Chapter 25: Steve To The Rescue

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The rockets that came at Grim,they were Steve's rockets.

Grim: What the hell!?(Himself)
Steve: Back off.(Grim)

Steve got Zeke and ran a few steps away. Steve asked what happened to his body. And Zeke asked why he helped him. Steve answered.

Steve: What happened to your body?(Zeke)
Zeke: Grim, did..this. Don't worry...I can heal myself. Why...did me?(Steve)
Steve: Because we're friends, no matter what.(Steve)
Steve: Stay back for now.(Zeke)

Then Grim got up, and he came after Zeke with Death Strike.

Grim: Hahaha, I'm not done with you! DEATH STRIKE!(Steve)
Zeke: He's coming.(Steve)

Steve grabbed Grim's scythe, and Steve used Mecha Punch on Grim. Grim got hurt.

Steve: Too slow.(Grim)
Grim: Impossible. *Arg* No one has ever touched my scythe but me.(Himself)
Steve: MECHA PUNCH!(Grim)
Grim: *Ack* You little.(Steve)

Steve jumped back with Zeke. Zeke was hurt, but he healed himself. Steve said I know in a cocky attitude.

Zeke: Nice.(Steve)
Steve: I know.(Zeke)
Zeke: YDOB LAEH!(Himself)

Steve used Steel Arm Bang on Grim. But Grim dodged it. Grim used Fire Smoke.

Steve: STEEL ARM BANG!(Grim)
Grim: Too slow. FIRE SMOKE!(Steve)

The whole park was filled with smoke. Zeke and Steve couldn't see at all.

Zeke: I can't see anything.(Himself)
Steve: Me either.(Zeke)
Zeke: Where's Grim.(Steve)
Steve: I don't know?(Zeke)

So there was Grims chance to attack Zeke and Steve. He was slicing and dicing Steve and Zeke.

Grim: Now I have you two. SPEED SLASH!(Team Kibo)

They couldn't dodge it because they can't see.

Zeke: Ahh, ack, ugh.(Himself)
Steve: Ahh, ack, ugh.(Himself)

Zeke and Steve was starting to die because of the smoke.

Zeke: *cough*, *cough*. I can't breath.(Steve)
Steve: *cough*, *cough* The smoke is our lounges.(Zeke)

They fell on the floor.

Both: I can't move.(Themselves)

Grim was talking in the smoke. He said there plans to Team Kibo. Team Kibo had the same reaction as Mr.Stewart did.

Grim: You two are just like Mr.Stewart, fools.(Team Kibo)
Zeke: Never.(Grim)
Grim: Well I see no point of keeping this a secret. I know you two may have known that our leader is trying to find the Sepu. And also Zeke you are right, that monster you fought was Mary. And I also have a true form, so don't get too cocky if you kill me the first time.(Team Kibo)

But Zeke was happy, because he was right about Mary being the monster.

Zeke: Heh, I told you Steve. Looks like I was right.(Steve)
Steve: Do you really think *cough* this a good time *cough* to gloat.(Zeke)

Zeke then had an idea. He told Zeke to use his Steel Arm Bang attack on the floor.

Zeke: I have an idea, *cough* to get out of this smoke.(Steve)
Steve: I hope *cough* you do.(Zeke)
Zeke: Use your attack, Steel Arm Bang *cough* on the floor.(Steve)

Steve questioned Zeke, but he had no other ideas.

Steve: Why on *cough* the floor?(Zeke)
Zeke: Do you have any other ideas? Hurry before *cough* we die.(Steve)

Steve did Steel Arm Bang, and he blew Grim away with the rocks. Zeke then used Wolb Evaw, to blow the smoke away.

Steve: STEEL ARM BANG!(Himself)
Grim: What the..Ahh.(Himself)
Zeke: WOLB EVAW!(Himself)

They made it, but barely.

Zeke: Yes, we barely made it.(Steve)

Grim was getting angry.

Grim: I will not die, no not now!(Team Kibo)

Grim then went after Steve to chop of his robotic arm and leg again.

Grim: Steve you're next!(Steve)

But Steve stopped Grim from doing that. Steve grabbed Grim's scythe and he broke it in half.

Steve: I don't think so. I'm starting to get tired of that scythe of yours.(Grim)
Grim: Impossible, he broke my scythe in half! *Arg*(Himself)

Steve and Zeke both used their special attacks at the same time to finish off Grim. Grim was dead.

Grim: *Ack* How could I have these fools.(Himself)

Zeke and Steve knew that it wasn't over. Because of what he told them.

Zeke: Don't get too happy, remember he has his form.(Steve)
Steve: Oh yeah, damn I forgot.(Zeke)

Grim's mask was breaking. And Grim unleashed his true form.

Skeleton Form Grim: This is my true form. There is no way you two fools can stop me in this form!(Team Kibo)

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