! get away from me! WAVE PUSH!(Bullies)
Thugs: What the hell is that. Ack, my back.(Themselves)
Serenity: What the heck did I do. Did I kill those guys. I better check, they still have a pulse. Okay they just fainted.(Herself)

Also in the same day. Steve was walking then he noticed a junkyard. He had the urge to build something. But he didn't know why.

Steve: Hey, it's a junkyard. But that's weird why am I getting the urge to build something. I know I'll build something cool. A machine gun that shoots out lasers.(Himself)

Also in that day Zeke went to some store, because he wanted to check out some magic store. He thought it would be fun to check things out. He went inside the store, and he noticed a book.

Zeke: It's a Magic shop, why do I feel like this seems familiar, like I've seen these things before. Must be my imagination. I better check it out to see if they have any cool stuff.(Himself)

He talked to the clerk. The clerk responded.

Zeke: Um, excuse me.(Clerk)
Clerk: Did you find anything you need.(Zeke)
Zeke: Actually, I was wondering about that book that you have on the stand over there. What is it anyway?(Clerk)
Clerk: Oh that book, yeah its suppose to be some kind of spell book.(Zeke)
Zeke: A spell book?(Clerk)
Clerk: Yeah, supposedly wizards used to use it to punish people back then. And also there is a legend, legend has it that the book only works for the ones that think they are worthy enough.(Zeke)
Zeke: Well how much does it cost. The book seems really interesting.(Clerk)
Clerk: I'll tell you what. I'll give it to you for free. It's kinda useless anyway. And you seem to like the spell book.(Zeke)
Zeke: Really, thanks man. I really appreciate it!(Clerk)

Then Zeke thanked him and he left the store. Zeke left the store. When was by himself in a alley of the street. Zeke said a spell from the book.

Zeke: OK lets see if I'm worthy. Here's a good spell. I don't know what it does, but I'll take my chance. NEKCIHC DAEH!(Himself)

Then the clerk back at the store,had his head was turned into that of a chicken.

Clerk: What the, bock!

Zeke thought that book was useless because nothing happened,but he still kept the book because it was free.

Zeke: Aww man, looks like I'm not worthy. That sucks. Oh well, I'll still keep it. It is free anyway.(Himself)

A note shot out of nowhere and they each read it.

Serenity: A note!(Herself)
Steve: A note!(Himself)
Zeke: A note!(Himself)

The note said some words on it, so they read it to themselves, but they in different places. Each of them were suspicious.

Serenity: This must be a prank but then again it looks real.(herself)
Steve: This must've been that guy in the cloak idea of a prank. Well when I see him I'll show him not to mess with me.(Himself)
Zeke: Very funny whoever did this. I bet it was that robot freak, who wrote this note. I'll make sure he regrets writing that note.(Himself)

So the next day they went, to Paradise Valley High School. They didn't know they all got the same note. So they didn't know they were at the same school.

Serenity: So this note wanted me to go to this school.(Herself)
Zeke: This is the place the robot freak thought of a good prank. That's lame.(Himself)
Steve: Why the heck is everybody looking at me like that.(Himself)

They followed the directions on the note they each received. The note wanted them to go to the high school, the note also wanted them to pose as high school students, and the note also wanted them to meet in room 334 after school on the same day. But the note also said to be careful on the first day they start school and to make sure they don't attract attention to themselves. So Serenity, Steve, and Zeke went to their classes, and did other school stuff.

Steve: OK, so I have to go to these classes, and do other things.(Himself)
Serenity: This could be fun for me.(Herself)
Zeke: So this is what a school is like. This is boring.(Himself)

8 Hours later and, It was finally the end of the school day.

Zeke: Yes! Schools over. Time to teach Steve a lesson.(Himself)
Serenity: Time to go to the classroom.(Herself)
Steve: Alright weird clothes guy, time for you to fear me.(Himself)

They each went to room 334.

Serenity: Hi guy, looks like this note led us all to the same place.(Both)
Zeke: Wait a second, so you didn't write this note robot freak. I thought it was a prank.(Steve)
Steve: You didn't write this note either. Cause I thought you did too.(Zeke)
Serenity: Then if each of you didn't write this note then who did?(Both)

A teacher appeared while they were talking.

Mr. Stewart: It was I who wrote those notes.(All)

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