Chapter 28: Brother Vs. Brother

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Nikki used Rage Beam.

Nikki: RAGE BEAM!(Nikolas)

Nikolas dodged the attack, and he jumped up, and used Despair Blast.

Nikolas: Too slow. DESPAIR BLAST!(Nikki)

Nikki dodge that. Nikki went behind Nikolas and used Multi Punch.

Nikki: MULTI PUNCH!(Nikolas)
Nikolas: He's faster than last time!(Himself)
Nikki: Hhhhaaaaaaa!(Nikolas)

He got Nikolas five times. Nikolas slid back.

Nikolas: Damn it. He hit me.(Himself)

Nikolas talked to Nikki.

Nikki: Heh, am I too fast for you?(Nikolas)
Nikolas: No, this is gonna make things more fun. I've underestimated you brother.(Nikki)

Steve and Serenity were having trouble with Chompy 2.0

Steve: *pant* harder than..I..expected.(Himself)
Serenity: Why did you *pant* have to make your pet so big?(Steve)
Steve: Heh, sorry about that.(Serenity)

Steve used Steel Arm Bang. On Chompy 2.0 head.

Steve: Let's see if this works. STEEL ARM BANG!(Himself)

But nothing happened.

Steve: Damn, it didn't *pant* even make a dent.(Himself)

Chompy 2.0 used Chompy 2.0 Bomb. A big gun came out of his mouth, and he shot Steve and Serenity.

Chompy 2.0: REEEAAAH!(Itself)
Steve: Is that a gun coming out of his mouth?(Serenity)
Serenity: It's a bomb!(Steve)

They both flew but not far from each other.

Serenity: Steve are you OK!?(Steve)
Steve: We flew apart from each other!(Serenity)

Back at the house. Zeke was checking through every paper that Mr.Stewart had on Nikolas. But no results.

Zeke: Come on, there has to be something in one of these paper on how to stop Nikolas.(Himself)

There was no useful information on how to stop him. Zeke then noticed the prophecy.

Zeke: There's nothing, damn it. Wait a second the prophecy.(Himself)

Nikki and Nikolas were still going at it.

Nikki: I will not let you fuse with me.(Nikolas)
Nikolas: Easier said than done.(Nikki)

Nikolas disappeared, and Nikki didn't know where he went.

Nikki: What the hell!? Where did he go?(Himself)

Nikolas then appeared in front of Nikki, then he kicked him up.

Nikolas: In front of you.(Nikki)
Nikki: *Ack*(Himself)

Nikki was up in the air. Nikolas went up in the air and he used Tail Stab.

Nikolas: TAIL STAB!(Nikki)
Nikki: Oh no.(Himself)

He was about to stab Nikki. But then Nikki blocked it.

Nikki: POWER BLOCK!(Himself)
Nikolas: *Arg* He blocked it.(Himself)

Nikki got stabbed a little. Nikki was getting tired.

Nikki: I didn't block it completely.*huff* *huff*(Himself)

Nikolas wasn't.

Nikolas: Tired already. I guess you haven't changed.(Nikki)

Steve used Mecha Rocket, but Chompy 2.0 ate them.

Steve: How about this, MECHA ROCKET!(Chompy 2.0)

Serenity was talking to Steve on how could they beat Chompy 2.0.

Serenity: How in the heck do we beat *huff* something that can't even be damaged.(Steve)
Steve: I don't know.(Serenity)
Serenity: I'll keep attacking it then!(Steve)

Serenity used Sword Of Justice on Chompy 2.0 head. She managed to pierce Chompy 2.0. head.

Serenity: SWORD OF JUSTICE!(Chompy 2.0)
Chompy 2.0: Ruuh?!(Itself)
Serenity: Yes, I pierced it's head!(Herself)

Chompy 2.0 used Spike Ball Tail. It got Serenity. She got hurt badly.

Steve: Serenity watch out!(Serenity)
Serenity: Huh!? *Ack* Ahhhh.(Herself)

She hit the floor, where Steve was. Steve told her to stay down.

Steve: Serenity stay down. You're hurt really bad.(Serenity)

Back at the house. Zeke figured it out.

Zeke: I got it. I figured it out!(Himself)

So he went back to the battlefield.

Zeke: I need to go tell the team!(Himself)

Nikki used Flare Blast. Nikolas' cloak was burning off.

Nikki: Why don't you reveal yourself. FLARE BLAST!(Nikolas)
Nikolas: Damn it, my cloak is starting to burn off.(Himself)

It revealed what Nikolas was hiding in that thing.

Nikolas: I'm surprised you managed to burn off my cloak.(Nikki)
Nikki: So I see you we're also hiding the other half of the necklace, the Yin.(Nikolas)

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