Chapter 33: Nikolas Fails

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Nikolas Fused couldn't get out of this one because these were his special chains.

Nikolas Fused: What the hell? I can't break out of these chains.(Himself)
Zeke: Yeah, because these are my special chains. Just for you.(Nikolas Fused)

Nikolas Fused struggled but Nikolas
Fused was breaking out of the chains.

Nikolas Fused: You little.(Zeke)
Zeke: Now guys!(Both)
Nikolas Fused: Heh, heh, heh, hah, ha, ha! You fools these chains can't hold me even if they are special.(Team Kibo)
Zeke: Impossible these are my special chains.(Himself)
Serenity: He's starting to break out of them!(Zeke)

Then Steve used Iron Spread to spread iron all over the chains.

Steve: Zeke give me the chains.(Zeke)
Zeke: OK.(Steve)
Steve: IRON SPREAD!(Himself)
Nikolas Fused: What the, the chains I can't move. The chains suddenly got harder.(Himself)

Team Kibo used the two part team attack.

Serenity: Hurry, while he's still trapped in the Special Steel Chains!(Both)
Steve: Right!(Serenity)
Zeke: Ready.(Both)

Team Kibo formed a triangle around Nikolas Fused. It created a triangle barrier, so Nikolas fused couldn't get out of the barrier. They used Fusion Split to separate Nikki and Nikolas Fused. So Team Kibo used that.

Team Kibo: FUSION SPLIT!(Nikolas Fused)

Nikolas Fused was separating from Nikki. Nikolas Fused said no.

Nikolas Fused: No, this can't be happening! I will not be separated from Nikki! I will keep this form!(Himself)

Nikolas Fused was starting to lose his form.

Nikolas Fused: I can't! I'm starting to lose my form!(Himself)

Nikki was starting to become seeable.

Zeke: I see Nikki!(Both)
Nikolas Fused: The necklace! Damn you!(Team Kibo)

They finally separated.

Nikolas: Aaaahhhh *Ack!* *Arg*
Serenity: Yes! We did it.(Both)

But they couldn't worry about Nikki right now.

Nikolas: Damn it! How could this be? I lost my form. And to these weaklings.(Himself)
Zeke: Serenity don't pay attention to Nikki right now.(Serenity)
Steve: Yeah, we still have to do part two.(Serenity)

It was time for part two. Nikolas was still in the chains. Team Kibo used Fusion Lock. This went on for five minutes.

Team Kibo: FUSION LOCK!(Nikolas)

Team Kibo was too weak to continue the team attack.

Zeke: I can't go on anymore.(Both)
Serenity: Me too. My energy is almost gone.(Both)
Steve: I'm starting to become weak.(Both)

Nikolas was starting to break out of the chains.

Nikolas: Looks like you three have reached your limit.(Team Kibo)

Then Nikki came to help them. Nikki did the team attack. Now the team attack turned into a cube.

Nikki: FUSION LOCK!(Nikolas)
Team Kibo: Nikki!(Team Kibo)

Nikolas was starting to get weaker.

Nikolas: No I can't lose not to these fools.(Himself)

The team attack was successful. It was done.

Team Kibo: We finally did it. Mr.Stewart would be proud of us right now.(Themselves)

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