Chapter 16: Clues

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It was around night time. While Team Kibo was healing. Nikki was talking to Mr.Stewart on what happened yesterday, when they were fighting Feline Form Mary.

Mr.Stewart: So what happened out there?(Nikki)
Nikki: I saw a girl almost trying to kill Team Kibo. Then I used my power. But for some reason when I used it. It was way stronger than before.(Mr.Stewart)

Mr.Stewart: Well I'm glad you did that. Because if you didn't Team Kibo wouldn't be here right now.(Nikki)

Then Team Kibo woke up they came in the living room. They told Mr.Stewart everything that happened too. Steve went to the living room with crutches.

Zeke: Ouch, my body.(Himself)
Serenity: Nikki you're still here.(Nikki)
Steve: My arm and leg, they're gone.(Himself)
Mr.Stewart: Oh, hey kids you're awake. Nikki here was just telling me what happened to you three.(Team Kibo)
Steve: Don't remind me.(Himself)
Mr.Stewart: Nikki told me what he knew. So now it's time for you to tell me, what you three know about the battle against this new enemy.(Team Kibo)
Zeke: It wasn't a new enemy, it was actually Mary.(Mr.Stewart)
Mr.Stewart: Mary, but what makes you say that?(Zeke)
Zeke: Because she had the same burnt mark on her arm, as she did when Steve attacked her.(Mr.Stewart)
Serenity: But I don't get it how could it be Mary if we killed her back at the facility.(Zeke)
Steve: What so you're saying that she got brought back to life. And also this enemy had new clothing, and that thing was much stronger.(Zeke)
Zeke: I don't know how she was still alive. But I know for sure thats Mary.(All)

Nikki followed all the things that they said. He wrote it down on a chalk board that Mr.Stewart had in his living room.

Mr.Stewart: So Nikki, did you get all that on the chalkboard.(Nikki)
Nikki: Yeah, I got all of it Mr.Stewart.(Mr.Stewart)

Serenity then asked Nikki about him going home. Then Nikki responded all sad.

Serenity: Nikki it's getting pretty late. Shouldn't you be going home by now? What if your parents are worried about you?(Nikki)
Nikki: I don't have any parents,they died in a war when I was a little kid. And I live with my uncle and my three cousins. And they don't even care where I go, and when I get home. And they don't even care about me.(Serenity)
Serenity: Nikki, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for you to say that.(Nikki)
Nikki: Naw, it's OK.(Serenity)

Team Kibo stayed home while Mr.Stewart went to school. Nikki didn't go to school either, so he can watch Team Kibo.

Zeke: You know, you don't have stay here and take care of us. We're not babies.(Nikki)
Nikki: I know, but Mr.Stewart insisted.(Zeke)
Serenity: Oh, hey guys. Nikki I thought you left home.(Nikki)
Zeke: I'm gonna look at the chalkboard again, to see if we missed anything.(Both)
Serenity: Be sure to tell us if you find anything.(Zeke)
Zeke: OK, I will.(Serenity)

Zeke went to the chalkboard that was filled with information. He was wondering why did. Mary look like that? He was looking at the information really closely, but he just can't figure it out. Steve woke up ten minutes later. But in his room.

Zeke: I know that was Mary. But why did she look different. Is it really another enemy. But I know I'm right, because she still had that burnt mark like she did before.(Himself)
Steve: Man I'm tired. My robotic arm and leg. I lost them both.(Himself)

Serenity was talking to Nikki while Zeke was trying to figure out the clues.

Serenity: So how did your parents die in the war, and what war were they in.(Nikki)
Nikki: They died in the Good vs. Evil War. My grandfather told me the story when I was fourteen.(Serenity)
Serenity: Good vs. Evil War, what was that?(Nikki)
Nikki: It was a war that was good people vs. evil people. It happened in a far away dimension. My mom and dad were the leaders of the good side, and there was an evil person in charge of the evil side. His name was Diabolicus. He used a bomb to wipe out most of my mom, and dads good people. Me and my brother got separated by that bomb, Nikolas got blown to the evil side, and I got blown to the good side. My mom and dad couldn't pay attention to us. My mom and dad were brave people. After all the evil people were dead. My mom and dad did something really brave. They went inside Diabolicus' tower.(Serenity)
Serenity: Then what happened.(Nikki)
Nikki: I don't know, some people say Diabolicus killed my parents, others say my parents killed him. And mostly everybody says all three of them died. After the war was over my grandfather went with me to this dimension. I don't know what happened to Nikolas. My grandfather passed away years after, and that is how I got stuck with my uncle and cousins.(Serenity)

Steve was laying in bed. He was by himself, he was wondering if he can ever fix his robotic arm and leg.

Steve: My robotic arm and leg. I can't believe they're gone.(Himself)

Steve then had an idea, and he decided that he was gonna make new robotic parts for his arm and leg. He would make it more stronger.

Steve: I know what to do. I'll make myself a new robotic arm, and leg. But this time it will be stronger. And I will also upgrade this right robotic eye of mine.(Himself)

But he then realized he can't do that because he doesn't have the equipment in his house.

Steve: Damn, but I can't do that because we don't have any extra technology in this house.(Himself)

Three hours had past, and Mr.Stewart came home. But he came home with some worn out technology for Steve.

Mr.Stewart: Hi guys.(Both)
Serenity: Hi Mr.Stewart, what's in that box?(Mr.Stewart)
Mr.Stewart: It's a surprise for Steve.(Serenity)
Serenity: Cool.(Mr.Stewart)
Mr.Stewart: Where is Steve by the way?(Serenity)
Nikki: I think he's still in his room.(Mr.Stewart)
Mr.Stewart: Steve! Steve.(Steve)
Steve: Yeah, what is it?(Mr.Stewart)
Mr.Stewart: I brought something for you. It's some worn out technology. I took it from school, but i'm sure nobody will notice.(Steve)

He called Steve, and he was excited to see the used parts. From there he was gonna get to work, so he went in his room.

Steve: Woah, that's so cool of you to do that Mr.Stewart. Thanks, I really appreciate it.(Mr.Stewart)
Mr.Stewart: You're welcome.(Steve)
Steve: I'm gonna go in my room to build myself a new arm, and leg, and upgrade my left eye.(Mr.Stewart)

Mr.Stewart asked Zeke if he found out anything.

Mr.Stewart: So Zeke did you find out if your guess about Mary is right.(Zeke)
Zeke: No.(Mr.Stewart)

Back at Serenity's room. Serenity told Nikki to go home. He didn't want to but he had too.

Serenity: Wow, it's night already. Nikki I think you should probably go home now. It's getting kind of late.(Nikki)
Nikki: See you tomorrow at school.(Serenity)

Back at Nikki's house. Nikki's uncle was talking to him. And also his three cousins. They were being really mean to Nikki.

Uncle: Hey, Nikki you're late. Go to your room. You low life.(Nikki)
Cousin 1: Yeah Nikki, Where were you?(Nikki)
Cousin 2: Were you crying that you hate being here.(Nikki)
Cousin 3: Heh, good one.(Cousin 2)

Nikki was getting mad so he went to his room. Nikki was tearing up a little bit. He just wished his parents never died in that war.

Nikki: I hate them so much. I wish my parents never died in that war.(Himself)

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