Chapter 17: Evans Right Eye

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The next morning Nikki woke up, and his cousins and uncle were pissing him off.

Uncle: Wake up, time for school.(Nikki)
Cousin 1: Yeah, or else we gonna be late for school.(Nikki)
Cousin 2: C'mon you are so slow.(Nikki)

Then Nikki got mad, and he did something he didn't know he could do.

Nikki: Shut the hell up, and leave me alone! RAGE BLAST!(Cousins & Uncle)

Nikki blasted all of his cousins and uncle to bits. Nikki was scared he left to school, in a frightened mood.

Nikki: What the hell did I do? I better get outta here.(Himself)

Team Kibo and Nikki is a part of Team Kibo. They went back to school on Wednesday. It was morning.

Nikki: Bye...(Both)
Serenity: You too Nikki.(Nikki)
Zeke: Where's Steve?(Serenity)
Serenity: He's going to be late.(Zeke)
Zeke: Why?(Serenity)
Serenity: He wanted to complete the final touches on his robotic arm and leg. So he might arrive before lunch. So second block.(Zeke)
Zeke: Well I can't wait to see how it looks like.(Serenity)

So that means it was time for Evan to make his move on Steve.

Nikolas: Evan.(Evan)
Evan: Yes, it's time to make my move. I'll bring him here.(Nikolas)

Evan was spying on Steve, during lunch.

Zeke: Wow, the robotic arm and leg looks great. Look how much it changed.(Steve)
Steve: Yeah, it took me forever to make. They're both fully upgraded.(Zeke)
Serenity: So how come you didn't arrive around second block like you said?(Steve)
Steve: Because I needed to talk to my teacher about taking a quiz after school today.(Serenity)
Serenity: Oh, OK(Steve)
Steve: So you guys can walk home without me.(Both)
Evan: So he's gonna stay after school. He just made things a lot easier for me. But I can't do this whole mission myself. I need some slaves.(Himself)

And he had an idea to control Steve. Since he was going to stay after school. He decided that he was going to control the bullies that he beat up earlier in the year.

Evan: That's it. The bullies that he beat up earlier in the year. I'm sure they'll want to listen to me. So they're going in the bathroom it's time for phase one.(Himself)

Evan talked to the bullies in the bathroom during lunch. Nobody was in the bathroom, so that was Evans chance to control them. Evan said some things. Jack didn't agree.

Evan: Hello, Jack.(Jack)
Jack: Who the hell are you?(Evan)
Bully 1: Yeah, who are you?(Evan)
Jack: I got this. Don't back me up.(Bully 1)
Evan: I want you to do something for me. I want you to grab Steve and hold him for me to do something to him.(Jack)
Jack: *Tsk.* You must be outta your mind if you think I'm gonna listen to you one eyed freak. I don't take orders from anybody, they take orders from me.(Evan)

Then Evan knew they wouldn't comply so he revealed his left eye to them and his left eye was a hypnotized eye.

Evan: I had a feeling you wouldn't comply. So now I'll make you comply. HYPNOTIZE.(Jack)
Jack: What the hell are you...(Evan)

So Evan hypnotized the bullies. And Evan told him what he wanted to do for him.

Evan: Now I want you to trap Steve in this bathroom and grab him. You let me worry about the rest.(All)

Since they were under his control, they agreed.

All: Yes master.(Evan)

It was after school. Steve was in the bathroom because he finished his make-up test.

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